To be sure its always best to be transparent and precise about what a product offers for what.
That will best ensure that publicity from comments made by anyone can be taken in context and adjudged by others who may read those comments if they care to look and understand. If not there's nothing one can do about that.
Point being that bad publicity whether deserved or not, correct or not can badly affect a product and company perception for those that read it and sometimes do not take that time to give due consideration and or find out if its accurate or not and make a considered judgement. Often a bad review can put people off and one more sale lost.
Every extra sale and supporter matters as that can lead to even more as opposed to vice versa being the case.
In the case of Reloaded at least now in its current stage of development I do not think that it or TGC need to have even slightly over exaggerated marketing hype attached to it anywhere.
Reloaded can now stand on its own two feet thank goodness so such things are not needed. Best keep it factual and accurate which is just as good. i.e. it has has and will have or may have by intention is good enough to get the support needed. The rest is down to what potential pledgers can already now see which is enough to get them to support and if not then I am sure it will be enough to get them to keep an eye here and wait and see and supply more pledgers ongoing.
TGC have now done the right thing - again and thanks to the OP for actually being the one to say bring this up where others have not done so.
Its all for the best and should keep everyone happy which is where we want to be. A lot of happy people.
EDIT Having checked the feature page out I don't quite think the statements regarding AI Enemy Characters are accurate in the main. I guess that will be corrected shortly if and when the AI system is updated and in situ to show that the statements are accurate.
Don't forget to Update the page ongoing when something more is actually added and is no longer "coming".