Tutorials & Guides / [LOCKED] Modelling Video Series

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Posted: 27th Mar 2014 00:26 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2014 16:33

I have recorded and uploaded the first introductory video for the tutorial series I am making.

This is aimed towards helping the newer members that are looking to learn how to:

• create a basic model

• unwrap that model

• texture it

• export to the correct format

• import into FPSC Reloaded

I will be using Blender to model and unwrap and will be using GIMP to create the textures.

Both pieces of software are open source and completely free to use for commercial and non commercial projects.

You can find the software here



I hope this series can help a few people.

If you have any comments or criticism, please feel free to comment and let me know what I can change or add to make them better.

The video below is only the introduction and I will be recording the rest of the video's over the course of a couple of days/weeks.

Keep posted for the updates. You can always subscribe to my channel and you will be notified when I upload the newest video.

1st Video



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Posted: 27th Mar 2014 12:35 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2014 16:34

I have uploaded the second part of the tutorial series.

In this episode, I show you how to create the base mesh, using the standard tool set, such as, move, scale, extrude and how to add loop cuts.

I also cover how to add background images to use as reference images for you work from.

You can find the new episode here.

If you have any questions or criticisms, please leave me a comment.



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Posted: 27th Mar 2014 13:04
Nice tutorial unfamillia thanks for taking the time out to share.

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Posted: 27th Mar 2014 13:36
You're welcome.

There is more videos to come. I already have another part recorded that is processing at the minute and I will be recording another tonight. So, I should be able to have the complete series finished in a week or so.

Hope it helps.



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Posted: 28th Mar 2014 00:29 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2014 16:35

The third video in the series is now up.

In this one, I show you how to cleanly mark seams in the model to eliminate any stretching of UV's. THEN, I show you how to unwrap it! I know a lot of people have been waiting for this one.

I also show you how to bake a simple AO (ambient occlusion) map to the base texture.

The next video will be all about creating the texture.

The new video can be found here

As always, if you have any comments or criticism, please feel free to comment. Am I going too fast? Too slow? Not explaining things enough. I need to know to improve.



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Posted: 28th Mar 2014 02:59
Outstanding videos! I watched all 3 videos. Having never attempted a model, these have given me a nice insight to how it is done and more respect for those that do it all of the time. I have not tried creating one yet and will probably watch the videos at least one more time before I do. Thanks for taking the time to make these. Looking forward to the next ones.
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Posted: 28th Mar 2014 14:04

Thanks for the nice comment. Glad you feel they might help you.

I will be updating soon with the next part that will cover texturing.



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Posted: 30th Mar 2014 21:28
Absolutely AMAZING!!! tutorials............ I have tried Blender many times over the years but have stuggled every time. Thankyou so much and I am itching to see the next one!!!
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Posted: 31st Mar 2014 02:57
Wonderful Tutorials

I actually learned more than I thought I would. Thanks. Can't wait for some more.
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Posted: 31st Mar 2014 09:53

Thanks. Glad they can be of help.


You obviously already had the basics down, but, these might teach you a couple of extra short-cuts or different ways of doing things.

To all,

I have had a sore throat and a serious case of man flu this weekend! I feel as though I am on the road to recovery, but, it has hindered me recording any other episodes. However, I will be recording the next tutorial tonight. It should be up and ready to go tomorrow.



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Posted: 1st Apr 2014 11:53 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2014 16:36

As promised, The next part of the tutorial is now uploaded.

In this episode, I show you how to create the texture for the model. There are a few simple little tricks and tips that will hopefully help you along your way.

The new video can be found here

As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.



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Posted: 2nd Apr 2014 02:51 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2014 16:38

I have really enjoyed making these, so, if anyone found them useful, please comment either here or on YouTube and I will be taking requests, to teach people how to make other models.

If you have an idea for a model that you might want to learn how to create, please feel free to contact me.

The new video can be found here



EDIT - In case anyone likes to see images, this is what we have created in this tutorial.


Inside Reloaded

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Posted: 4th Apr 2014 14:23
Has anyone found these helpful?

I was going to create another tutorial for this series that will go into advanced texture design. Adding little extra's that will really make your model seem more realistic.


Does anyone have a suggestion of a particular model they might want to learn how to make? something like a wall and an animated gate? Or maybe some supply crates? or even an animated security camera on a high pole?



henry ham
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Posted: 4th Apr 2014 16:55
a well done set of tutorials mate , im sure they will be a big help to beginners. i didn't need them but still watched them & thought you covered all the basics people would need.if you enjoyed making them then do more as people always need extra pointers & tips.

cheers henry

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Posted: 4th Apr 2014 17:03
Thanks Henry.

I understand that an artist of your calibre wouldn't need these tutorials, so, I appreciate you taking the time to watch them and give feedback.

I did actually quite enjoy making them and do want to create more, but, I am a bit stumped regarding what to make next.

Any suggestions are always welcome.

Oh, I must say thank you to you for your tutorial on your site. I must have looked at it a good few years back when I was learning how to create textures and I learnt what I know about metal textures from your site. So, thanks!



