To be fair here I think that because there are so many different people that look to use Reloaded in different ways - people who have pledged and have individual aspirations for use of the product having different priorities of what they personally see as most important features, it is and was going to be the case that getting to a stage where all of those people have something of what they look for so they can make a start in making their own production whatever it might be was going to be a long task.
Add to that Reloaded and users look to it to be indeed a better product than has been available in the past then the engine and the building of it would requires more investment in time and resources of various kinds, need to be possibly more complex/advanced and take longer than previous engine developments may have done.
To deliver that there is no magic solution and TGC and Lee seem to have done well to date despite any current issues or difficulties faced which were always likely to become apparent when developing such a complex application/product even if it may have taken longer than one might prefer. That's the nature of attempting a seriously major project which it is.
Anyway I have to give credit to TGC for sticking with the plan and that's the only way to get a result. They cannot magically create all the needed features that people want and have asked for with many individual variations and personal details to suit as many aspirations as so many different users have. It seems that it makes a great deal of sense to follow the current indicated plan to develop the main features to be added in the vote list in tandem with Lee being the lead developer being given free time to concentrate further on the core engine stabilities and efficiencies which will no doubt benefit all users whether they will eventually wish to take advantage of the outdoor/indoor or combined environments in the productions they will develop. The core engine being improved will benefit all without a shadow of a doubt as whatever you use the product for you will always be looking for that extra quality, stability and performance. That will be certain. You cant make that core too good for any user or game player ever, so a benefit you will surely have from that. If you don't get it then you will be asking later why not, where is it, I should have it and Reloaded is no good to me without it. Goes without saying don't it that if you have a game engine then it should be stable, efficient of quality and fast because that's what you want and expect. However to get there it has to be built and that's what TGC are trying to give you. As said many times can't fault them for that. Users wanted something better so TGC are trying to give it to you.
As to the main features yet to come and be added we currently have in the list again due to so many users wanting different things as a priority then they can all be done at once wand it would be foolish to try and do that - too many cooks spoil the broth and seen that all before. Again things tend then to get swept under the carpet and move on an ignore the problems or issues.
I am sure all the features will come and along with improvements to the engine in tandem so steady as you go is good advice.
At the end of the day all of the features will be needed by many before they can make their game as many are relevant to many game types and so on. Thus to some extent they are all a priority and is does not matter which order they come in within reason. I am sure TGC can decide which are the most pressing at any time depending partly on what has to be integrated next to the engine in the core development itself so that it provides full support for any particular feature along a route.
The Character Creator, Room Building System and Save Game and all the other features are important to some but not to others to have in a specific order but by and large you will need them all to best advantage in many users instances.
In the case of the Blob or Room system from what I have seen previously described in some reasonably detail by Lee would be a far better system than the old segment building system, more efficient and should allow users to make much better games than were possible in the past with any TGC products. I don't doubt that.
Given the state of development at this time the current plan seems to be reasonable and the best way forward to me. When that is progressed there are even more features I am sure that I and many others would like added but that's another story.
I understand all concerns as I have them myself and can see everyones point of view but I would not ask or expect TGC to change the aspiration to make Reloaded anything but the best it possibly can be and go for it rather than give me a quick fix for one isolated feature or another which without the whole is of little use. Bugs, issues, stability and performance along the way are an entirely different matter and have to be accommodated for and taken into account and attended to as part of the core development in supporting the whole engine quality, efficiency and stability.
The very worst that can happen is that Reloaded fails and as far as making a game is concerned then you will have lost nothing as you can continue as in the past which is again not much use to you. Looking on the bright side alternatively if successful then you will have tool available to you whereby you can actually successfully make a game of your desires within reason of course, but a game you will be able to make with as little effort and cost as any option you are ever likely to find.
In the current game world that's still not easy to achieve for small indie developers so you may have a one an only best option for a lot of small indie game makers for the first time. Lets hope so.
Given the new year looks like you will all soon have some of the main features you look for coming on stream to look forward to.
Sure you will still have to put some effort in if you want to make a quality game but that is an option for the user to decide given they have a choice which they surely will.
The only major threat to that I can see perhaps is the core engine no matter what hardware you will use as it can never be really too good for what indie users in general need - and rightly so, Lee still gives that some order of priority so as to try and ensure as many users as possible can get the best out of the product and that can only be a good thing in the long term. The better the core and features the more users and the better the games you will see being made. Its the only way as that's a win, win situation and the opposite is a no win for anyone.
Have some "More" faith and hopefully all will pan out as you want if you - Yes "Wait" as always is the case. Unfortunately indies are always waiting but then that's the whole point of supporting and pledging to Reloaded - hopefully one day your wait will be over and you can get on and make that game you always wanted to.
If it never happens then at least all of us pledgers and TGC will have tried and that's must be worth the effort. If not Reloaded then you are likely perhaps to be waiting much longer to make a game with anything else.