Free Models and Media / [STICKY] Available Artists for Free Work: Game Guru

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Posted: 25th Mar 2014 17:57 Edited at: 5th Nov 2014 16:45
Available Artists for Free Work: ReLoaded

In order to keep threads, on the FPSC 3rd-Party Media Board, requesting free media creation to a minimum; this sticky has been created (all threads asking for free media will now be locked).

For Artists who wish to make themselves available for free work (whether it's for portfolio work, or out of the goodness of their own hearts); you can be listed here, you simply need to send me (KeithC) a PM requesting placement in this thread. If you wish to be removed, simply PM me again. You should have the following information ready when contacting me to be included here:

- Forum Name

- Type of Art preferred (ie., environment, character, weaponry, music, sound FX, any, etc)

- Contact information (email address is sufficient)

- Link to portfolio or site with work shown (optional)

- Status: Available or NOT Available

For Developers who are looking for some free media to be created for their projects; simply peruse the list of Artists and contact them, or create the following post in this thread:

- Type of Art needed (ie., environment, character, weaponry, music, sound FX, etc.)

- Specifics on the Piece you need done (ie., animated, static, textured/non-textured, with or without scripts, etc.)

- Examples of what you need (DO NOT upload media to your post) in the form of links or images.

- Any deadline you may have.

It is up to the Artist, as to whether the media they create will be for public consumption, or for proprietary use.

All posts in this thread that do not adhere to the layout for "Developers" above will be deleted.

If you are looking for "paid" work to be done; please check out this thread before proceeding: How much to expect to pay for Custom Media


Disclaimer: The Game Creators do not endorse any of the included artists here, nor are they responsible for any outcome between Artist and Developer. Do not contact TGC Staff (or Forum Moderators) about issues you may have with a particular Artist. Conversely; Artists should not contact TGC Staff or Mods about a particular Developer.
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Posted: 11th Apr 2014 15:46 Edited at: 11th Apr 2014 15:46
- Forum Name: tripper

- Type of Art preferred: Environment, Sound FX, Music, Texture Design

- Contact information:

- Link to portfolio or site with work shown: N/A

- Status: Available
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Location: 1x1x1 Cube
Posted: 3rd Jul 2014 07:27
- Forum Name: jlmoondog

- Type of Art preferred: Generic 3D

- Contact information:

- Link to portfolio or site with work shown: N/A

- Status: Available

- Disclosure: 1-2 weeks for a finished model.

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