Well, AGK actually doesn't support a web browser yet, which was the main reason I bought it
So I was, and still am a little disappointed with it. Freedom did but was buggy and not great, and also a complete distraction from AGK. Also from what I could see, running an FPSC classic level in a browser was, well, slow beyond belief, not Unity by any stretch of the imagination.
Take note TGC, I remember the initial promises for AGK and web browsing was one of them. Now we have AGK V2 in the works, which incidentally I have backed as well, and still no browser support!
I have heard they may get Reloaded to run on mobile phones and such, which is more plausible, but fairly pointless really, the phones controls really suffer with this sort of game. Also, if you think performance is bad now, wait till you try it on a little bitty phone lol.
I am also a bit wary of this idea, as unless I am wrong, getting FPSC running in AGK will require a fair bit of work, it won't be a simple port. In fact it could potentially be a total rewrite, but I could easily be wrong there. If it was done (when AGK is up to it, which it is not as yet) I expect it would be a separate entity and not just an update of the current version.
Personally I will be happy if it just delivers decent performance, good AI and plenty of control for virtually any scenario you want.