Feature Creep / [STICKY] What YOU want to see in Game Guru

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Posted: 14th Jun 2014 17:15 Edited at: 14th Jun 2014 17:17
- More key input and usage with LUA not only the Key E

- 2D GUI and possibly Editor for indiviual HUD displays.

e.g. something like a moving crosshair like in Ghost Recon when out of breath should be possible. (You can not shot sharp when out of br
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 03:56
One thing that I see as a must-have in any game development program is the ability to highlight a multitude of objects. For example, I tried to create a forest in one area of a game, but later decided that all the trees lagged the game and that I could cut the forest entirely. However, it took me HOURS to undo what it took me minutes to spray down, as I had to right, then left click each tree, then press delete. Yes, I will admit I found some key shortcuts for this, but these aren't life-savers. If I could drag a box, have everything in the box selected, and then press delete, I could have saved hours. (Man, I'm gonna be mad if this is a feature and I've never known about it )

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Posted: 10th Jul 2014 00:23
Dear GameCreators,

I own a game development and publishing company called SubGlobal.net, we're looking to begin anew in the FPS genre. I see you have http://en.tgcstore.net/ which will be very helpful as we're going to be modeling and designing a lot of content if the multiplayer aspect is what we're hoping it will be. I'm writing this letter to point out some features we'd like added to your multiplayer system.

We would LOVE to see private server capabilities with an SQL database where the players's content can be stored;
Ranking system
Leveling system
Persistant running server with AI spawns
Account registration
Adjustable server player cap (1-10000, etc)
Cash shop (using points earned & paid for to purchase in-game content)

Maybe this thinking is too much to ask, but if you have plans for something like this along these lines, maybe you could not only allow clients to sell products created from your software, but also GameCreators collect a % of profits from client's sales. Is this something maybe GameCreators is/will be working on in their multiplayer aspect?


Cayle Rose
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Posted: 10th Sep 2014 21:20
I personally didnt order fpsc yet.Still waiting for third person camera support and multiplayer.
But I'm learning Lua with Visual Lua designer and SciTE atm.
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2014 07:17
I would like to see an advanced physics system, advanced character and AI interactions with extended animations, the ability to climb ladders, to see drivable vehicles, to make nice indoor structures and to have heavy customisation on the games that we would like to make.
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2014 16:44
Quote: "- More key input and usage with LUA not only the Key E"

If you get the Omega Core plugin, you can already do this right now.


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Posted: 23rd Sep 2014 20:35 Edited at: 23rd Sep 2014 20:36
Not sure if this will get read. But the ability to change the water height would be nice.

Imagine spending a week building the most awesome map then you realized... your entire terrain is too high above the water to build the desired lakes you were hoping to incorporate.

FPSCx10 allowed you to raise and lower water with a slider. FPSCx9 I believe allowed you to do this with keys.

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2014 20:17
I am in a bit of a hurry, but I wanted to throw this out there before I forget. Hopefully this has not been suggested too many times before this, but I think it is a very worthwhile addition so it very well may have.. AnYwHo...

Add on a system for giving VISUAL REPRESENTATION to various entity statistics that currently do not have this, such as:

Visual Range
Visual Cone Range

and other such features that would involve sight, sensing and those sort of settings. I think it would be very helpfull if we could see arrows and range indicators for various entity settings so we know exactly how and where the settings will take us to.

I usually write better than this (not so garbled and repeatative..apologies for rushing)!



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Posted: 20th Nov 2014 10:56
1. Reloaded really needs a terrain smoothing tool badly.
2. Also tdm and ctf multiplayer.

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Posted: 21st Nov 2014 05:14
2 main editor modes are needed indeed,
1. perspective view for vieing hight of terrain and entitys.
2. Smooth terrain mode so as we can lesson the angle of hills and shap better.

And i prefer fps creater reloaded over udk simply because it has carrictors and weopns all ready animated and rumors are it will be multiplayer, but we need tdm and ctf modes.

Thats my final opinion.

