Hi , I have a simple question I hope someone can answer.
has anyone on here ever actually made a game
using any of these products on here?
I have own almost all these products over the many years
and can't actually remember seeing a game that was completed
and worthy of being sold as a high quality playable game.
I am NOT criticising !!---I really wanna know.
As I am very interested in coming on board with this new FPScreator Reloaded.
I'd just like to feel that there might be a chance this time , of making something worthwhile and viable.
I have worked in modding with the Unreal engine for over 15 yrs and have made
tons of maps and mods for it and so would Luv to be able to do something similar to that with an affordable , flexible game engine like this could turn out to be.
Plese let me know if you have ever made a game with this stuff in here so far or even know anyone who has.
Let's actually make something happen with this one !