(whereabouts are you from Henry? I just noticed that we both sign off the same!)

henry ham
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Posted: 4th Apr 2014 19:06
Quote: "Any suggestions are always welcome"

how about the forklift to move them about ? you could do it in small chunks so people can follow along with you.maybe provide a scene file with the video so people can load up your model & compare it to there's as they go along.i know it might be to much of a jump from this tutorial but its the first thing that came into my head lol .

Quote: "Oh, I must say thank you to you for your tutorial on your site. I must have looked at it a good few years back when I was learning how to create textures and I learnt what I know about metal textures from your site. So, thanks! "

cheers for that mate its good to know that they help.

Quote: "(whereabouts are you from Henry? I just noticed that we both sign off the same!)"

im from Lincoln in Lincolnshire mate

cheers henry

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Posted: 5th Apr 2014 00:30
Quote: "how about the forklift to move them about?"

I like that idea. I feel it may be a bit too advanced for the beginners, but, if I go slow enough (and like you said) break it up into sections, it shouldn't be too hard to follow.

Quote: "im from Lincoln in Lincolnshire mate"

I'm from Preston in Lancashire. (only 2 hours 30 mins away)

I think I will make a start on the forklift idea.



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Posted: 5th Apr 2014 00:54
heres some reference shots from my private collection they may be of some help to you mate

cheers henry

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Posted: 5th Apr 2014 01:01
Thanks for those Henry. They will come in very handy. Huge file sizes! I shoot RAW when taking pictures and they aren't even that size! haha.

Perfect perspectives though, thanks.



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Posted: 5th Apr 2014 02:47
I think your videos are great! I plan on watching them again and trying it out for myself in the next couple of weeks, got a lot going on right now.
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Posted: 5th Apr 2014 10:18
Only just started with Blender so these are going to be essential for me...

Please don't give up .... And they really deserve to be sticky
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Posted: 5th Apr 2014 13:19
Quote: "Only just started with Blender so these are going to be essential for me...

Please don't give up .... And they really deserve to be sticky "

synchromesh, I fully agree with you. I plan on watching these videos several times when I attempt to make my first model.

unfamillia has done an outstanding job with these! This series is for basic modeling. Is there a plan to make one for intermediate etc.?
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Posted: 5th Apr 2014 22:21
Quote: " Is there a plan to make one for intermediate etc.?"

I was going to complete this series with an advanced texture tutorial. Then move on to something a little harder. Henry (above) has suggested maybe modelling a Forklift truck. Now, this will be quite a bit harder than a simple model, but, I feel as though you should be able to follow along.

What's your thoughts?



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Posted: 6th Apr 2014 04:21 Edited at: 6th Apr 2014 04:36
A forklift would be cool if you think we will be up to it after the first Tutorials

Also I thought these were so good I really wanted to keep them on a Dvd but got slightly carried away and started making menus, Buttons and before I new it !!....

I wondered if I could put it up an ISO or Installer for a community download ?

Worth keeping as a collection I thought .. I could even add blender and Gimp on a tools page as they are free ?

Of course the videos go high quality fullscreen when clicked..

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Posted: 6th Apr 2014 15:00
I have no issue with you creating the ISO for other forum users. If you are going to do it, please ensure to let me know what artwork of mine you wish to be using; then at least I can give you proper files rather than trying to botch it from somewhere!

If you intend to do this for all the files, I can imagine you will be busy. I don't intend on stopping these videos any time soon! haha.



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Posted: 6th Apr 2014 19:34
Since reloaded is primarily an FPS engine, how about going a little further with the barrier itself before you move on to the lift. Do some damage to it like break off a corner or something.

Thanks for the vids

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Posted: 7th Apr 2014 02:30 Edited at: 7th Apr 2014 02:31
@unfamillia, Thank you for this tut. I have tried and tried to figure blender out, any modeling program for that matter. Your tut is the easiest I've ever seen. Just finished tut #2, attached is my work. How's it look. This is my very first model ever. Th
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Posted: 7th Apr 2014 09:42 Edited at: 7th Apr 2014 09:49

I did actually say in one the first videos that I recorded, I was going to make one with a bit of damage on! Although, I think that was one of the practice videos that was deleted shortly after recording.

Thank you for reminding me a
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Posted: 7th Apr 2014 23:46
@unfamillia, one quick question, how do you know the correct scale in blender, that will work in fpscr?

mk83 Productions

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Posted: 7th Apr 2014 23:53 Edited at: 10th Apr 2014 14:15

I just work off the knowledge that each floor panel is 100x100 units in blender.

You can scale things accordingly using that. I tend to use Entity Workshop to help get the scale perfect if I feel I am struggling.

Once you have fin
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Posted: 8th Apr 2014 06:55
thanks, that helps.

mk83 Productions

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Posted: 10th Apr 2014 14:13 Edited at: 10th Apr 2014 14:14
To anyone that is following these tutorials,

I have been practising a few different techniques and trying out a few ideas for the new videos. I have decided they will follow this order:

• Edit original model to have minor damage

• Retexture the new damaged model

• Edit original model to have heavy damage

• Retexture the new heavily damaged model

• Edit original model to have extreme damage (broken in half)

• Retexture the new extremely damaged model

• Add a new entity to add to the original model (Wire fence with poles)

• Texture the wire fence (if it doesn't fit into one video with the above)

Move onto more intermediate videos.