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Posted: 17th Dec 2014 10:45
I'd like to see

1. In depth and customizable game menus including options
2. High Dynamic Range
3. Sun positioning options
4. More accurate sun shafts
5. Bump-Mapped bullet holes
6. In-Depth texture management menu
7. Anti-Aliasing, including either Super-Sampling, Multi-Sampling or at least Fast Approximate
8. DirectX 11 and tessellation support

Improved AI too, but everyone's suggested that already

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Posted: 17th Dec 2014 16:51
Prescripted multiple choice dialogue set


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Posted: 17th Dec 2014 17:51
Quote: "Prescripted multiple choice dialogue set "

I second that.
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Posted: 17th Dec 2014 23:37
After watching this video a couple times, I think Reloaded is a lot better than this. Reloaded looks more believable and better to me. Trees, rocks,mountains, water, etc. I like the water reflections in Reloaded. Birds, animals, and snow sometimes would take Reloaded past this video I think.

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Posted: 18th Dec 2014 06:21 Edited at: 5th Jan 2015 13:21
I NEED to have these types of editing controls within the editor of Reloaded:

The ability to change the angle of where your looking in the editor is the feature I have been suggesting since the very start :/

the F9 Mode uses the mouse look and I find that very frustrating. Its like trying to make a game playing Mine Craft.

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Posted: 18th Dec 2014 20:50
I want a quality vehicle system and solid multiplayer which is not easily cheated.

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2014 17:18 Edited at: 24th Dec 2014 08:40
FPSC Reloaded wrote: ""We're on a mission to create the best and easiest to use game creator and would like to invite you to join us on this journey."

To really remaining one of the "easiest to use game creator" it's better to put back the "it is Objective ?" option at the "PROPERTIES" entity.

The new option "Import Model" is too laborious and it only saves the file as "dbo" or "fpe"file.

A lot of the FPSCR users are just simple users not programers, and they don't have skills to change more of your new options in the v1.009 software.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2014 12:48
No need to write in such large bold text. I'm sure the developers read every post in this thread regardless.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2014 13:13
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Posted: 4th Jan 2015 05:34
We need a better way to locate/place entities in the editor. Although h1z1 seems to have some great things going on it just may be more stuff then I want to be an expert in. It looks like a steep learning curve. Can we just start with a new editor concept for entity placement now and the see how the editor matures.
If lee were able to devote the same time and effort that brought us the very functional light mapper then we just may be the recipients of a new placement concept also.
I suspect TGC has a priority list of bug fixes and new features ... I just hope the editor is close to the top.

Welcome back to our world Lee ...

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Posted: 4th Jan 2015 06:29
Quote: "We need a better way to locate/place entities in the editor."

One of my biggest issues I see with Reloaded and its future.

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Duncan Peck
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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 11:45 Edited at: 5th Jan 2015 11:48
The widget is good for fine tuning and to relocate/scale/rotate an entity.. my only gripe with it is that the widget itself moves under the menu from some angles which makes it harder to adjust the parameters. You have to move around a bit in order to be able to select the parameter you want to adjust. If the menu moved out of the way of the widget parameters a bit more that would be good... it's only a minor thing but it would defiantly contribute to ease of use.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 13:22
The widget sometimes even moves under the scale/rotate arrows.... very frustrating.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 15:38
The widget is great, but not very useful until the editor has a 3D perspective that we can freely control. And I don't mean a fly mode. That would be horrendous.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2015 15:14
Hmmhmhm ...
Video textures, that would be nice.
Possible to destroy objects (battlefield) or better destroy the terrain... (Red fraction?)

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2015 03:23
I'd love to be able create sports games. I love World Football (what some call Soccer) and American Football and would love to be able to create these kinds of games.

I don't think there has ever been a kit that created conditions favorable to doing this, but these two sports generate roughly 30 Million+ units sold annually so they are wildly popular game genres, yet there has never been anything available to make creating them simpler.

Hey, a guy can dream.
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2015 05:12
*Storymode (Video support). We had it in x9 and x10.

