Product Chat / Beta 1.005

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2014 15:13
Hi, Beta 1.005 runs fine on my MAC. I love the new 3d editing mode. Great Job.

Of course frame rate can be improved, and will be I'm sure.

There are some minor issues like not being able to paint grass or other textures in realtime. But it sounds like a lot of people have mid range to low range machines, and that is probably why Things are not 100%.

I think it is hard to make a premium game creator, that is simple to use for every kind of machine. Normally it takes an army of programmers to create game engines. Lee has a lot on his plate. I think the minimum a game developer must have is a mid range to higher end machine handy for testing purposes. It is not surprising, when taking the Rift into account, that gamers will soon start demanding VR that looks as photorealistic as possible, and lower end machines will not so easily cut it in the near future.

I also build levels and content like game characters for CryEngine 3, and that is mind-boggling difficult, but CryEngine, although it is the most advanced engine in the world, has way more bugs, and no Rift support. The online documentation is confusing and convoluted too. Lee has kicked their ass on this so to speak.

What makes reloaded so attractive is its simplicity, and potential complexity using scripting. Patience as all that is needed.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2014 16:18 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2014 16:19
Quote: "a lot of people have mid range to low range machines, and that is probably why Things are not 100%"

Running an I7 24Gb mem Twin graphics card i run crysis on crazy ass settings with 3 monitors no sweat and i get 35-45 fps with fps reloaded

so if it runs like that on mines i wouldn't like to have a low end machine they need to just focus on the engine.

Also i think alot of engines are not implementing the rift as that is also in beta and will change so when they change something they would need to fix it also the rift is old they are already onto the Crystal Cove

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2014 17:56
I fear we may be falling into the same old problem that was FPS Creator. Although I hear a lot of talk about "core" and "performance" work being paramount (and as anyone who has used this latest beta will attest to, sorely needed) what I see is not so much that. I don't know the particulars of funding or promotion in this industry, so all my be normal as far as I know, but it seems that you have wandered off the beaten path with fun stuff and features.

Just take a look at the new beta features:

Player speed, new sounds and die sequence, cross hairs, blood, flashlight, screenshot, zoom scope, build game, etc. Are these core features? Do we really need to build and share levels with AI that is completely unaware of itself, the player, and the terrain? How do you justify adding features to a core that isn't ready? I know this is what users are asking for, but someone has to be the adult and lead in the right direction. Or maybe like I said, this is how you keep the potential buyers stringed along. I don't know.

I do know that the latest beta seems to be a step backward in terms of usability out-of-the-box because I had to manually make changes to my folders and files to even get it to work. I understand that this is a work in progress and that it's very difficult and time consuming to build this type of thing, but I also know that getting ahead of yourself and adding features to a core that doesn't work and will probably have to removed or re-done when the core is fixed is only slowing down and hampering the progress. You don't add an alarm feature to a clock that doesn't keep time. Fix the clock first.


If my post seems rude or stupid, don't be offended. It's just a failed attempt at humor.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2014 18:09
Quote: "I fear we may be falling into the same old problem that was FPS Creator. Although I hear a lot of talk about "core" and "performance" work being paramount (and as anyone who has used this latest beta will attest to, sorely needed) what I see is not so much that. I don't know the particulars of funding or promotion in this industry, so all my be normal as far as I know, but it seems that you have wandered off the beaten path with fun stuff and features.

Just take a look at the new beta features:

Player speed, new sounds and die sequence, cross hairs, blood, flashlight, screenshot, zoom scope, build game, etc. Are these core features? Do we really need to build and share levels with AI that is completely unaware of itself, the player, and the terrain? How do you justify adding features to a core that isn't ready? I know this is what users are asking for, but someone has to be the adult and lead in the right direction. Or maybe like I said, this is how you keep the potential buyers stringed along. I don't know.

I do know that the latest beta seems to be a step backward in terms of usability out-of-the-box because I had to manually make changes to my folders and files to even get it to work. I understand that this is a work in progress and that it's very difficult and time consuming to build this type of thing, but I also know that getting ahead of yourself and adding features to a core that doesn't work and will probably have to removed or re-done when the core is fixed is only slowing down and hampering the progress. You don't add an alarm feature to a clock that doesn't keep time. Fix the clock first.


I agree with you in your opinion xplosys. I thought the new beta will have things like

- improved performance

- Swimming

- enemy's that are NOT bullet proof

- simple AI instead of no AI at all

- improved terrain system (its still looked like.....)

but instead of this we get useless features like building a standalone .exe (for what plaese? To show others how many bugs we have?), Rift support (no one needs this at this time).

I hope that the next alpha or beta will focus on the important parts.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2014 18:22
My PC specs:

AMD a6-3420m with Radeon HD graphics


AMD Radeon HD 6520G

Windows 7 Home Premium

I can run Tomb Raider 2013 at 1366 x 768 (my max resolution), ultra texture quality, trlinear filtering, and everything else at lowest or off. At lowest, it goes to about 30 FPS and can goes to around 45 FPS.

I attached a screenshot to show the performance of a totally flat map.

Amazing huh?

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2014 21:23 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2014 21:26
I think the Standalone is good in the sense that we can compare how they run on someone elses machine...Perhaps that was the plan ?

