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MadLad Designs
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Posted: 30th Oct 2013 16:26 Edited at: 12th Nov 2013 16:51
Yes, we all want to be able to create the next Skyrim in Reloaded...

But remember, this is an ongoing project for TGC and as such there is a long list of things yet to do and fix. Hopefully, a list of all the things you want to see in FPSC-R will be here, as well as a list of things confirmed to be coming so please be patient.

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Posted: 4th Nov 2013 12:37 Edited at: 4th Nov 2013 12:42
yep skyrim oblivion type games, and this is early days but bye gum i am looking forward to all the goodies to be added to it.

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Posted: 4th Nov 2013 15:13
FPS creator should have the smartest AI in the world. But not like a bot and know exactly where you are, instead it should act like human being.

They should react to the environment and if they are in a tall building and collapses they should slide down and grab the ledge of the building and try to survive the impact.

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Posted: 4th Nov 2013 16:47

I understand what you are trying to say, but to make AI that would dynamically react to ANY event conceivable isn't even possible with current technologies, your best bet for scenarios like the one you described would be to create a custo
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Posted: 4th Nov 2013 17:01 Edited at: 14th Nov 2013 18:22
Jumping mechanics should be smoother and configurable (possibly in the player settings), such as gravity, jump cool-down and jump height.

Movement should be also configurable and players should NOT be able to sprint in any direction but forward (or at least allow sprinting sideways and backwards to be possible).

The lack of a stamina bar / mechanic is a big gaping hole in the mechanics of FPSC and FSPCR, it could be configurable to allow stamina duration, add modifiers and hide or disable the bar entirely.

Lighting, lacks the option to add directional lights, and has a strange distinction between "Static" and "Dynamic" lights in terms of shadows and lighting effects that should not exist.

AI path-finding and some more complex options would be nice.

An Options menu for graphics, controls and sounds (and anything else I might have missed or could fit in).

Isolated sounds that can be placed onto a level that emit a sound / music onto the level allowing the player to move away from it and it becoming quieter.

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Posted: 4th Nov 2013 17:06
True 3D viewing in terraineditor please.
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Posted: 4th Nov 2013 22:10
Screen/full screen effects such as dirt/grain filter, vignette etc? Would be great for horrors.
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Posted: 4th Nov 2013 22:15
Terrain depth and height control. A minimum help guide would be nice.
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Posted: 4th Nov 2013 22:30
I want to see improvement on the AI performance.

Currently loading geometry is not an issue what so ever for me, I maintain a pretty constant 80-100+ FPS with just terrain and standard entities loaded. I do however have an EVGA GTX 780 FTW installed, not boasting what so ever, but just to give an idea of what I am working with.

How ever, The instant I start adding AI I start to see 5-10 (sometimes 15) FPS drop per AI added.

My CPU is an i5, which is pretty standard for a "gaming" rig.
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Posted: 4th Nov 2013 22:49
an undo button that fixes editing the terrain mistakes I make lol

+ a random map generator that has % options for trees water mountains gullies and veg, using assets owned of various types like stated above

for example I have a foliage folder so it could randomise from that folder or others like it for say rocks plants trees then it could be fine tuned by users with buildings and other stuff like enemies npc and towns by the users.
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 00:19

That technology exist and has been around for years and it was implemented in a ragdoll engine called Euphoria for games like Star Wars the force Unleash, and the latest Rockstars games. And yes, it is possible. [href]http://www.youtub
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 08:36
Multiplayer. Possibility to angle in the editor, ability to extend the game world and make different ground levels (like possibility for tunnels and dungeons)
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 08:48
Multiplayer. Ability to expand the World on X,Y and Z axis (for dungeons)

Ability to angle the map in editor.
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 09:57 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2015 05:11
One thing that I disliked about FPSC... which is in reloaded as well I see .... is holding the jump button should not make you contentiously jump. There's no game I can think of that is First Person that does that.

EDIT: Thanks for fixing this Lee!
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 16:49 Edited at: 5th Nov 2013 16:55

My point is that you can't expect FPSC-R to become an engine for advanced ragdoll physics and advanced ai, but we can expect a certain level in quality of AI pathfinding and scriptability... which COULD allow YOU to create these events th
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Posted: 5th Nov 2013 23:32

Well you have a point there, at least I try.

