Ok Locate and go into The game creators\Fpsc reloaded\files\effectbank\reloaded\
And open/edit file ( water_basic.fx )
Best to download and use Notepad++ Rather than use NotePad as its better and shows the line numbers. and can save file types as they are.
ok Now locate this part in the file.
// tweaks
float2 WaterScale = { 5.0f , 5.0f};
float WaterBump = 0.6f;
float FresnelBias = 0.1f;
float FresnelScale = 1.0f;//1.5f;
float2 Speed1 = { -0.05, 0.0 };
float2 Speed2 = { 0.01, -0.01 };
float2 Speed3 = { -0.001, 0.001 };
float4 WaterTint = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f };
Where it says
float2 Speed1 = { -0.05, 0.0 };
You can change the 5 from 1 to 9 well you can change to whatever realy but will be extreme.
you can also change values in float2 speed2 = { 0.1, -0.01 };
as this changes the speed and direction of the water on the ( X ) axis
Basiscly left to right or back and forth, as depends on wear your facing
float FresnelBias =
This feature changes how clear the water looks, for example if you would like to see through the water and see the ground then raise the value, please Note if to high then you wont see the water at all, as it will disappear.
Water4 Watertint
is where you change the colour,
on the fist 3 groups of numbers is where you add your colour numbers,
and how much reflection is on the last group, i call groups as 0.7f, as its easy to corrispond to, and so and the higher the value is more and lower is less.
See my colour chart below for the numbers to insert/change
As default it is
Float4 WaterTint = { 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.1f };
but found it to much for my liking as water is not a mirror and only takes on light reflection, Meaning if water is still and the light spectrum meets the the requirement of the water density/surface tension then you will get a good reflection, just thought to mention
Hope this tut will help!