The improved terrain looked the same ?

Rift support could have waited I agree.... I would rather have new models

Getting an interior editor incorporated would also be a nice jump forward

But I guess all in good time ..

Also something I noticed was the FPS warning came up when I die and restart the demo and itgoes all jerky....never had that in the last one
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2014 22:59
I agree with any and almost all posts that question the logic of adding things to the software that serve no purpose in regards to the core goals.

I want to see a concentrated effort at making the system core faster and the resolution greater. At this time I really have no use for blood, crosshairs and

the fact the bad guys walk through water.

I think lee is dedicated to the same goal but just might be subject to miss-guided pressures that dictate he placate corporate goals. We need better concepts when it comes to placement of entities in the editor and the fastest speed he can find in the test world.

Thanks.. needed to get that off my chest.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2014 23:22
I totally agree on focusing on the core. Reloaded has to deliver way more frame rate, and better resolution. I can run CryEngine free SDK at over 70fps with millions of entities, animated trees, boids of birds, fish and frogs, every shader, crazy realistic water, and so much more; while editing in realtime, when reloaded delivers an average of 45fps with hardly Any entities on the grid. If the core is not right, nothing will work down the pipe.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2014 23:33 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2014 23:41
Quote: "I totally agree on focusing on the core. Reloaded has to deliver way more frame rate, and better resolution. I can run CryEngine free SDK at over 70fps with millions of entities, animated trees, boids of birds, fish and frogs, every shader, crazy realistic water, and so much more; while editing in realtime, when reloaded delivers an average of 45fps with hardly Any entities on the grid. If the core is not right, nothing will work down the pipe. "

This is a good point !!

Its a strange thing if your a Mapper for games....

If I could have GTK Radiant with its own engine it would be awesome....

If I could have Cryengine free SDK with its own engine it would be amazing...

Perhaps the engine ( Game ) needs to be separate from the Editor like these tools are...

Install the engine ( Like the game )

Install the editor Pointing the paths to a texture/Model/Bots etc

Create your game with a standalone feature.. This must be possible

Perhaps the engine and editor together just cannot cope....

Just My Thoughts ..
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 03:15 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2014 03:22
I put up a post about this recently and similar comments on Lee's blog.

Reloaded is focusing way too much on terrain and then slapping a few partially implemented features in here and there which is not helping to build confidence in the product because nothing feels complete, let alone polished.

I like most people am trying not to moan about things being in this state because we are dealing with a BETA. However there does at least need to be a sense of a proper plan rather than just a fortnightly release with a bunch of random updates thrown in there.

Its difficult to tell if Reloaded performance is improving or not because it set out with such an unrealistic goal by rendering massive terrains. If we can't get a solid framerate just with a skybox, terrain, player and some shaders / post processing then we need to seriously rethink the approach or expectations.

Its also true that physics, AI, player movement / controls all need to be improved greatly before they are anything close to being ready for a game. I will put this down to not being focus areas previously but I think they should be addressed before any more work is done on adhoc features.

There was a point where realtime lighting and shadows were added in Reloaded using instance stamped segments (small memory footprint) on a 500x500x20 grid and the future really did look promising but I think there is now this kind of do or die approach where huge environments must be possible and I think this is spoiling things and might be the downfall of the software.

On the one hand, segments were quite limiting and people asked about terrain for a long time but we need to find a compromise because things are not going well at the moment and not through lack of hard work but because we are biting off more than we can chew instead of taking bite size chunks.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 03:24 Edited at: 4th Feb 2014 11:05
Quote: "I think the Standalone is good in the sense that we can compare how they run on someone elses machine...Perhaps that was the plan ?"

That's actually a fair point. I'm going to actually see how my outputs stand on other computers. I'm still struggling with low frame-rates when using all settings on high - even though I can run any game or engine at a decent FPS on similar settings. But again I understand why that is and much more work is to be done.


The AI is still... not there yet since at times the enemies are bullet-proof and they occasionally start walking away from you. We need to separate the AI perhaps into LUA script so several people can help develop upon it. I'd love to see team/faction variables.

There isn't actually any real game play with Reloaded yet since the AI is so early in its stages. So its been hard to actually enjoy a run through of any level at present. But again I'm hopeful.


Hopefully when the Construction Kit comes out we will also have the option to turn off terrain, water, skybox completely. Trust me this would help with performance immensely when creating interior maps. I really strongly hope that as Reloaded continues to develop that Performance is considered through-out its entire development. At the moment... after using the latest BETA for a while now... new features are no longer exciting me since there are still a ton of issues remaining from previous builds.

Be nice if the BUG section of the forums had labeling of "Confirmed", "Fixed", "Closed". So we don't repeat the issues all over the forums thinking they are being ignored.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 03:48
This is my opinion so don't flame i think reloaded is a fail just now my top 5 reasons why

1. Lack of communication the only time we find out stuff is on a blog lee and his team should be on here talking to us from time to time and not just jumping on for one post then off again. Take a look for example this thread alot of unhappy people and is anyone on to talk to us no it is just damaging the product which i don't want to do but we must express what we think.