The most important is to make a huge optimization for reloaded. Well see if it gets better in the next few months or so.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2013 08:06
It would be very useful to be able to reassign keys for movements, actions, etc. Not everyone uses WASD (I am new to FPSCR, so I apologize if this is already in).
Sgt Lonewolf
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Posted: 9th Nov 2013 09:05 Edited at: 9th Nov 2013 09:18
I was just wondering if anyone has heard any more about the Building creation system that Lee spoke of in his blog....(I believe it was the September 4th entry that mentioned the idea of what he termed a room blob. the idea is a great one. However I had not come across any more info about it, So i was wondering if it was still in the works or was the idea dropped?

If you want to read about it; it's in lee's blog.


If you read it, you will see that his idea is really good and the infinite amount of buildings and creations that someone could come up with would be astounding.. My only suggestion to add to this idea is Don't limit it to just creating rooms or buildings, why not let it be a complete creation tool. As an example how about it create vehicles such as jeeps and tanks, or how about a futuristic vehicle like a star wars AT-AT....the idea's could be limitless...Just a thought.
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Posted: 9th Nov 2013 13:15
Quote: "However the engine of the game you showed me as an example is highly specialised to do specifically what it does, FPSC is most certainly not as specialised as it needs to fit the needs of many more people."

Reloaded is specialised in as much as it is an FP Shooter and the AI (enemies) therefore being what its all about should indeed be of a high quality and Yes fit the needs of many people both experienced and non expert users.

As an first person "Shooter" then AI should be the most important and top priority feature above all others given of course that performance must overide that in importance or having great AI will be to no avail if your game is unplayable.

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Posted: 10th Nov 2013 23:14
Soft-body physics and rigid-body physics. But I like the first one more.

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Posted: 12th Nov 2013 05:47
Loving the improvements. Please make the editor have 3d view. One example of how useful it would be is this: placing bridge segments across the water. Pressing enter did not move it up on top of the water surface, so I had to go into test mode on each segment to align it vertically. Plus, a 3d view would allow us to manipulate game objects quickly and sequentially instead of having to go into test mode for each one, and even there, the 3d navigation is pretty slow. Where are other softwares doing it right? We should look at that. My favorite parts of fpsc are all the ready made assets, and the fact that i dont have to code ai! Love them zombies! Keep up the good work.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2013 17:19
A editing system like other engine do (Unity,UDK, Leadwerks, ...) based on brushes, models & materials
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2013 18:15
Ability to expand the World yes.

or decrease the size of the World to save on game world horizon draw distance.

or removing the blind side of the hills & mountains to save on draw distances.

or like a in-doors only mode. no need for horizon or sky box.

will this make the game run faster?

-add a easy to use customizable HUD & Menu Editor with add your own text.

add any meter icon or power bar u like. & as many of them as u like,

like a plug-board in to the games core. (pick your value) Shots Fired,hit or miss, time or time remaining. & display it the way u like in the Hud.

-customizable camera control

-instruction manual.

-a customizable sound control window. mixer. set FX audio levels.

-a TPS mode. one day?
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2013 21:42
My first impression of reloaded is very good.

What i also want to see is to make a road that follows the pad of the terrain.


Harry Wever
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Posted: 1st Dec 2013 21:20
Three things are a priority for me (in addition to all the confirmed features):

1) An advanced eventing editor (something like that in RPG Maker) - to allow a good single player campaign (or open world campaign) to be set up.

2) A good, editable experience system, to allow a character to gain experience, increase levels and gain new abilities, etc. This is kind of vital for any roleplaying-based first person shooter/open world game.

3) A user-friendly way of incorporating cut-scenes (or even making them with a cut-scene editor). The best I've seen is the cut-scene creator tool from Blizzard's Starcraft II.
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2013 18:21
I would like to be able to re-size the terrain brush.

MadLad Designs
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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 19:54
You can by pressing the plus ( + ) and minus ( - ) keys on the keyboard.

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Check out the [FPSC Reloaded FAQ]!
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Posted: 7th Dec 2013 23:01
I don't know how I missed that. Thank you...

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Posted: 8th Jan 2014 01:28 Edited at: 8th Jan 2014 01:32
Just to say FpscR is using the bullet physics and if the animations are with the characters then the ragdoll efect is even more amazing, just google for bullet physics demo.s

Also the water can be made to look more relistic, i hav only tweeked about with the water and it looks very kewl have a looksy at my post


so a tool to change the water speed and the ripples and direction of flow, so its only a case of adding some sliders to the tweek of the shader. simples

In due time im sure there will be a weather system for rain and snow extra,

just waiting on what scripting is going to be used, iam already learning LUA laugauge just incase.

