Virtual Reality / Great work, but some flaws (Aiming and ideas)

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Posted: 7th Feb 2014 09:09
Its great to play around with the VR and its working quite well.

But please integrate the independent aiming as soon as possible.

In the old FPSC it was quite hard to implement this, becaue the aiming is deeply anchored in the code - and with ORVR the old method will not work at all

(Recenter Screen for 3 frames, to calculate the shoot).

I know it is not so easy to calculate a mouse position on 2D projected in a 3D world.

An idea how I did it in Gamemaker

When a shoot is triggered the code draws all hitable Objects in an variation of white.

Then the code checks the color at the mouse position and compares it to the white variations. If there is an match the code knows at which object the player is pointing/shooting.

After the check all objects are drawn with their normal texture (same runthrough)

- There are 16 million colors so an excluded range of 1000 color steps (100 Objects with 10 steps space inbetween) does not matter at all.

- If you redraw the object with their normal texture in the same step, you do not see any flickering

- In Gamemaker it is necessary to turn of lightning during the check.

Another option is:

Calculate the 2D Projections of all hitboxes to the screen canavas. Then you can simply make an 2D collision check (Mouse vs Projection)

The hardest part with this that there can be objects behind another, so I gave all projections a level (z-axis) number, and the code used this number to calculate the right hitbox projection if a multi collision occurs

I have never look into DB, so may there is an easier way to do it.
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Posted: 12th Feb 2014 20:43

do all have the problem, that your view is getting "drunk (moving sideways)" when you use your mouse for navigation, while in ORVR Mode


Another nice addition would be if Wiimote support would be possible, cause you can use the wiimote with gun holder to aim and the ORVR for looking.

I have this setup for gamemaker, but without nativ ORVR support, and it works great.

With the Wiimote you do not have to have a monitor just the two LEDS. Stuff is cheap and easy to get. Blue Tooth is also easy to connect to a PC. Drivers are quite well documented and native Windows
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Posted: 25th Feb 2014 23:33 Edited at: 25th Feb 2014 23:34
The Hydra would be nice to have as an option. When playing an Oculus game if the only option is head to aim I just pass it. I think having your head separate from the weapon is very important in VR. Honestly though I can't even get the VR mode to work on any FPSR standalone. It always crashes during loading.
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Posted: 19th Mar 2014 15:44
Just another idea for off center aiming. I did this in another project and it worked:

Imagine a vertical plain in front of the player.

then create an "ray" on the mouse position right angled to this plaine.

Calculate the collisions, and you have it.

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