Nice work Henry, been seeing a lot of shared texture maps being used now. It's a good and a bad thing depending on what they are intended for. It's a real balancing act creating for many users rather than the ease of a single development.
The main concern is using a large Atlas on a lot of objects and then a user takes one small model and calls a huge texture which isn't required, in fact calls three huge textures in Reloaded.
The stock buildings in Reloaded use a 2048x2048 template and there is an incredible amount of wasted empty space with a sliver of wall texture only 512 wide and a space the same size next to it which could have been used to prevent some repetition of the texture. This sliver is tiled and mirrored around the walls and is really obvious if you look at it.
Mostly repetition can be gotten away with but not when it's sitting right beside each other or worse...mirrored, I am beginning to wonder why they are so against multi texturing, if you think about it this is exactly what Classic did with segments, some of which even used variations of the same texture and could lead to a lot of these, and also dynamic entity's.
For some reason this is now considered a performance drain, they may be right since Classic lagged badly but to me that was always shaders and AI at the bottom of it and how FPSC handled it all.
Guess what I am trying to say is that the player really doesn't notice it too much, they should be too busy trying to survive.
Liking this stuff very much