Product Chat / Questions about Segment

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 14:01

1. The terrain sculpting is very intuitive.

2. The new models looks great especially the character model.

3. Beautiful skies and you can change them in realtime.

4. Flashlight support. (finally )

5. Light-rays

Develop Questions

1. Will they be later the possibility to add Segments or something else like in the old FPSC?

2. The terrain is looking very pointed at many places. I imagine a quality like in EarthSculptur that I use before for DBP. Will that get improved?

3. Will there be a possibility to erode the Terrain?


1. If I put an entinity at the top of an other entinity then I cannot select the entinity at the top.

Expample: I put a house and then I put an entinity in the house. Now I can only select the house but not the entinity in the house.

- A Table and on top of the table a weapon now I can only select the table.
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 14:09
no segments at all they are removed totally, yes some places become very pointed I have noticed this aswell. yeah it is hard to grab entities on top of tables at the moment

have fun stay safe

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 14:19
Hmm okay no Segments. But how can I build indoor areas then? Except I use C4D and modeling it myself.
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2014 14:22
that's a good question, 3d editing mode is better for placing but you can pick up again, and bigger models take priority over smaller models when trying to pick something up.. how to fix I don't know maybe send lee an email asking him?

have fun stay safe

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2014 13:37

"Old Segments" are being replaced by the new "Construction Kit" so you will be able to add your buildings and so.

Entity Object Selection : Reloaded needs updating as mentioned already to make precise selecting of individual objects possible.

Selecting Objects via list is something TGC could look at adding. Perhaps in the entities left hand window. e.g. View as Icons/View as list. Object lists can be very useful and helpful without cluttering the UI of course. For example to select an object by "Name" or object "Number" from the list so that it then highlights in the editor scene window, to make it easy to find, for selection and editing, with a command/choice of perhaps "Go to Object" so the user can go straight to the object in the world or when a specific object that may be causing a level to fail to run or crash can be found or isolated and removed. as another example. Of course to do this latter point we would need some kind or "Error Report" which accurately tell us, as users which object by Name or Number is offending so we could correct the issue. As such Object Lists can be very useful.....

Another very good use for an object list is that in the list objects could potentially be dragged to a parent in the list so object become "grouped" Selecting the parent would select the group for moving as a whole group. e.g. Table and all objects placed upon it. Another useful use would be to "Attach" one object to another as a group. This could be useful for many things. e.g. Attach a smoke trail to a Rocket, string together a group of fish of flying birds so the move in tandem and so on.

These and much more I guess you can think of.

Reloaded or any engine could have all kinds of advanced and helpful additions potentially added to help users and make better games but all a lot of work and more additional strain or pressure on the engine too perhaps which would not be helpful to it. Whats good in theory for users is not always good for the engine perhaps.

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2014 14:42
Thank you for you helpful answer Uman.

I like the idea of a list. Assuming the list is good for the engine it will be great to select objects in this way. Especially if you can lock objects so you cannot select them in the editor anymore.

I am very excited to see the construction kit
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2014 19:39

I really like your idea's especially the Editor options..

The thing that really frustrates me is I select an Entity for my level

eg. the small grassy stuff and spray a little into the level

Then when I run the test I can hardly see it, so I say I don't like this.

I would like to go the entity in the Entities list on the left side and just delete it from the list and it disappears from the Entities list and the level.

Just having this would make my day..

Don't anyone tell me you can already do this - I spent quite a lot of time just trying to find the little blighters to delete them..
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Posted: 24th Jan 2014 15:34 Edited at: 24th Jan 2014 15:34

If you are using the in built default "Paint Grass" tool feature then if you want to remove all grass then you can just turn off grass displaying in the editor Veg dialogues settings when you are inside your test level.

If on the other hand you are spraying grass (or other veg) by using non default Grass features by loading a grass or other veg type entity (e.g. shrubs) into the editor list and then spraying it over your terrain - Yes there is no easy way to remove those bespoke type veg entities other than removing them one by one. Clearly a way of removing the entity (ies) from the entity window and thus the whole level or removal by a "Remove entity paint tool" (which you don't have included) would be helpful.

We have an ability to remove default painted grass by right clicking and painting over to remove it but don't have similar for grass entities from the entities list paint/placed in level. i.e. left mouse to paint them over the terrain (no right click paint over them to remove them). So thats a manual job unfortunately Yes.

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Posted: 24th Jan 2014 16:20
@Uman :Great idea to have a object list I like it. I hope Lee picks up on that.

Ham and Eggs Breakfast

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Posted: 10th Feb 2014 19:35
I do like the item grouping idea so you can drag associated stuff like book shelves around in one go. For the short term I have added the bugs that prevent you from selecting keys on tables to the list, and also the ability to range select entities in the editor so you can move nearby entities all at once (as a feature to the list).

Hogging the awesome since 1999

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