2. The engine to me fails to deliver its old and to be fair i can get the same looking stuff in fps x10 :/

3. No going forward it feels we take 1 step forward and 4 steps back i know its beta but even with beta you should see and feel improvements.

4. A quote from lee in one of his videos "i think i may be able to squeeze a little more out of it to help performance" if you are having to do this you need to rethink as a little at this stage is no good if you can only get a little out of it now what hope do we have further down the line.

5. £70 i paid this thinking it would be full steam ahead and would help make fps reloaded into something good but the way i feel its like THANK YOU next i just hope its not a case of taking the money and leaving us all with a half ass product.

Sorry if this seems a bit abrupt but i have the right to say it.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 03:59 Edited at: 4th Feb 2014 11:03
Everything your saying is true to an extent, so I can't argue anything there.

Quote: "Here's a screen shot of the latest Beta 1.05

Mine is not capped at 60fps as you can see at 73fps in this location shot. "

No matter what I do or how low I set everything it will not climb a single frame beyond 60fps (on newly created maps). In the past it would reach close to 100 in some cases depending where im looking and if there is absolutely nothing on the map.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 04:18
The framerate is locked to the monitor's refresh rate in the latest beta, so on monitors that support higher than 60Hz you can achieve higher FPS. For instance, my monitor has a 144Hz refresh rate so on a blank map I can get 144 FPS. It's still bizarre to me that both jump and move speed are directly tied to framerate, meaning at 144 FPS I can barely get off the ground when I jump and move ridiculously fast (and also am more prone to fall damage). Everything should surely be timer-based so speeds are consistent regardless of FPS.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 04:27
Agreed this was a perfect example i tested someones game the other day and the game was far to fast but it was slower on his computer :/ so more or less we would be making games not knowing how they would run on other computers just our own.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 13:09
all the same problems here.

My city map went down from 60 a 70 fps to 19 fps.

And sometimes the message low fps detected.

Thats a big step back. also the walking speed varies, witch fps you get.

I do have a descent pc.

I7 3820 3,6 ghz socket 2011. 64 gig memory

With a 4 gig ( 660Ti) videocard.

Really i can play every game there is at high settings. no problem.

But in reloaded my pc is struggling.


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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 14:00
1year passed by and it is clear we are not where we should be,

R seems to be still limited in not just the core areas but even the most simple things that should be there - are not.

Well it is hard to defend this :/ and the bugs and performance issues in 0.5 are

asking how come? What is wrong? and why are we being left in the dark??

I really hope for reloaded that it gets soon a boost and not just performance wise.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 15:50
I think we all agree that now it's time to concentrate only in errors, core, performance and AI. All pretty stuff should be put aside until things work stable. Only when the base is working at 100% can all the other things run fine. Using the exemple of the house, I've refered before, we must first have a solid floor, then solid walls, then a solid roof and finally the decoration of the house. At the moment, we have a weak floor, weeak walls and we already have roof and decoration.

I know, it's still in beta... that's why there's no need for "decorations" at this point. Or the idea is to be in beta forever?

And if it's difficult to do for a single person, Lee has already asked for help before. Why not ask again?

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 17:10 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2014 17:28
Just ran the Get to the River map on my PC, A10-6700 with 8GB RAM, and it lagged.

Made my own levels though and they ran fine. (Ish, had like 2 entitles and a hill)

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 18:04
Hi folks,

Thanks for all the feedback. Clearly V1.005 is a Beta to quickly move on from! When Lee is back he'll be tasked with looking into the core issues and those only! We still have other areas being developed but Lee will be spending all his working time on core! Essentially these areas I feel;

- Memory manager

- The Physics engine (player movement, objects on terrain, etc)

- Shooting (hit an enemy and they will be hurt every time)

- Frame rate (faster and more consistent)

- dbo /bin file issue

AI and LUA are now in the hands of Dave 'Ravey' Milton who you might know from previous TGC projects.

I'm also reaching out to forum members who will form an internal test team on future builds. Once they approve a Beta then we'll release it to the wider community.


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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 18:04
i have 770 gtx and my fps is 400+ in this pic with super flat terrain mode. this mode seems to help when doing flat outside levels and inside levels. reload is only rendering the objects like buildings, gates and boxes.the terrain this mode takes less performance to run. this pic was taking in 10045 because the 1005 is cap to run at your monitor refresh rate which mines is 60.but now I see how much less super flat terrain mode use and how more performance I have. this means we can also use this mode to paint the floors on the inside levels instead of the buildings having floors of their own.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 18:22
Thanks for the update Rick i do feel we need more of this kind of feed back if only just to stop us repeating our self's

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 18:52
Quote: "Hi folks,

Thanks for all the feedback. Clearly V1.005 is a Beta to quickly move on from! When Lee is back he'll be tasked with looking into the core issues and those only! We still have other areas being developed but Lee will be spending all his working time on core! Essentially these areas I feel;

- Memory manager

- The Physics engine (player movement, objects on terrain, etc)

- Shooting (hit an enemy and they will be hurt every time)

- Frame rate (faster and more consistent)

- dbo /bin file issue

AI and LUA are now in the hands of Dave 'Ravey' Milton who you might know from previous TGC projects.

