I don't know about you... but for myself, when I "play" a game, I *hate* invisible walls. I'm all for the open world experience. However, its probably not reasonable to expect a never-ending world either. So I think I would rather have natural impediments to the player's movement, but still give it that *endless* feel (even if someone is on a hill not too far from the end of the map as someone else mentioned in this thread) by having a backdrop or something that can be displayed to present the *illusion* that the map goes on further, even though the player can't reach it due to the object impeding their way. However, the object impeding their way needs to be practical, and variable (so not just the same old cliff method I described earlier in this thread).
This also goes along with my suggestion (in a different thread) regarding re-sizable maps. So when you *expand* the map, and the default or chosen texture is expanded out to the new extent of the map, you could then *break open* (or remove) that impediment. For example like some bolder landslide that was covering an old road between some impassible mountains, and then of course adding in your new map area and a new impediment near the new end of map. The backdrop can then remain the same and it will look like you simply reached an area previously unreachable without changing the distant "look" of the exact same map.
Well, I hope that was explained well enough to be understandable.