Quote: "Can't seem to toggle to emitter on or off. I've been trying the StartParticleEmitter(e) and StopParticleEmitter(e) commands but to no avail"
ParticlesDeleteEmitter( fire ) instead.
I assume you are using one of them as a weapon, if so, which one? (torch, flame, light) ?
if g_PlayerGunID == 59 then
Another way you can achieve it is modeling some flameless image, and change it when needed.
Take a look this script it is not exactly what you are looking for but it is well commented and might help'u.
-- LUA Script - GraPhiX Explosion Script - Thank you to AmenMoses for the scripts he creates without them this would not have been possible.
local U = require "scriptbank\\utillib"
local P = require "scriptbank\\physlib"
local min = math.min
local emitterList = {}
local explosion_name = {}
-- blastRadius set this to the distance you want explosions to be felt default is 300 units
local blastRadius = 300
local maxDamage = 150
local maxPlayerPush = 10
local maxEntityPush = 200
local nonDebrisName = "exp1" -- reserve exp1 just for non-debris entities such as GG standard barrels. all they should name as exp1
-- and being threated as your original script stated. The debris ones should be threated a bit different since they are animated; we don't want they dessapering suddenly,as example.
-- In fact we don't want them being hidden or destroying, we want they generating debris, and these debris following the physisc and gravity laws while fallen to the ground.
-- Lee: Here user being able to declare explosion type does not have to name all your items such exp1...exp11
ani_end = {}
-- triggerHealth this setting adds to the entity strength.
-- the default setting in entities properties panel is 25 which equates to 1 shot changing to 50 2 shots etc..
local triggerHealth = 1000
-- Emitter list the emitters control position and scale of each particle the emiiter name
-- i.e boom1, boom2 is assinged in your image_List.
local namedEmitter =
boom1 =
{ animSpd = 1/2, SR = 0, freq = 64, lifeMin = 2000, lifeMax = 2000,
-- minX minY minZ maxX maxY maxZ
offset = { 0, 50, 0, 0, 80, 0 },
speed = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
rotate = { 0, 0 }, -- currently only Z rotate processed
-- startMin startMax endMin endMax
scale = { 200, 300, 100, 200 },
alpha = { 100, 255, 0, 0}
boom2 =
{ animSpd = 1/2, SR = 0, freq = 64, lifeMin = 2000, lifeMax = 2000,
-- minX minY minZ maxX maxY maxZ
offset = { 0, 50, 0, 0, 80, 0 },
speed = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
rotate = { 0, 0 }, -- currently only Z rotate processed
-- startMin startMax endMin endMax
scale = { 300, 400, 100, 300 },
alpha = { 100, 200, 0, 0}
boom3 =
{ animSpd = 1/2, SR = 0, freq = 64, lifeMin = 2000, lifeMax = 2000,
-- minX minY minZ maxX maxY maxZ
offset = { 0, 90, 0, 0, 90, 0 },
speed = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
rotate = { 0, 0 }, -- currently only Z rotate processed
-- startMin startMax endMin endMax
scale = { 200, 300, 200, 300 },
alpha = { 100, 200, 0, 50}
boom4 =
{ animSpd = 1/2, SR = 0, freq = 64, lifeMin = 2000, lifeMax = 2000,
-- minX minY minZ maxX maxY maxZ
offset = { 0, 20, 0, 0, 20, 0 },
speed = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
rotate = { 0, 0 }, -- currently only Z rotate processed
-- startMin startMax endMin endMax
scale = { 200, 300, 100, 200 },
alpha = { 100, 200, 0, 0}
boom5 =
{ animSpd = 1/2, SR = 0, freq = 64, lifeMin = 2000, lifeMax = 2000,
-- minX minY minZ maxX maxY maxZ
offset = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
speed = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
rotate = { 0, 0 }, -- currently only Z rotate processed
-- startMin startMax endMin endMax
scale = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
alpha = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-- image_List this is the list of your decals/particle sheets keep the name the same has your image file name i.e. exp1 = exp1.dds
-- also the full path is required i.e. "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp1.dds"
-- emitName = the particle parametes set above
-- imgFrames = the number of frames in your sprite sheets
-- imageNum must be a unique value some are reserved so just use 10 - 20
-- imploder is a boolean value false for a standard explosion if you have designed a implosion sprite sheet set it to true
local image_List =
exp1 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp1.dds",
emitName = 'boom1',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 10,
imploder = false },
exp2 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp2.dds",
emitName = 'boom3',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 11,
imploder = false },
exp3 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp3.dds",
emitName = 'boom1',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 12,
imploder = false },
exp4 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp4.dds",
emitName = 'boom1',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 13,
imploder = false },
exp5 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp5.dds",
emitName = 'boom1',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 14,
imploder = false },
exp6 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp6.dds",
emitName = 'boom3',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 15,
imploder = false },
exp7 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp7.dds",
emitName = 'boom1',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 16,
imploder = false },
exp8 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp8.dds",
emitName = 'boom1',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 17,
imploder = false },
exp9 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp9.dds",
emitName = 'boom4',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 18,
imploder = false },
exp10 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp10.dds",
emitName = 'boom1',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 19,
imploder = false },
exp11 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp11.dds",
emitName = 'boom4',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 20,
imploder = false },
exp12 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\exp12.dds",
emitName = 'boom3',
imgFrames = 180,
imageNum = 21,
imploder = false },
imp1 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\imp1.dds",
emitName = 'boom3',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 21,
imploder = true },
imp2 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\imp2.dds",
emitName = 'boom4',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 22,
imploder = true },
imp3 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\imp3.dds",
emitName = 'boom4',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 23,
imploder = true },
imp4 = { path = "effectbank\\explosion\\graphix\\imp4.dds",
emitName = 'boom4',
imgFrames = 64,
imageNum = 24,
imploder = true }
-- Unless you know what you are doing please do not alter any of the below script.
