Product Chat / Town Shootout Video - FPSCR

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Posted: 10th Nov 2013 21:11 Edited at: 10th Nov 2013 21:11
Hey FPSCR Users!

Check out this video of a large scale town shootout in FPSCR! It's not perfect but its a great example of what FPSCR is capable of even in its beta state. I can't wait for a finished version! Comments and crits welcome!

-Winner of the X10 Revival Competition, Susysyay

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Posted: 10th Nov 2013 21:19
Nic vid,when i fire the pistol only the mag shows.And when i reload the shotgun tha animation goes crazy .


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Adrian Santiago
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Posted: 12th Nov 2013 16:59 Edited at: 12th Nov 2013 17:03
When I stress-tested the engine, I noted that 2 active enemies on screen at a time is ideal... 3 seems to be the ceiling. 4 or more and you start getting "brainless" AI and a severe dip in framerates while they struggle to do anything other than walk towards your general position.

It's going to be tricky, but you will have to get used to using triggers to spawn your enemies selectively around a player. A simple way is to build a dead-end alleyway somewhere, and at the only entrance/exit, set a one-time event to spawn two bad guys out of sight in the alley. Once they're dead, they're dead. Moving all around the map, theoretically, you can have hundreds of enemies in 1 - 3 enemy bursts with no hit to overall performance.

If used imaginatively, you can come up with several pockets or buildings or valleys, etc where you have enemy spawn points that release a total of (example) 20 enemies each from an area unseen to the player that flood in one after another after an enemy has been killed by player. (Serious Sam is a series famous for this type of enemy dispensary).

EDIT: In the case of your video here - To start, you can have a couple of enemies pacing the street... that's inexpensive. They get shot, they despawn, then your resources are free for 2-3 more enemies once the player crosses the spawn trigger zone. Consider placing those enemy spawn triggers at the locations you are intuitively hopping between for cover from bullets... the new spawned enemies can appear from buildings, alleyways, behind vehicles, on rooftops - use your imagination! Create those scenes where the player can "feel" a fight coming... then deliver it.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2013 23:05
Good news is that I fixed that darn gun and character vertex corruption - phew! Next update will behave itself

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Posted: 13th Nov 2013 09:01
Lee can you tell us will next update be on Friday 15 ?

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