Feature Creep / "Game Creator" User Idea's in a nut shell

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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 14:27
Understanding that this is still very early days

I was wondering about the CREATOR part of our title and wondering

how far of you think it will be before we can implement our own

touch to certain items


The ability to add our own customer spay on textures

The ability to edit Game settings "texture sizes based on graphic cards" thu this might be a option in lee next update after reading his blog but more specifically have these options within the editor instead of searching for

them within a file and editing that.

and understanding that performance is lee's focus is there other programmers

that we hear about (in lee's blog) that would be able to see to a few of the

smaller requests that keep appearing in the future creeps section as this would

satisfy a lot of people for the next Beta/Alpha


CTRL - Z "an UNDO function"

Gradient / Slope tool for terrain editing

Tool for measuring scale

height map imports / export

option and preferences menu (that could house above options)

smaller maps size (again possibly under pref menu)

hierarchy Tree for entities (side menu pop out and hide able maybe)

Multiple entity select

3rd person view (possibly in pref menu / or mouse wheel / or button)

Graphic pref before loading the map so you can set them to high or low before loading as apposed to the editor using the last known settings

the ability to view in the 2d editor in a basic 3d walk around with lowered detail

the ability to enable a 4 windowed view in the 2d editor (Side/Front/Top/3D)

Weather system (whole map or independent zones?)

Plugin system for user add-ons

in game auto updater

Dynamic Particle Emitters

Weapon editor (accuracy / bullet damage / bullet range)

gravity option (possibly in pref of the editor)

the ability to edit the water colour and transparency and wave height (in both 2d editor and 3D editor) this looks like it should be quite easy based on current mods going around)

Importing models (thu this shouldn't be to far of I hope) with a scaling option

Sound fall off system

rain and snow (but this probably falls under particle system

Water block / water on high ground (this has come up and was put as much further down the track)

Better way point and way point functionality

the ability to go under water (with possible O2 function)

Cave tool (possibly not possible due to the amount of poly and verts but also a possible future come back and re asses as with the right amount of knowledge anything is possible.

Win zones ability to load another map (ie moving from 1 lvl to another)

3D editor functions (the ability to stack items / the ability to raise and lower items / the ability to rotate items)

I think that probably sums up what the users are really looking FWD to in the next Beta / Alpha (UNDERSTANDING THAT PERFORMACE IS STILL PRIORITY 1)

These items (MIGHT) be able to be completed by other programmers tho


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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 17:24
I think at that stage I will be receiving my FPS Creator Reloaded DVD in the post

I know it will never really be finished ( always can be improved ) but with all those features im thinking it will be a retail product like FPSC.

I think we are still a good 12 months off that or longer
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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 02:38 Edited at: 6th Mar 2014 03:02
Quote: "The ability to edit Game settings "texture sizes based on graphic cards" thu this might be a option in lee next update after reading his blog but more specifically have these options within the editor instead of searching for

them within a file and editing that."

Its not that all hard to change the texture size divider. I mean its just one line in the setup. This is something that should be allowed to be user-ended and not built directly into the editor. This allows for the user to change the texture size based on their graphics card - and not to be forced to a certain size.

In the future we can look at creating option menus in the game that allow for the user to change texture quality; and this would write to the setup file.

Quote: "rain and snow (but this probably falls under particle system"

This has been a confirmed feature which we will see in the future. I just hope it doesn't become a half-assed HUD of rain or snow falling. I'd love something more related to particles for a 3D affect so that if you look up it looks like rain is coming downward and etc.

Quote: "The ability to add our own customer spay on textures"

You can but the manner in which you achieve this isn't entirely easy.

Quote: "the ability to enable a 4 windowed view in the 2d editor (Side/Front/Top/3D)"

Rick has mentioned that this is something that will not be added to FPSC-Reloaded.

Quote: "3rd person view (possibly in pref menu / or mouse wheel / or button)"

At the rate FPSC Reloaded is going I don't think we'll see 3rd person for years to come.

Quote: "3D editor functions (the ability to stack items / the ability to raise and lower items / the ability to rotate items)


You can already do this:

Press Enter to stack items (doesn't seem to work as well as it used to)

Press R to rotate. You can also use the number keys to flip items in various directions. Holding Shift does it softly.

Use Page UP and Page Down to raise and lower your item on the map.

Quote: "Weather system (whole map or independent zones?)"

I would love the ability to call various weather based on trigger zones. So that's a great idea about independent zones. That's what they do in Skyrim. You pretty much have weather trigger zones.

Quote: "hierarchy Tree for entities (side menu pop out and hide able maybe)"

I think this should be a must. It gets messy with big maps and tons of entities around. I hope this is considered in the future.

There is quite a lot of things you have listed that I'd love to see for sure.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2014 04:17
Thank you Teabone

great input as far as what to expect and when

as far as the 3D editor goes you still cant STACK, or raise and lower

or rotate in the 3D editor

Pg up Pg down raises and lowers the camera


Bring It On

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 07:50
OH sorry about that didn't catch the "3D editor" part :p

Your right about all the abilities to modify an entire are not there. That would be really great if we could have that.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 08:03

Some great ideas here, but I'm moving the thread to feature creep so we can keep all of the information in one place.


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Posted: 5th May 2014 08:51
Does the Gold pledge allow me to make my own characters and weapons? Can I made other entities to sell on the market? How can I do it, if the store was made right now? Can I individually create custom textures on my levels, characters, and weapons? Is there custom animation of weapons, doors, windows, characters, door knobs, lighting like nature lighting, street lights, house or buildings lights, sunlight, moonlight, or even on vehicles like cars, trucks, planes, spaceships?

Is nature controlled? Meaning can we tigger centrin weather? Player walks/runs into type of weather chosen? like strength of wind or speed of wind, rain, snow, hail and other weather types? Tigger off explodes in the game? Can I make tunnel above and underground with the terrain? Like make underground cave with water? Can I make custom sound effects or music?

Can I make it a MMO-FPS? like Unreal Tournament or Counter-Strike?

I want to buy Gold ($100) version.
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Posted: 7th May 2014 21:13
Hello? Anyone going to answer me?
henry ham
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Posted: 7th May 2014 23:00
Quote: "Does the Gold pledge allow me to make my own characters and weapons?"

you can import models you have made in a 3d modeling program into reloaded.however there is no option to make characters & weapons within reloaded right now.

Quote: "Can I made other entities to sell on the market? How can I do it, if the store was made right now?"

the store is open right now http://tgcstore.net/en/all you need is a 3d modeling program & the basic skills to use it.

cheers henry

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