I'm also reaching out to forum members who will form an internal test team on future builds. Once they approve a Beta then we'll release it to the wider community.


I am glad to hear this.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 22:03
Quote: "Hi folks,

Thanks for all the feedback. Clearly V1.005 is a Beta to quickly move on from! When Lee is back he'll be tasked with looking into the core issues and those only! We still have other areas being developed but Lee will be spending all his working time on core! Essentially these areas I feel;

- Memory manager

- The Physics engine (player movement, objects on terrain, etc)

- Shooting (hit an enemy and they will be hurt every time)

- Frame rate (faster and more consistent)

- dbo /bin file issue

AI and LUA are now in the hands of Dave 'Ravey' Milton who you might know from previous TGC projects.

I'm also reaching out to forum members who will form an internal test team on future builds. Once they approve a Beta then we'll release it to the wider community.


I am also Happy to read this

Despite the facts its moans and groans from us at the moment its only because we want this to succeed and we want to build great games..

I and many others had high hopes for this Beta and the feedback was not good but then that's what betas are for and the fact you have been reading and now have a plan makes me feel so much better
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 22:19

Yes please don't be too worried. Projects of this size are big and tricky (to say the least!)

Lee and I have always taken on challenging projects! I'm know we can make it work and I'm not happy with the engine yet. R&D is very much like this, we're creating something new and special and there will be code re-writes and fine tuning. Mostly we're making good decisions. Until you guys are happy we've got work to do!


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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 22:35
Quote: "Despite the facts its moans and groans from us at the moment its only because we want this to succeed and we want to build great games.. "

Quoted for agreement. We want the best for TGC and ourselves; otherwise we wouldn't be here.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2014 23:23
One tuning to do.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2014 03:11 Edited at: 4th Feb 2014 03:13
"Despite the facts its moans and groansfrom us at the moment its only because we want this to succeed and we want to build great games."

I don't see it like that at all - moans and groans I mean. I see it as just sensible commenting as to how users see things in the main - rightly or wrongly. Most users are not at all cheeky about it as it were. Just telling it as they see it. Some users say everything suits them and works for them. Its not the same for everyone. Many users that have obviously pledged don't even come here and comment at all and they are probably the silent majority. I wish they would as we should welcome more active interest and users and their participation in the forums and commenting - good or bad.

"We want the best for TGC and ourselves; otherwise we wouldn't be here"

Quite so.

TGC ask for feedback on the Releases and we give it - thats all there is too it. Users tell it as it is - as they see it. How else and what else could they do. The only other option is not to ask users for their opinions at all and users not to give it or comment at all - would you rather that.

I certainly don't think that would be helpful in any practical way.

We know making Reloaded was and always is going to be a hard slog and that the reality is or will be it may not meet with all users aspirations as they may well expect too much in this particular engine instance - that's a matter of opinion perhaps or not.

If TGC see users only as moaning and groaning then that's not helpful either. Its a bit of a partnership.

We may moan a lot yes but for genuine reasons in the main because users want better as game makers. Nothing wrong with such an enviable aspiration in humans.

TGC on the other hand as the developers though I must admit particularly in Lees case I do feel for him having such a thankless task as it were. They must I am afraid be rather thick skinned about it carry on regardless and ignore us from the point of view of it being distressful to them in any way and I know that's very hard to do.

Please do not as the saying goes take it personal and as another saying goes its just business, not personal.

We are not talking about individuals though we sometimes refer to them and we should separate these two things in our minds distinction. What users are talking about is an inanimate piece of software that is Reloaded. Its the software users complain or comment about and not the people behind it though it happens that humans also make the product so inevitably they may feel personalised by users comments. I do hope not. We cant make a game with a person its the product that we need for that and that's what users have concern with and for.

Whatever something like that anyway.

Next Alpha/Beta please!

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Posted: 4th Feb 2014 04:21
I managed to get two days out of beta 1.005, after that it just locked up every time on start up, and no amount of uninstalling, reinstalling, cleaning bin and dbo files etc got it to work again,......pity, I quite liked it while it lasted.

I have now gone back to beta 1.045.

Quote: "Next Alpha/Beta please!


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Posted: 4th Feb 2014 04:50
In my opinion, when the internal testers are sent future alpha builds, TGC should also provide very specific test cases we need to evaluate. Otherwise, the likeliness is that so many bug reports and issues will be filed by the internal testers for each alpha that they will never make their way out to more public users.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2014 14:04
Hi Uman...

Quote: ""Despite the facts its moans and groans from us at the moment its only because we want this to succeed and we want to build great games."

I don't see it like that at all - moans and groans I mean."

Then you say..

Quote: "We may moan a lot yes but for genuine reasons in the main because users want better as game makers."

Exactly what I said really in the first quote ?

Its just wording....I don't think I was making us all out to be a bunch of old whingers or anything but just saying from TGC'S point of view we may all seem negative about the current beta but we are still all 100% behind the project..

Yes its constructive feedback...Yes its sensible commenting....And yes...We are having a little moan as well though aren't we really
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Posted: 4th Feb 2014 17:22
The main issues for me are fairly simple.

