Quote: "Looks excellent to me. I'd be more than happy with that"
No where near. The quality is below par shown there as its not using high settings.
If you have a fps of 22fps in an almost empty level with few features or complex content, no physics, no AI characters at all and so on yet running how will you maintain that which is already way to low (22fps) when you expand upon that level and expect to display high quality fidelity on screen for all kinds of advanced visual effects, advanced interactive AI and gameplay and so on yet to come and expected of an even reasonable modern engine.
Answer is you wont. I cant add any more content even now or use full quality and I have no AI or a single dynamic entity in the level at all, no advanced visual affects or anything complex in terms of world object content, no advanced terrain, water, weather or anything other than very basic content at all as seen in any modern game.
Still I can actually walk around at the moment but have nothing much to see or do, nothing that is required to make a game going on or in there. Just largely bare world at low quality.
Sure its early days and the pressure and demands on the engine can only increase by a major order of magnitude requiring a serious additional drain on its power and efficiency.
In an empty level one has always needed to start with an fps in the hundreds of fps if you are to fill it up with any serious volume of content and alike and even then they always drop off very quickly to levels which have to be very carefully managed when it comes to indie engines. Always been the case and that has and will not change as far as I am aware.
I am now running my test levels which are all they are at full quality settings as I cant live the lower ones which are just not acceptable. The quality and on screen fidelity is OK and no more even at high quality - its not top title pro quality but good enough for an indie engine and game where you don't expect it to be AAA quality. The lower qualities are simply not so.
That's my personal opinion but I am sure lots of others wont agree.
Reloaded is still under development. Lee has done a good job to date and I am sure Lee and TGC are and will do the very best possible.
Things may well get improved and I am sure they will to whatever extent is possible. Add that if necessary to everyone having to get hold of top range hardware and perhaps that will do the job I don't know. I am not sure that your average user/game player computer will be of a great deal of use to anyone though unless you want to tailor the output to keep the games and game play content and quality below what everyone would expect and want to see.
i.e. If the engine efficiency is too low and the system requirements are too high then a lot of poor games or more likely few games both poor quality and perhaps some better or great overall will be made and game players in the main will have a very bad experience of games made with Reloaded due to the limitations faced by the developers in making and achieving anything better. Much like classic situation with bells on as said many times.
We all know its early days so we have to just wait and see how it develops.
At the moment we can only comment as we find at any stage or not at all.
The point that s4real makes is valid and has always been so and is the over riding one. How you improve on that in an indie engine at this level I don't know. Its not been done yet so we have to wait and see if Reloaded will be the first to do so and that may be some way down the road yet when actual users prove the engine by making some quality games proper with it that can deliver the aspiration of such to the end game players.
As always an engine showcase of finished complete and deployed games, commercial or not will give some indication of the standing of any engine so we may have quite some time to wait for any to appear to find out.
I am still open minded and would hope that we will see some good game eventually made with Reloaded even if they do need top of the range hardware to run them.
I wont be making any by the looks of it as I don't have the hardware that could do that at the moment so would not attempt it even if Reloaded was tooled up with the necessary features and so on at the moment to do so as my computer would grind to a halt if I asked much more of both the system and the product.
Personally I may try more testing and adding of content of building some different levels but I am about at my limit before it begins to fall over in fps speeds which it seems to do now in some areas approaching the lower limits though that may be down to the current seeming instabilities in this version or not as the case may be. Instability causes havoc as we all know so perhaps some improvement is to come there.
The next version may show some improvement in this so I have to wait for that and further versions with more updates, features and functions and so on added to see how that pans out for me at least. Seems like a long way to go yet before one can seriously make any solid judgement other than as said at any current stage in development - the rest is guesswork.
Hopefully 2014 will be a good year for Reloaded and all users. I wish it will be so far everyone and all the best for the new year to all.
Quote: " Most of the audience weren't gamers and hadn't seen anything like this before but all were very impressed. We should all bear in mind that this software enables newcomers to set up scenes and games very easily - even in its present form"
Thats great presuming that such people would even have a computer that can run even the get to the river level at high quality settings. Remembering that get to the River level can hardly be called a game but we get the point and agreed. Reloaded is great for new users just the ticket if its usable by them and their own users.
TGC and Reloaded empowers people like no other product can do that's fantastic - lets have more of it for more people - its good for indie game making.
That's what we want lots of new users, games made and game players for Reloaded and to do that it has to be usable by those as referred too largely with an average computer spec so they can make or play the games with them at a reasonable, decent on screen quality and speed or it wont be enjoyable either to make or play and that is not good for the product.