Feature Creep / Win Zone Level Options

Zombie Pawnr
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Posted: 27th Jan 2014 18:26
Linear gameplay has gone completely out of style, and people tend to stray away from it more and more. The open-world type games are growing and more people have started gaming in them (even racing games have been using this lately). If the Win Zones gave the option for each one to send you to a different level, it would give more control to the developer, and the user.

Example: You've built a city which has two exits. Both of these exits lead to another city, so you'd want two win zones each with their own level set. One would take you to the next city, and one to an entirely different city.

It's all in your mind...
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Posted: 27th Jan 2014 20:57
win zones seems to be abit like finishing with the previous level, area transitions however would allow you to go back to older maps if set to 2way transitions from 1 map to another, also allowing for entering and exiting buildings without duplicating maps.

biowares aurora engine (old now) has this feature and its excellent, you have a area transition wizard that helps you pick what map to start from where to transition to and how to get back to a previous map without much hassle.

if lee can do something like that it be awesome like skyrim or fallout 3/new vegas.

have fun stay safe

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Posted: 27th Jan 2014 21:16
That might be a good thing to add

a extra option for the win zone to either end the level or set it two way

to ensure that traveling back works.

This could find good use in RPG and horror themed games.

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Posted: 15th Feb 2014 20:27
Yes, I thought I saw this mentioned on the forums somewhere, late last year, that it was planned.

Though I think it should be its own "Zone" marker, with direct options as opposed to (or possibly in conjunction with) calling specific Lua scripts. It seems like such a waste to create separate Lua scripts for every zone entrance, as I can see there could be many of these in various games.

So direct, editable options from the properties of a "Map Zone" marker (for lack of better terms) allowing you to perhaps provide the "map name" (which equates to the file name anyway) or a "zone name" if something were implemented that was basically a pointer to a map. Additional properties for fluidity would also be nice.

Here's an example - additional properties for "Map Zone" Marker:

Property --- Purpose


ID Number --- This Map Zone Marker's ID number (unique number for every map zone marker)

Destination Zone Name --- Map name

Destination Zone ID --- the destination's "Map Zone" marker ID Number


- ID Number could be unnecessary, as the Marker's "Name" property could be used, but would require each "Map Zone" Marker's name property to then be Unique.

- Destination Zone Name could use the ID number (or Marker "name"), but would require a separate FPSCR internal table holding the information of what map that marker was positioned on. Hence a Map name is probably more efficient. This could allow for pre-caching (as a background process) the next map a player is about to go to when they get close to this marker. Leaving this property blank could be used as a method for transporting to a zone on the existing map.

- Destination Zone ID having a value would indicate entering transports to a new zone (on the same map or different map based on Destination Zone Name property). Leaving blank would indicate this is a "one-way" marker, meaning this marker does not transport anywhere, it is only used as a destination for another marker.

- Landing (as a destination) on a two-way "map zone" marker, would probably obviate the need for the player to move slightly off the marker then back on it to "trigger" moving to *its* destination. Of course, based on the property settings, this could either go back to the previous zone marker or a different one - based on the designer's intention.

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