Hey all I've been away from the wiki for a long time and its way overdue for an update anyway something I want to do is make it easier for people to use free scripts that we make that all work together. If anyone wants to put up a script pack here's what I'm thinking:
Put all the scripts that work together in a folder.
Don't use the global script for your variables instead make another lua script for them(will call to this later)
Have a readme txt file in there as well which details what the scripts do and also how to add a line in the global script to call your variables script
Then compress the file and attach here then I will host them all and make a new wiki page for them.
I will be doing this my cash, gun purchase and gold silver bronze scripts but hoping I can get a few packs together as I think this will make it easier for all the people out there that don't want to code or just don't have the time or patience
EDIT: I Have attached my own script pack To a post further down if you want to see the type of format and layout i am aiming for here. Thanks, also not compulsory but would be nice if there's a video to go with it to show them working. Tahnkyou