Anyway my point is that this new FRSCR has a lot going for it. in simplicity and perfomance with candy eye features, for the beginner and the advanced game maker.

there is still a lot of work to be done to make this engine sing and dance,

One thing i would like to see in the forums is milestone, meaning what is being worked and why, and the out come and what to be expected in the next beta versions. so if people are tweeking about with things to improve what they need is that they would not be waisting there time, but in another way is that if some one has made an improvement then it could be added to the milestone so people can try and if ok then gets added to the next beta release.
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Posted: 6th Feb 2014 18:02
Long time creep, first time post. I would like to ask if there as an ETA for reloaded to have features missing since the upgrade from x9. Specifically, I am looking for the ability to modify the game core. In x9 I used the setupLevel.fpi to accomplish tasks such as HUD modifications, remapping keys, etc, from lua. The LUA change has unlocked a great amount of power, but still has so much just out of my reach.
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2014 14:31
What I want to see

A:customizable characters (I voted this)

B:Varity of NPCs and weapons

C:easier ways of making mazes

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Posted: 25th Feb 2014 03:18
Major things to add:

Melee Weapons

Ability to switch between 1st and 3rd person


Survival mode? (Waves?)
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Posted: 4th Mar 2014 20:14
My suggestions-

- Skydome editor

- Alien world textures (i don't want all my games to be on Earthlike planets).

- The option for poisonous atmospheres.

- Vehicle creator
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Posted: 12th Mar 2014 22:42






Sooner or later your games will have water and then you will say why can't you swim dive wade etc. Why am I a miracle man and walk on water as if I am a demi god

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Posted: 12th Mar 2014 22:46
in regards to water How about waves and tides?
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Posted: 20th Mar 2014 14:04
I think the AI should be like Far Cry 3 or close to it. It seems like the smartest and most human like AI. Its what they do through communication that makes them feel human as they come up with plans to kill you are tell there squadmates where you are.

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Posted: 8th Apr 2014 17:38
I would like to see co-op basics put in. I think that would be a good option that's not in many creators.

While I also would like to see strong AI a lot.. I know it's a limitation in games.. The smarter the AI the more overhead.. there has to be a good balance. I just hope we get a good level.
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Posted: 16th Apr 2014 00:36
Earthquakes , Hurricanes , Tsunamis , Hard Rain , Disasters . even meteorite and fire rain. This can be done with particles or falling 3D models from the sky.

And the ability to have fully customizable inventory system.

With Lua might all of this can be programmed.

Hmm , After 5 years might we will see something , there is a lots of work for The Game Creators to do.

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Posted: 20th Apr 2014 22:52
I hope they get the FPS up.....Left hand graphics are weak..Jump is wrong...

no vehicles...very few action oriented functions...great intentions and interface so I'm going to be patient....Dave is great at listening....

ray jr..

ps opinions on left hand and arm lease..

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Posted: 26th Apr 2014 00:25 Edited at: 2nd May 2014 17:56
I would like to see something built in which allows you to create cutscenes using your scenery and characters. I know you could probably do this manually to some extent but it would be difficult.

There's a large database of excellent scripts held in your forums. I would like to see the best ones incorporated into the drag and drop environment for ease of use. Although it is still vital to have the option of using custom scripts.

I know X10 had problems but it did also have some nice features and I'd like to see them in Reloaded, provided the problems could be resolved. The Ragdoll effects you got with the mature patch were good although they tended to mess up the levels. There were also more variables for the user to change within the software compared to FPS C (Classic).

How about some built-in text-to-speech feature for character dialogue? And a range of different realistic voices?

There was a problem with FPSC - The Win Zone didn't detect whether it was the final objective achieved by the player. I would think this is an easy but important fix.

Some of your team seem to be in denial about this, but in FPSC it was almost impossible to get more than 2 or 3 levels to compile into a game without it throwing up an error. This is disappointing as the packaging says up to 50! I'd like to hear from anyone who's managed to get 50 levels to build together without having to do it manually! There are forums dedicated to tutorials on doing it manually or password protecting individual levels (which isn't ideal and a bit naff) and this shouldn't be necessary. Anyway, I believe Reloaded will eventually have the facility to build multi level games and I would like to see this problem fixed.

I would like to have more sound effects for the characters. Instead of just 3 'hurt' sounds maybe 10 that could be randomised and several 'finalmoans'. Also, I want to hear them scream and watch them on fire, writhing, if they get blown up - sorry, it's in my nature! I would like to see better character AI all round. No more moonwalking/running on the spot. No more just standing there motionless while they get shot. I want to see them react when they get shot, maybe even change their facial expression and be covered in blood, maybe start walking like they're injured. Again, the user might be able to achieve this with scripting/animation, etc. but we're not all geniuses! I'd like to see variation between the same type of character so they don't all look like clones. Maybe there could be some kind of randomising with parts of the textures.

