Very interesting comments from all sides and as may be expected what various users see as priorities don't always match up with one another, nor do they always or often match up with what the product developers see as priorities.
Personally I would still like to see whatever is currently existing and "Started" and we know what that is now - completed to a standard of the most advanced and best quality with the best set of tools and sub features that any one of the core features can be given and achieved for it before moving on to any new features and no feature not skipped over half done before the next is attempted for integration though I understand about factors which may break this chain of stable linear development putting the core features fully developed in place properly first. Existing Terrains and Water are two examples that could certainly do with some serious improvement to the tool set and the potential benefits for users developers and of the results returned for game players to the benefit of the product in the long term and not the short one.
For example I see we are getting Player Huds for weapons - which I don't need as I don't have any enemies worth placing in my game yet so wont have any enemies or any weapons in levels yet for some time to come. I have terrains and outdoor environments which need to be substantially improved - now while the core feature is half done or I don't want to show anyone what I am doing as its just not good enough - so don't need enemies in there for that reason too.
Personally I do need improvements to what we have now and don't need any new feature now. They can follow in the same vein - new feature - make it top notch whereas the current ones are not as they are missing quality tools and sub features which current pledger users have asked for many times.
Apart from those I have a use for updating of more basic missing small features again asked for like transparency for glass windows or for ice in my ice world. Simple things missing that make a big difference to what you have now leave alone considering other major features. If possible finish one thing complete and in its entirity to the standard of tools and sub features while you are at it at a time is good or it may never get done to a standard that may otherwise have been possible.
If you have a Voting system then you have to follow it or there's not much point in having that either is there. Thus you have it and that's an end to it - why as users what they want and then say we don't accept that. Like having votes for screen shots and saying well we don't like your choice so we will reorder them in priority as we see fit.
Clearly a voting system may return results of an unforseen, random and perhaps undesirable results. That's the nature of us humans. You have to applaude TGC for continuing their commitment to giving users the opportunity to shape the product as they see by asking them what they want to see in the engine - cant fault that. It does not always or necessarily mean its the best line of procedure or will return the best outcome because of our nature as said.
I can understand all the points of view. I understand the priorities of those who want a product they can make a game with and publish it ASAP even if that is limited, lacks features or has poor quality, half complete or unfinished features, issues or bugs, performs poorly or is unstable leaving those things to be attended to or addressed later - perhaps if it ever gets to be the case. We have seen it all before.
I also understand the possible legitimate need to add some additional core features at any stage because others or the whole depend upon it for successful testing at any stage - that is and can be justifiable as each core feature may and probably will impact on those others and the whole so until they are in place the impact overall cannot be accessed. Clearly completing any one major core feature fully to an advanced level risks that a great deal of time, money and effort could be wasted as when you later add another major core feature the engines efficiency and performance cant cope with it so whats done has to be r-done to adjust something to accommodate that fact. That's a very real risk which cant really be quantified until you get there but can result in a lot of going around in circles doing - undoing and so on until a balance is reached.
Thus the very basic core quality, performance, efficiency and stability is so important or you cant build in those very many advanced features users seek to have use and add to their games so that in the final analysis your game players can enjoy them.
I can understand that everyone has a pet feature and that as such its of vital important to the individual. In most instances most will have including TGC a number of these and if they don't get them well its like the end of the world and for the individual it probably is
Whatever a balance will be needed as I don't think everyone will ever have everything they want.
The only thing that we have to go on is past experience and by and large we know what is needed in an engine if it is to deliver- the bottom line core things have to be up to supporting, providing and maintaining the rest as development proceeds - the end result will be governed by how good that basic core is.
Indie game makers know whats needed for them to be able to make good games and deploy them irrespective of the end Game Player - first you have to make a good game. The better the engine and the tools in their hands the better the games made will be - bottom line there. We are talking small independent individual or small group game makers here. They have been around a long time and know whats needed, what they need and what they have always needed. That's fixed and it don't and wont change. Its not rocket science.
You don't need a vote to know what is needed to make a poor, good, great, professional, AAA or masterpiece of a game. Its well proven and documented too.
Great engine, great tools, great features - the rest is down to the creativity, effort, skill and so on of the user - new user or experienced user alike - all will benefit from those things or not depending upon how good each of those things is.
Thats the bottom line.
Quality, performance, stability are paramount and a necessity and can't be as being of prime importance no matter what anyone thinks. You cant build a house on quicksand or water and you cant change that. You have to get to bedrock if you don't want your house to fall over.
If you want your house to be as good as it possibly can be then you only use the best materials, tools and workmanship. You don't skip on time, cost, effort and you don't do anything at half measure and skip anything that clearly needs doing. Last but not least you don't sweep the rubbish under the carpet and say I will come back and clean it up later. You wont.
I don't really mind which order things are done in as long as its some kind of sensible order and doing it follows good practice and well known disciplines of whats useful and helpful for indie developers. Look after the core and you wont go far wrong.
Whatever, Vote, develop, make, deploy away all.
Reloaded - I am enjoying it and waiting for Beta 1.004 so it must have something going for it or it would be on the shelf keeping Classic company.
Have great Christmas and New Year Everyone. Your Christmas present is attached.
Sorry that's all I can afford and that cost me an arm and a leg in effort.
P.S. Can I have the Character Creator first Ah only joking!