Scripts / What kind of lua is supported?

GameGuru Tool Maker
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Posted: 30th Mar 2014 12:07 Edited at: 30th Mar 2014 12:09
Hey guys,

I see a lot of good basic scripts at the moment, but for some others I always read this is not supported at the moment. So what is supported at the moment?

Can someone explain this to me( and also too the rest of us who not understand this)?

Offtopic: (Do not be afraid of the spoiler)

Yeah a spoiler box I always want something like that. Thanks, rick! In the last half year I did my exam and now I go to college and study engineering We learn informatics and also a lot of physics. At the moment I write a lot of c programs, which is very interesting, but I hope to come back to my roots (Fps Creator Classic/Reloaded) soon. I hope to see more scripts from time to time from you. You did/do/will do a great job. This guys with their modeling skills are nothing without us and we are nothing without them, excluded the people who can both We are a crazy family in FPSC Classic and I hope we will become one in Reloaded too. Thansk for reading the spoiler.

Best Regards


Make this forum to something a little bit better and release more stuff. So we can push the Request/NoobHelp threads aside.
Pirate Myke
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Posted: 30th Mar 2014 15:05
The only things that are working are the stuff listed in the global.lua file. I am guessing that when the next release comes out, there will be more things we can do.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2014 21:05
The problem is not in LUA, as "whole" LUA is supported, the problem is poor "connection" between LUA engine and FPSC:R engine. You can make e.g. perfect AI in LUA that will work flawlessly in game memory, but at this moment there is no way to apply that AI logic to FPSC (enemy/ally) characters. As said above, look into global.lua to see what functions are supported.

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