1. Low performance levels. I get reasonable performance for my card, a Geforce 260GTX. However, when sending a test level to my brother, he found performance not much better with a Geforce 580GTX. He also has a I7 processor which is way better than my aging Q6600. Really with the difference in performance on the 2 systems I would expect Reloaded to run a lot better on it. That doesn't seem to be the case oddly. Performance is better in this version, but we could do with a lot more.

2. The Shooting mechanics are flawed, and have been since day one. This is pretty basic and really shouldn't be an issue at all. I tend to not use any NPC characters because of both the AI being a bit derpy, and this gun issue.

3. Memory limits. A big one. Having the same memory restrictions as classic is not good. I ran out of memory on classic often, and compared to a Reloaded map classic ones are pretty small in comparison. In this version a normal basic map with NOTHING in it bar the terrain, takes up a massive chunk of memory from the get go. On a flat map it is somewhat better, but let's face it how often will we use one? Maybe for an indoor level, or area possibly. Still, as we have no real way to do that yet, apart from tinker with our own models, it's safe to say most people won't be using it much. With Reloaded's extra graphical options, objects are going to take more memory than classics also. I have found severe limits when adding in objects with all the trimmings, normal map etc. I'm not sure if the 1.8 gig limit is possible to increase without 64bit support, but if not then Reloaded will have to be very clever with how it handles memory useage.

Things are going to seem slow at the moment, Lee is off on hols, so no blogs are likely, and obviously no work will be done till he returns. I'm certainly interested to see what core work is planned for the next release. Hopefully it might address speed issues a bit more head on, and of course memory limitations. if there are still leaks for instance, which I'm sure there will be, they could do with looking at. Shadows seem to be the biggest FPS killer at the moment so perhaps a bit of work in that area.

This update is pretty good in the main. I was a little disappointed to see no construction builder in there, as I have had my fill of making levels that I can run around now. More scripts for Lua would be nice as well, as that may be an area to play about in. Oh, last thing, although it would take up more memory , an undo option would be nice. When painting textures, it is sometimes impossible to completely delete it with the right mouse button, which means you pretty much have to be right first time. More textures, as I, and many others, have said before would be very welcome also!

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Posted: 4th Feb 2014 21:20
Quote: "In my opinion, when the internal testers are sent future alpha builds, TGC should also provide very specific test cases we need to evaluate. "

I agree.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 00:45 Edited at: 5th Feb 2014 00:48
Here are my top 8 issues in Reloaded as of now:

1. Performance. I still have a strong feeling this is down to the huge terrains which are both unnecessary at this stage and preventing any real progress being made in other areas.

2. Physics. The ingame physics don't feel robust at the moment, dynamic entities fall through the terrain, enemies don't seem to know if they can climb up a hill or not etc. Water physics also needs to be done of course.

3. Player Movement. I don't know if its the head bobbing, speed, physics or all 3 but the player movement needs to be refined. Also jumping needs to be looked at as it seems we have moon physics on these terrains at the moment.

4. Gameplay. The guns need to be fun to use and things like ironsights and animations need to be refined so they feel tight and snappy. There are much better guns and gameplay to be found in FPSC Classic at the moment.

5. AI. This needs a lot of work. In most cases the AI has no idea I am there, I can shoot the AI without being able to do any damage until they engage me and just a general feeling of being totally disconnected from the experience.

6. Graphics. This is one of the better aspects of Reloaded and I think the realtime dynamic shadows have been a huge improvement. However there is still room for improvement on the lighting and we need far more control over light sources and their properties. Also need more control over post processing.

7. Memory. This is going to be a huge problem if the expectation is to keep with these huge terrains. People are already getting crashes just with a small selection of entities, NPC's and guns.

8. Bugs. We are already seeing a lot of bugs in Reloaded. I think this is mainly due to the implementation approach of throwing in random updates without finishing anything or polishing it. Also why is it in FPSC that you fix something over here and something breaks over there. I know there is always bugs in software but this is ridiculous.

These are all core aspects of the engine so I truly hope this is what Lee will be focusing on and nothing else until they are all several orders of magnitude better than where they are right now.

The 1st thing I want to see for Reloaded is a proper plan that says we are going to work on 'this' until the next BETA and nothing else until its done to a high standard. Then we can start building confidence in the product rather than this sense of no real progress being made in the areas that count.

I thought the bug repository for FPSC Classic was really good. We need the Reloaded BETA testing to be a lot more focused on specific areas so the 'testing' actually yields some valuable information that can be logged, tracked and fixed. Unfortunately good intensions are no substitute for a proper plan which the community need to have visibility of.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 01:05
I agree on everything Nomad apart from

Quote: "huge terrains which are both unnecessary at this stage"

in scale i think it is just right for reloaded it isn't to small and not to big i think if they made it any smaller it would ruin the whole experience also this way it means less loading between levels im just hoping later down the line file size wont be an issue because as it stands 1 level = around 300mb so hoping it dosent double up ect

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 10:09
Quote: "2. Physics. The ingame physics don't feel robust at the moment, dynamic entities fall through the terrain, enemies don't seem to know if they can climb up a hill or not etc. Water physics also needs to be done of course.