These videos will focus on some slightly advanced techniques to achieve results, improving workflow and generally speeding up the entire process. For these videos, I am going to be modelling, texturing and potentially animating a forklift truck.

If you have any ideas or thoughts about any of the above, please feel free to comment below.



henry ham
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Posted: 10th Apr 2014 19:33
sounds good mate looking forward to watching them

cheers henry

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Posted: 11th Apr 2014 02:47
Great news! I look forward to seeing them.
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Posted: 11th Apr 2014 05:17
Sounds good.

Quote: " improving workflow and generally speeding up the entire process"

Exactly what I need

I'm finding some things take me far longer to do in Blender, than it took me in my old modeling programs. But I know it's just a matter of getting used to the software and your tutorials are actually helping get the tools and hotkeys memorized. So thanks again for them.

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Posted: 13th Apr 2014 16:26


Blender is all about the hotkeys! I think thats why some people find it hard at first as the UI itself can be daunting and a bit confusing when trying to remember exactly which menu each option is in.

I have seen your mod
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Posted: 16th Apr 2014 02:00 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2014 16:39

I have created video number 6 of the tutorial series and it is currently uploading; so, will be available very soon.

In this video, I show you how to add some minor damage to the model that we have been making throughout the series. This is to add variation when placing more than one instance in the same area.

I don't go into texturing in this video, that will be for the next one.

I hope you find this helpful.

You can find the video here.



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Posted: 18th Apr 2014 19:34
Managed to complete Pt.1... Your Tut is Very Good matey but Blender

has a life of its own some of the keys you show in your Tut dont

always work, weather its a windows 7 64bit issue with the sofware

not sure but with a lot of messing about i did get the result below.

Next .............. here we go Pt 2 hope Bleder behaves.

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Posted: 18th Apr 2014 19:42
looks good clark now get it textured & ingame

cheers henry

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Posted: 19th Apr 2014 00:14
@Super Clark,

Looking good mate! Glad you found them easy to follow.

I am interested however; which shortcut keys were different? I use WIn7 x64.


I am confused......how long has that shiny MOD badge been sat next to your na
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Posted: 19th Apr 2014 00:43
Quote: "@Henry,

I am confused......how long has that shiny MOD badge been sat next to your name? Have I just never noticed it before, or is that something new?


lol if i told you i would have to ban you !!

only had it a few days mate im now the mod for the modeling threads

cheers henry

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Posted: 19th Apr 2014 00:48
Quote: "lol if i told you i would have to ban you !!"

*GULP* Put down the ban stick and walk away......

Good to know that there is an experienced artist to help moderate these threads.

Awww, now I want a nice shiny new badge!



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Posted: 20th Apr 2014 17:06
Jay, I am trying to start building the concrete barrier and I can't seem to find the link for the reference image. I may just be missing it somewhere. Also, can you provide links to the add on for blender to export to .x and any other links that we would need for the add on scripts. I have already downloaded Blender and Gimp.

Looking forward to tutorial 7.

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Posted: 20th Apr 2014 23:39 Edited at: 20th Apr 2014 23:41
Somthing went wrong somewere.... no clue what

Blender setings in image

any ideas what went wrong unfamillia ?

any help would be greatful.

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Posted: 20th Apr 2014 23:48

All the links for everything needed are in the description on each video (actually on YouTube). The first video contains the majority of the links that you will need, then, as the videos progress, you will find the rest of the links for tex
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Posted: 21st Apr 2014 00:22
Hi jay.. did what you said to do no change also the size bit

you state to to with the add plane, i did that bit but it

did not alter the size in entity workshop at all.

had to size it myself.

Think somthing has gome wrong with the textures bit as

Gimp crashed on me when i was creating the textures

so when i opend it again noth was there.

Think I will have a go of doing the textures part again


or is there anything else i can try first
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Posted: 21st Apr 2014 00:25
Its hard for me to say exactly what has happened here, so, if you send me the .blend file, I will take a look. Make sure to include the texture files.



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Posted: 21st Apr 2014 00:35 Edited at: 21st Apr 2014 00:46
Attached all files i have used and saved gimp file.

.x file also

Thanks jay
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Posted: 21st Apr 2014 01:08 Edited at: 21st Apr 2014 01:08
I couldn't see anything wrong with the .blend file, so, I tried to export one of my own models. I had exactly the same problem. So, after a bit of playing with settings, I came to the conclusion that you are also using 2.70. The direct X exporter for the newer version seems to have a few of the wrong default settings.

I managed to get my model working in Reloaded. All I changed was the export setting called 'Coordinate System'. It is 'Right Handed' by default and I remember the old version being left handed; so, I changed this to 'Left Handed' and it worked.

Setting attached.

Good looking model by the way! I opened all the files and I thought I was looking at my own work! Good job.



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Posted: 21st Apr 2014 01:24
Nope matey mine is set same as this...

all i can notice is if i open the file from start the barrier

is pink no textures.

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