Personally I can't see the point or any advantage either given the Beta nature of the product and the fact that quite likely it will only have some impact on the performance to boot. I would not trust it not to so best avoided like a plague.
Anything that interferes with concentration on the basic stuff is best stayed well away from for the moment in my opinion.
I presume that eventually it would be intended that media might be loaded in such ways to your compiled games before start but likely unless anything changes we will get stuck with legacy old hat and dying file formats that are composed of very large file sizes again that bloat distributed Games sizes out of proportion unnecessarily as has always been the case. Some of these file formats are at the end of their life and due to lose any kind of official support even but nothing new there when it comes to things FPSC.
On the subject FPSC Video and Audio formats should have been changed years ago but as far as I am aware the legacy formats continue to prevail and be embraced.
No improvement or help to Reloaded game makers there.