I can add to this ponit that you can not place a character on top of a building,

It falls trough to the ground. and next if i place my large oil platform i can walk under it , but the characters stays at the edege, and can not walk under the building.

see attached pic

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 10:47
I do actually like it when tiny new features are added along-side bug fixes and core improvements. Its a good way to keep the hype alive and visual progress.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 14:24
tiny new features like an undo button sure would be nice...

have fun stay safe

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 14:34
The important thing now is that TGC has our feedback and knows what needs improvement.

If next beta brings more performance and less bugs, then will all be on the good way.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 20:08
There are a lot of valuable points here at least from active users and we cant speak for others of course. It seems that generally speaking users can see clearly the main issues they themselves find of general concern and that at least broadly speaking there is some consistency.

Apart from the obvious fact that as TGC point out and users too often which we all accept that Reloaded is in Beta we can expect that of course there will be glitches, issues and bugs creep in to the development and there may also be times when the engine direction may have to change and sometimes things be changed quite drastically to re-write things or update them in a major way and so on. Things added may even need to be dropped out completely as we have seen. All things seen to be part of games engines development perhaps. I am no expert and know little of the day to day back end stuff I am afraid.

A lot of things that seem to be issues that crop up and or exist may well of course be things which can be easily corrected and put to rights. Things that are not show stoppers. There will no doubt be a lot of them throughout development. Not sure why there always need be so many that always seem to exist and keep creeping in constantly even when apparently have been attended to sometimes and more each and every release much like a classic repeat with endless numbers forever. Often things that seem to be well done and working correctly and to a good standard which one may be happy with are updated next version and the result is not so good. Some of those things may be personal preferences like water reflections, player movement and so on which have to be set somewhere. If they work or are at acceptable levels that's the main thing. All in all, these could be said to be minor things though at the end of the day some or an accumulation of these things can have a major impact on a quality of game overall perhaps. A large number of issues or poor quality game content items could impact quite adversely on a game. (presuming these are not solely of user item included relevance). All of those things may be part and parcel of making a game engine and main things are clearly of greater importance in the first instance with details perhaps being subjective and secondary concerns.

Certainly I presume that when making a game engine as with any other product there is a plan and you make one before you start so you know what you will do and how you will do it. Then you start at the beginning and work you way to the end doing the first things first on your plan and so on. Ticking off the first thing and move onto the next in some sort of sensible logical order presuming that the first thing is required to be done before you can do the second? Makes sense to me but maybe its not. I understand that things don't always go to plan of course as we all do so variation in the light of reality may be needed, whilst keeping an eye on the overall plan and objectives and that the targets are being reached along the way if there are any in the first place of course.

All in all core plan features and targets would I imagine be the ultimate priorities to adhere to and achieve and the finer details added when they are in place ready to add whatever additional features, functions and non essential extras can be to make further enhancements if capability and other potential restraints allow when that can be confirmed.

The main issues and not ignoring all users stated concerns above of course at all I would think most viewpoints either agree on or would be required to support them further are as DVader has listed are the three points he has made to list a bare minimum set of core pre-requisites relevant to any engine and an FPS shooter engine in particular.

1. Performance. Arguably insufficient to support the product into the future to allow for addition of envisaged feature set and aspirations for the product even given some small improvements and high end - end user software/hardware technologies. Ideally one would I presume like to see a high level of spare capacity to allow game makers to create game levels and potentially large complex and complete games of a high quality nature to achieve the said objectives as the product aspires to achieve.

2. Memmory. Same as above.

3. AI. As in the first instance being an FP Shooter AI should be the priority of being at the peak of a Reloaded games features. AI should be at least at a level of quality minimum to support and in balance with the quality of the rest of the engine or exceed it if possible.

We are all ware that creating a decent AI system for in game play and user interaction with Characters whether enemies, player allies and teams or no combatant civilian or other type AI's as well as other types of dynamic world object entities, machines, birds, vehicles and so on is a difficult task and not easy to achieve at any game engine level to say the least. Hopefully however we will see a reasonable attempt at somewhat decent enemy AI and their behaviors at least.

Such would be a big boost to Reloaded and its promotion too if achieved. The hype as being a good thing? as someone mentioned will do no good but more harm in the long time unless you can substantiate it and if not will be extremely detrimental if not so already.

When looking for an FP Shooter game engine to me at least I don't mind at all looking at all of the nice eye candy just like anyone else - I love it - but having the ability to look beyond that I am really more interested in checking out how many real games are made with an engine that include enemy or other Characters, how good are they and their behaviours that I can see in practical application and importantly will I be able to make use of them and actually make a game with the engine including the same. If not its not much use to me if I want to make an FP Shooter game is it.

As far as Reloaded goes to date its not too bad except for the level of performance and fps which wont let me do anything much more complicated. I can make some lovely outdoor Terrains which I am very happy about that is if I could extend them to complete them as it were but wont be able to do so by adding much more content than I have now in them.

Not considering the addition of buildings ad so on and the Content Creator feature for the moment. I have an outdoors environment and I have enemies. I have weapons and have some building entities and so on I can add an use so I have all the basic elements I need to make an fps game, Yes?

