Virtual Reality / I cannot switch from monitor to rift

Slim Tonone
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Posted: 28th Feb 2014 03:26
I have a slight problem. Rift works great with the demo world program. I save a Reloaded standalone, add Riftmode=1 to the setup file. The file opens with no gamepad controls, F9 brings up the game menu, F11 does nothing, the OR headset moves the image on the monitor but the OR headset lcd shows the monitor is the opposite of what it should be.

I have attached my setup file. Any help or suggestion would be appreciated...I have searched extensively for any file configurations I may need but haven't found anything but Lee's video using OR.
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 1st Mar 2014 01:37
Is your video card set up for extended desktop or duplicate? I know in the rift docs they recommend extended but I couldn't get mine to work at all unless I set it for duplicate. On 3 different computers, 4 different video cards. Also, is the rift set as monitor 2? Hope that helps! Also, there is no gamepad support in Reloaded as of yet that I am aware of, just WASD or arrow keys. Good luck!
Slim Tonone
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Posted: 1st Mar 2014 04:21
Thanks Jerry That has allowed me to use the OR. My OR display definitely needs help. The OR display is a lot like one of the DB games from yesteryear. My monitor is crisp and sharp. Any more ideas to help? Also my mouse control just fades away and I lean bad both left and right. Sometimes mouse control returns and I can straighten up but mostly I just close and restart. Any thoughts? Thanks again.
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 1st Mar 2014 14:20 Edited at: 1st Mar 2014 15:33
I have only used the Rift with Reloaded so far with a simple test level I made: A small pond, several trees, hills, and a couple tents and buildings. On that little test, it seems to be working fairly well, although the OR's pitch, yaw, and roll seem to be a little off (exaggerated)at times. I only use the mouse to help correct for that and to turn myself in directions that are just not possible while facing in one direction (like turning around). I found the same issues with several of the "tech demos" that are floating around out there. ( ("Alone in the Rift" is a great one, if you haven't checked it out yet; very well done) My rift also worked perfectly with the demo world (if you're referring to that little Tuscany style building). The OR development kit also suffers from what is called "the screen door effect" due to a 1280X800 resolution split between two eyes. Rather low resolution, which will improve significantly in the consumer version. Sorry I don't know what's up with your mouse, but keep this in mind: The rift is in the development stage as yet, and Reloaded is still in beta and we can expect it to be for some time to come (perhaps a year or more!). They simply wanted to get basic functionality out there quickly, and I think we can expect (and we have seen already in other areas of Reloaded) that it will behave somewhat differently on different hardware. I have a slightly different experience on each of my 3 machines. They are aware of the issues. For instance, weapons for some reason don't show up in the rift so I might as well forget putting in any enemies as well! Also, the water isn't visible in the rift, and when I go in, I take damage! LOL! If you are a user of Dark Basic Pro and are itching to get developing with the rift without spending all that cash on Unity Pro there is a guy (faizeq, I think his name is) over on the DBPro forum who has begun adapting the OR .dll to DBPro. I've been playing around with that code (the second one, lower on the thread) for the past few weeks (while waiting for updates here) and it is quite promising. So far I can load my own world (level made in FPSC Classic) and several animated characters (high-poly characters, around 60k polys each, from DAZ Studio, decimated of course, as I read somewhere DirectX 9 doesn't like single entities over 65k so I haven't tried them), and still pull a few hundred fps. With his code you can tweak the OR settings and also mess with pitch, roll and yaw deltas. It also implements Sparky's collision and has XBox360 controller support. Nice. The only issue I have with his code is his speed algorithm is wrong. I still need to delve into that. Oh, one other issue, he implements a bloom shader which tends to wash out textures, but it is adjustable to a certain extent, but when turned down it leaves too much shadow. I may try a different shader some time.

Edit: Another cool thing about using the DBPro with that .dll is that 1st person perspective is truly 1st person. By placing the camera at the head (limb) location of your own character you have full body awareness. I'm soon going to be playing around with limb control commands to see just how far I can take this, perhaps even making my own controller for the rift. Sorry if my post is lengthy but I am excited about this new tech as are many! Good luck!

Don (Jerry isn't my real name)
Slim Tonone
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2014 03:42
Thanks again Don. I will definitely check out the DBPro forum. The rift is fascinating and I was thinking about how great it would be with FPSC levels. I am not getting as nauseous as quickly nor as bad as the first time. Are you past that stage yet? If so how long did it take? Thanks
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2014 04:41 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2014 05:01
I got my OR back in early December and though I'm not really prone to motion sickness normally, I did feel quite a bit disoriented (I can't say queasy or nauseous) at times with various tech demos. I also felt it the other day while playing with the DBPro code that I was talking about in my previous post. I was messing with camera placement on my "virtual self" and it had nothing to do with the OR's pitch or rotation, etc. I really don't know what caused it, but it took a lot of trial and error to get camera placement correct on my figure (I still need to scale things correctly, as most of the time if I look down, I'm looking THROUGH my torso.) As far as that .dll is concerned, the pitch, etc. is pretty steady. If you are using an Xbox controller, however, make sure it is connected before starting any program (I use a wireless one and it times out the connection after a while). If it is not connected, the program will spin you like crazy!

Edit: With that .dll/faizeq's code you HAVE to use an Xbox360 controller, otherwise you must modify the code to suit whatever you're using. I found it easiest to just buy the controller ($30 on Amazon, ordered it at 7am it was on my doorstep by 4 pm; I live in a metro area, your results may vary)

Another Edit: Just noticed you're in Houston. My sister used to live there! Outside Houston, actually. Never visited her then. I live in the Phoenix, AZ metro area (suburb). I would assume Amazon wouldn't be an issue!
Slim Tonone
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2014 05:05
Thanks again. I have the controller so I'm good there. I'm going to try a mini classic level with DBPro and see what happens. I appreciate your input.
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 02:38
Previously, I said that faizeq's speed algorithm was wrong in his Oculus Rift code for DBPro. I just want to correct that. It works correctly; it was his comment after the speed variable that threw me! (Don't change THAT value, just use multiplication in the joystick calls) I also said I had full-body awareness with the OR. I did, but I no longer do, and I don't know why. Rotation wasn't working correctly, so I started changing some things. I would have normally "remmed out" the old code while trying my own, but for some reason didn't! Back to square two for now.
Slim Tonone
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Posted: 5th Mar 2014 05:33
I haven't had any success yet getting faiquz's code operational yet. Something simple I'm sure. Thanks for your insight.
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 7th Mar 2014 05:01
Does his code at least launch? If so, try different resolutions when the display option comes up. If it is stopping on "DisplayMode$" then just Rem that line out and go from there. The line above it sets the resolution correctly (at least on my desktop) anyway. No need to go through all the options it offers. It isn't 1200x800 but it's close enough (1024x768). Just the other day I let my desktop finally upgrade to Win 8.1 (a move I regret) and from that point on I've had issues but have resolved most of them. I had to download the latest Synergy editor and turn off all kinds of stuff to even get it to run and recognize all my dbpro add-ons. From that point on it did not like that "DisplayMode$" and that's when I realized it wasn't necessary anyway. Hopefully you're running an older OS!

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