Hello again
I haven't played with the scripts part of the new beta until today, I created a gate that opens and closes so I thought that I would try it out.
I put the gate into FPSCR and then got one of the scripts for opening and closing without a key and set it as the main script for the entity. The new script was called dooropenwithoutkey.lua. When I ran it I got an error as in the image below.
I tried restarting the program with the new script in place still the same. So I decided to try and change the door script already in place and then restart the program, still the same error.
I also tried renaming the original door script, restarting the program and setting the new name of the door script as the main script for the gate, now this worked originally when it was called door.lua but not when I changed its name.
No matter what I do the program only seems to allow me to use the original scripts, am I missing something??
Please can anyone help
I've got something to say
It's better to burn out than fade away.