In its basic form I don't need anything else to make an FP Shooter Game. Though I can see numerous things and perhaps everything can do with some improvement I am reasonably happy with the general level of quality game level at this stage which is acceptable to date given improvements can be made wherever possible. Water for example.

What is not at an acceptable level in the main is the above things.

Now when as said it comes to AI we all know that unless anything has changed that AI and dynamic objects, AI in particular if it is to be of anything other than a very, very basic level of AI is by tradition a very complicated feature and that AI behaviors, thinking, obstacle avoidance, pathfinding, physics and so on is likely to be a very heavy burden on any game engine and its efficiency requiring a lot of processing power and eating up much resources especially if heavy use of AI is apparent in a level.

It follows therefore that including anything other than very basic AI may well require some considerable improvement in the other two mentioned above points at issue. Again generally speaking by experience we know that low performance, poor engine efficiency and lack of or poor memory management can result in very poor AI performance and instabilities and bad behaviours. Not being aware of the player, collision issues, getting totally confused when too many AI enemies are active at once in a level and so on. Such can affect other dynamic entities and even of course the player movement, physics and collision and so on.

I understand that the AI is currently being worked on and improvements are likely to be forthcoming perhaps which would be most welcome. As a Pre-requisuite as far as I would understand it in an FPS game I am keen to see what kind of AI we can have and achieve from the outset. What Reloaded is capable of delivering in this feature first as last.

Earlier, much earlier we had heard of AI having quite advanced features and allied to some of their internal character animation sets. For example, jumping over boxes, hiding behind boxes, shooting out from behind boxes or hiding and peeking while shooting from behind buildings, walls or other obstacles, staffing while shooting, moving backwards while shooting, climbing ladders and more. If that's going to be the case then lets have it - while other things like the Constriction Kit are being developed by others.

Apart from Performance and Memory, AI is core so lets see it and have it first as last ready to use when the construction kit gets here. Then you have if any good an engine to show off never mind the hype lets see the real deal. Nothing can be lost by that and only good to be gained.

I have attached a screen shot of a very, very simple level I created a while ago to test AI. You can see this is very basic but also as far as AI is concerned very complex. Why?

Well nothing difficult for AI - just me - them (Two enemies)and some boxes on a completely flat terrain - lets not make it too complicated in construction at least eh!

Of course it is very complicated for enemies behaviour stand alone at the moment as there are no paths and so on and they don't have a lot of brains and or what they may have is being confused by other issues.

Now here I have the makings of all that's needed to make a good FPS game.

The objective - well stay alive, kill the enemies and have a good fun time whilst doing it. i.e. make a good enjoyable fps game.

If you can do that with what I have in the level then I have the makings of good AI and a good fps game. Just think what we can then do with a little effort and some decent AI enemies.

All it requires is some basic and reasonable and fair AI intelligence and behaviours :

Are they aware of the player?

If so at what distance?

Can they see or hear the player.

Do they react when they see the player?

Can they track the player when he moves around and hides?

Can they shoot the player?

If hurt do they run away or hide?

Can they seek help from other enemies?

Work s a team?

Go find health and replenish their heath if weak or call support from other enemies and attack in a groups even if each has low health? Are they aware of how much health another enemy in a group has?

Can they go look for a more powerful or appropriate weapon if they need one to defeat the player?

In a fair fight all being equal can they defeat the player? ever? without giving them to much strength or alike of course.

Do they have varying tactics and do they have different animation sets they call when doing their thing?

Can they access the player position and movement and strength and react variably to it to their best advantage.

Can they behave similarly if the player has allies and other team members to consider?

Most of the above of course is advanced AI so in the main some basic Yes answers would be initially helpful. Advanced AI of any value may never happen but some basics would be nice to have or get fixed. Looking forward to it.

Currently AI can really answer no to all of the above in my level example so improvement would be very helpful. First off they are simply unaware of the player at distance so can't respond. The player can of course kill them without taking any hit at all as he has a sniper rifle. Not fair you say. Well sorry as far as I am aware I cant give them a sniper rifle. Anyway don't expect me to be fair and use a colt do you? - they have to be clever and at least try and be a bit smarter, not me be fair. That's the whole point Well the real point is they are oblivious to the player at range. May be suitable for an indoor dungeon crawler but not necessarily outdoors/indoors games.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 21:11
is that a real map (i.e player location moves with player) or just a screenshot placed on the HUD?

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 22:17
I could be wrong but im sure its just 2 shots one from above in the editor and one in game and photoshop to save forum space

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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 23:36 Edited at: 5th Feb 2014 23:38
The small image top right is just a screen grab of the editor top down view pasted into the level scene image to show the scenario without needing two separate images for reference purposes.

Overhead map feature to follow when TGC include it or we have scripts commands to create it ourself
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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 02:25
I think it is time for a constructive suggestion on perhaps how to help fix the low FPS problem. I love the concept of Reloaded, and want to see it work!

Low FPS: frame rate is not a good way to measure the speed of the game. It is better to look at the frame time, or the time it takes to draw each frame 16ms is about 60FPs, and 33ms is about 30FPS.

Anyway the milliseconds it takes to draw a frame depends on Drawcalls. Each thing added to the game, like lots of vertices, textures shadows, shaders, etc, will possibly use a Drawcall. Most engines have a limit of 2000 drawcalls per frame.