*Also the ability to swim
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Posted: 24th Feb 2015 15:32
How about an animation editor? One where you can do keyframes (most possible) or edit motion capture animations (least possible but would be awesome).
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Posted: 6th Mar 2015 02:04
Ability To Remove Entities From ListPanel
Lua To Check For Any KeyPress Not Just if g_KeyPressE == 1, Perhaps Something Like [ KeyPress("L") == 1 / if KeyPress(38) == true ]
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Posted: 6th Mar 2015 05:31 Edited at: 6th Mar 2015 22:55
The things I have seen the most that should be integrated into GG are:

GUI / HUD / Menu Editor
Save / Load options
Particle Editor
Cave / Underground Editor
Data Tables

That is all I can think of at the moment. I am actually very impressed with GG and what it can do. Scripting is great, but there are still lacking options.

EDIT: I wanna add Data Tables to the list, like an array. Something we could save to a file on the players machine and recall data from.
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Posted: 7th Mar 2015 08:57
^Yea What He Said^

As Well As The Ability To Rotate The GameView Window Up/Down+Left/Right...
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2015 21:02
Many things are listened here already

but how about a Patchsystem? If u release a Game and want to Fix Bugs? Or is it possible and iam just blind?
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2015 11:21
multi core support to get the maximum out of the machine. this is most important to me. i would also like to drive a car and swim in the water. there is much more i would like but these are most important on my list. i would have said "the free flight mode" but we do have that now and it's great
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2015 20:04 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2015 20:26
Cube Mapping with bump and defusive
Reflective mapping with bump and defusive
Better specular mapping
Fix Ambient occlusion
Better looking glow mapping
Be able to import user created animated models and weapons easily
Physics support for user created models so that tank tracks, player walking etc moves with the slope of the terrain.
Shader support in regular edit mode so we dont have to load a level to see what normal maps etc look like on an item.

A quest generator for us people who suck at coding....One where we can set how many to kill etc and return to npc for reward.[i]

........A shader menue with lots of shaders like, cube mapping, relief mapping, reflective mapping, animated texture etc
with the latest shader model support..
P.S I did not join in 2015. Ive been backing this project from day one. When I switched to steam it messed up my account....... Just so ya know
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Posted: 4th May 2015 18:42
Adding my vote here for heightmap import.
No need trying to re-invent the wheel to build the best landcape tool.
Better focus on game building
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Posted: 30th May 2015 02:59
I'd love to see a script command for modifying a players gravity with an item, effectively giving them a jump boost. That and more jetpack customization.
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Posted: 4th Jun 2015 05:53
I want to edit the ground in game
Moar magic mostly telekinesis pickup throw hold and move (objects people) lightning, lazer beams that cut models
destruction of terrain, buildings(breaks into peices), ground (dirt shifts of disaperes)
building creation kit (at least a more serious import options) I want .3dm
dialog menu editing in general
violence triggers in AI
actual dimensions in the editor that are correct and to scale
more brushes, textures and such to paint the ground with (ability to import gimp brushes)
lava mostly lava
adjustable water levels per water source
bigger /smaller maps
Way better performance (I would like to play on shitty labtops) super low textures or something
maybe tablets
multiple item selection
copy and paste items
adjustable character speed
save and load
building in game
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Posted: 18th Jun 2019 00:21
I've reopened this as things seem to be moving along.
Check out my YouTube Gaming Channel: /user/MadLadDesigns
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2019 16:42
1-Professional and free ready scripts.
2-Equivalent to each instance of a code, a free-use object will be available to the user.
3-free and unlimited developing for professional users.
4-unlimited developing for all countries.
5-Add entity builder<free>for any users.<Immovable things><easy to use>entity
6-Add entity builder<free>for professional users.<movable things><hard to use>vehicles
7-Add some good servers for any users for multiplayer games.

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2019 16:46
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2019 20:34
Most of what you posyed doesn't make any sense and the rest wouldn't even happen in AAA engines with millions of dollars in the budget.

By the way this section of the forum isn't really used any more, feature requests are handled on the github repository now.

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Posted: 26th Jul 2019 19:04 Edited at: 26th Jul 2019 20:38
Quote: "Most of what you posyed doesn't make any sense"

All of what you posted again you want for free ..
Are you here to support GG or just grab all the free stuff you can ..
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..

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