Some way to direct the player to the next objective - radar or arrow or map.

The ability to require the player to do objectives in a specific order. Headup display for objectives without scripting.

Headshot kills.

Night vision goggles, flashbangs, smoke grenades. Realistic explosions.

In "The 3D Game Maker" you can very easily edit/change character textures within the software's interface. You can manipulate the sizes of image files used in the textures. I would like to see something like this in Reloaded.

I think Reloaded needs some sort of Autosave which saves your level at regular intervals or after a certain number of changes have been made. The save would be under a different filename each time and this would be crucial. Such a feature would allow the user to salvage most his/her hard work when thing went wrong. I really wish FPS Creator had this - it would have saved me hundreds of hours of work and a lot of frustration!

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Posted: 26th Apr 2014 10:59
In addition to my other recommendations, I have the following:

In most of the best games the player has some way to direct him toward the next checkpoint - either an arrow or a radar or a map. I'd like to see that included.

I think it is important to be able to set the game so that objectives have to be completed in a specific order, maybe with the completion of one objective activating the next. I'd also like to see a wider range of objectives built into the drag and drop environment (avoiding scripting) instead of just destroying or pickup up objects or reaching checkpoints.

I'd like to see moving vehicles and attacking helicopters!

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Posted: 5th May 2014 20:05
I would like to see particles (like weather effects, such as snow, rain, etc).

I would also like to have true snap to grid in the editor so I can place objects precisely. A grid overlay would also help and true orthographic mode would make world building and object placement so much easier and more accurate.




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MadLad Designs
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Posted: 5th May 2014 21:16
You can snap to grid by pressing 'B' twice on your keyboard.

Check out the [FPSC Reloaded FAQ]!

Also check out my YouTube Gaming Channel: /user/MadLadDesigns
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Posted: 6th May 2014 05:39
I'll have to try that. Still, a 4-view display (top, left, right, front and then perspective) would still be a great pro feature.

Also, we MUST have a way to rotate the editing camera, lock it into position and use it not only as top down. The in-game editor is far too clunky to be useful and not being able to rotate around makes it very hard to create quality levels.




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Posted: 19th May 2014 20:14
Quote: "I'll have to try that. Still, a 4-view display (top, left, right, front and then perspective) would still be a great pro feature.

Also, we MUST have a way to rotate the editing camera, lock it into position and use it not only as top down. The in-game editor is far too clunky to be useful and not being able to rotate around makes it very hard to create quality levels.



A professional editor is a must. The current editor is almost useless for real game making.

System Specs: OS - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1, CPU - AMD Phenom II X4 945, 3.0Ghz, RAM - 8Gb DDR3, GFX Card - 2048MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 640, FPSC-R Version - Beta 1.006
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Posted: 19th May 2014 20:36
In game editor works for me..Especially for sculpting long trails which

have huge slopes. The zone and clipping errors are killing me however..

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Posted: 21st May 2014 13:23
Quote: "You can snap to grid by pressing 'B' twice on your keyboard. "

Not everythign will snap correctly. Im assuming its the actual model but in these cases, "snap to grid" is useless.

I still want a multi axis view so that things can be placed properly. The test level editor would work perfectly if we could just add from our entity bank with it. Thats all I need. I can then get close enough to see that everything is where I want it.

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Posted: 22nd May 2014 14:41
I want to see the things I listed in this thread. They showed the game engine editor for H1Z1 (basically the same editor for Planetside 2 with some H1Z1 optimizations) And it looks and feels like FPSC reloaded engine. So we might be able to take some ideas from watching these streams.


See below for what features I saw they had.

- Instant object scaling

- Object grouping and duplicating makes it easier to place fences, walls, etc by allowing you to place one, drag it to make two, drag to make 4 etc.

- Undo,redo

- Leveling terrain using precise numbered amount

- While editing in a "3D" mode there is full access to all features of engine on visible icons.

- 3D rotating Gyro for object rotation

- multiple entity selection using mouse and what I presume to be a keyboard key being held down. (this leads to him object grouping and duplicating selected objects down the fense (1h 44 or so)
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Posted: 22nd May 2014 15:58
@BarZaTTacKS, thanks for showing that H1Z1 stream. Now that's exactly the kind of editing that we need in FPSCR.

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Posted: 7th Jun 2014 02:07
My want for now is a simple one, I don't want to sink in water I would love to swim

enthusiasm without knowledge is a dangerous thing

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