In order to reduce Drawcalls you create LODs, and combine textures into packs so to speak...

Now I'm not sure what Lee is up to, but here is a practical way to perhaps limit Drawcalls.

CryEngine uses a technique called "deferred rendering" which is kind of similar to composting several layers of images for movies to create one effective image.

It uses the z pass to output the pixel z value for alpha tested and fully opaque geometry into a texture so that they can render geometry in a deferred way.

Having the z value per pixel is beneficial for several features and effects:

•Deferred shadow mask generation.

•Soft z-clipped particles.

•Global volumetric fog.

•Fog volumes.

•Depth of field.

•Motion blur.

•Fill lights

•Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion.

Basically by using deferred techniques they decouple the geometric scene complexity from the shader.

This is down for shadows too: this drawcall heavy pass is replaced by a deferred pass that reconstructs the position in the shadow maps from the stored pixel depth values. Instead of the numerous draw calls for all scene objects, just a single draw call for a full-screen quad is required.

Now I don't know if Lee is already doing this,if this might be the problem, but it does sound promising! And CryEngine 3 free SDK is blinding fast for FPS, even when fully filled with tons of art, effects, entities, etc. Cheers!

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 04:06
I don't know how Lee intends to do it, but more sugestions would be good, to see if he finds one that suits.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 06:01 Edited at: 6th Feb 2014 06:09
Quote: "CryEngine uses a technique called "deferred rendering" which is kind of similar to composting several layers of images for movies to create one effective image. "

Lee actually talked about this technique a lot in his blog from May-June of last year and felt like it may be the best option: "The more we study the demands on the shader, the more deferred rendering makes sense, and is clearly indicated as something that will need prototyping to see if we can get a sizeable performance gain."

He had plans to implement it after he got back from his summer vacation, but the last that was ever mentioned of it seems to be on mid-June before he left:

Quote: "I've been waiting for a few deliveries today, and one of them was the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R which was one of the classic examples of excellent deferred rendering in it's day. I have decided not to implement deferred rendering until I get back from my holiday, mainly because I want to continue working on the shader, the shadow system and the new artwork coming from Mark to create a nifty demo to leave you all drooling over. Deferred rendering is simply another way of solving the lighting question in a game engine. If I can get the current forward renderer producing fast shadows for outdoor and indoor use, and get to keep my parallax mapper for universe rendering, we may not need to defer at all. Performance will be the key decider here, so let's carry on with the eye candy and see were/where we are when we decide to stop adding. I was almost tempted to add depth of field and bloom to the prototype, then stopped myself in the nick of time. Plenty time for final polish once the guts of the rendering engine are running fast!"

One technique I recall that Lee implemented to try and improve FPS was Dark Occlusion module (or a varient thereof) to avoid rendering hidden objects. Another is Dark Imposters which converts distant objects to simple quad textures. I'm not sure how fully either of these modules are implemented, or exactly what caused Lee to refrain from deferred rendering aside from he was working a lot on the terrain stuff still. Or, perhaps he did mock up a prototype and concluded it would still not get him many more FPS for whatever reason.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 06:43
Quote: "Lee actually talked about this technique a lot in his blog from May-June of last year and felt like it may be the best option: "The more we study the demands on the shader, the more deferred rendering makes sense, and is clearly indicated as something that will need prototyping to see if we can get a sizeable performance gain.""

Thanks for the info, I'll start reading his blog more regularly now!
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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 08:25 Edited at: 6th Feb 2014 08:37
The issues with the AI can be solved by shifting them to editable LUA script files. That way it can be altered to our liking. I'm going to assume this is already being considered. I understand we are at a very, very early stage of transition to LUA.

I think this should be something priority as people have already started plugging in their own character models into FPSC Reloaded and have had very strange results. Since its loading the built-in character script. It gives off a weird impression of Reloaded when you see custom-created characters doing bizarre actions in video tests.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 21:11
thanks uman and tattie, i thought it was actually in your game for a sec there

yh would also really like to see more LUA support added as a high priority, it'll give us something to mess about with while we wait for future updates at least (creating shops and quests etc etc would really be nice to see soon and would greatly boost the currently very limited playable content)

personally i feel advanced AI is going to be an ongoing affair so i'm not really expecting 'amazing' overnight but would also agree it'd be better to have it in some form of script so it can be edited.

as for people saying about invincible enemies i found that adjusting the FoV to 80~100 fixes the issue, it seems bullet travel distance is kinda odd so while it appears you are hitting an enemy while "zoomed" in you aren't actually close enough in reality (or maybe they can just make bullets travel further than they currently do - except sniper which seems pretty ok)

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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 22:54
Whatever the issues with performance/fps and how Reloaded will, is and was going to provide for and manage all of that. i.e. How the core engine would be built and utilising what technologies would have been the first thing to research, plan for and do and get in place with some leeway for an excess over what would be needed right before anything else. i.e. a set plan route to achieve the objective.

Perhaps its not quite as simple or easy as that so we arrive here. Whatever, now we are here so someone has to make some decisions or carry on regardless in the same or similar vein.

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