I have created 3 different types of Wind Turbine Still, Slow and Fast. With the Still Wind Turbine all you need to do is put it in your game, with the other two there is a base and then blades.
I have separated the two out so that you can have the animation of the blades going round at the same time the base is solid. As long as you put the base and the blades on the same level they will line up horizontally you just need to place it vertically in the center.
The object in the zip file are:
.x files:
Wind Turbine.x - The base object
Blades - Animated.x - The slow animated blades
Blades - Animated Fast.x
Wind Turbine - Still.x - The Full Wind Turbine inc the blades.
.fpe files:
Wind Turbine (Still).fpe
Wind Turbine (Blades Animated Fast).fpe
Wind turbine (Blades Animated Slowly).fpe
Wind Turbine (Main).fpe
.bmp files:
Wind Turbine (Still).bmp
Wind Turbine (Blades Animated Fast).bmp
Wind turbine (Blades Animated Slowly).bmp
Wind Turbine (Main).bmp
Dirty White_D.dds
Dirty White 02_D.dds
for those who don't already know, just put all of this into your
The Game Creators\FPS Creator Reloaded\Files\entitybank\ folder or create another folder here and away you go.
Everything in the zip file has been created by me and I allow you to use them for commercial or non - commercial projects without payment or recognition.
Hope all of this is of some use and if there are any problems or if anything is missing then please let me know.
I've got something to say
It's better to burn out than fade away.