-- caller must load image. some clever stuff Amenmoses made
local function PE_CreateNamedEmitter( name, image, frames, entity )
local et = namedEmitter[ name ]
if et == nil then return end
local emitter = ParticlesGetFreeEmitter()
if emitter == -1 then return end
local pos, spd, scl = et.offset, et.speed, et.scale
-- this bit makes a cup of tea
if entity == nil then
ParticlesAddEmitterEx( emitter, et.animSpd, et.SR,
pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], pos[4], pos[5], pos[6],
scl[1], scl[2], scl[3], scl[4],
spd[1], spd[2], spd[3], spd[4], spd[5], spd[6],
et.rotate[1], et.rotate[2], et.lifeMin, et.lifeMax,
et.alpha[1], et.alpha[2], et.alpha[3], et.alpha[4],
et.freq, -1, 0, image, frames )
-- this bit makes coffee
ParticlesAddEmitterEx( emitter, et.animSpd, et.SR,
pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], pos[4], pos[5], pos[6],
scl[1], scl[2], scl[3], scl[4],
spd[1], spd[2], spd[3], spd[4], spd[5], spd[6],
et.rotate[1], et.rotate[2], et.lifeMin, et.lifeMax,
et.alpha[1], et.alpha[2], et.alpha[3], et.alpha[4],
et.freq, entity, 0, image, frames )
return emitter
function graphix_explosion2_init_name(e, name)
Include( "utillib.lua" )
Include( "physlib.lua" )
explosion_name[e] = string.match(name,"_(%w+)")
SetEntityHealth( e, g_Entity[e].health + triggerHealth )
ani_end[e] = 0
end-- init
local rnd = math.random
local function processExplosion( e, ex, ey, ez, imploder )
-- get entity position
local Ent = g_Entity[e]
-- calculate distance from centre of explosion
local dx, dy, dz = Ent.x - ex, Ent.y - ey, Ent.z - ez
local dist = math.sqrt( dx^2 + dz^2 )
-- calculate modifier based on distance
local distMod = 1 - ( dist / blastRadius )
-- handle physics push/pull
local dims = P.GetObjectDimensions( Ent.obj )
local force = min( maxEntityPush, dims.m * maxEntityPush * 100 * ( 100 / GetEntityWeight( e ) ) ) * distMod
local vx, vy, vz = dx / dist, dy / dist, dz / dist
-- suck it in
if imploder then
vx, vy, vz = -vx, 0, -vz
if ai_bot_state[ e ] == nil and explosion_name[e] == nonDebrisName then
-- shove it out the way
PushObject( Ent.obj, vx * force, vy * force , vz * force, rnd(), rnd(), rnd() )
-- inflict damage on entity
if explosion_name[e] ~= nil then
-- trigger chain reaction with like minded entities
SetEntityHealth( e, triggerHealth )
if ani_end[e] == 0 then
ani_end[e] = 1
ai_bot_state[ e ] ~= nil then
-- remove health from NPCs based on how close to explosion
local newHealth = Ent.health - math.modf( maxDamage * distMod )
if newHealth > 0 then
if HurtEntity ~= nil then
HurtEntity( e, newHealth, 200, Ent.x - ex, Ent.y - ey, Ent.z - ez, vx * force, vy * force , vz * force )
SetEntityHealth( e, newHealth )
if KillEntity ~= nil and explosion_name[e] == nonDebrisName then
KillEntity( e, 200, vx * force, vy * force , vz * force )
SetEntityHealth( e, 100 )
function graphix_explosion2_main(e)
-- if no sprite sheet do nothing
if explosion_name[e] == nil then return end
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
--if imageNum == nil then return end
--if GetPlayerDistance(e) < 100 then Prompt(Ent.health .. " - " ..triggerHealth) end
local Ent = g_Entity[e]
if Ent.health > triggerHealth then return end
-- put all those lovely images to use
local emitter = emitterList[e]
if emitter == nil then
emitterList[e] = { used = false,
boomImg = ParticlesLoadImage( image_List[ explosion_name[e] ].path,
image_List[ explosion_name[e] ].imageNum ),
emitNam = image_List[ explosion_name[e] ].emitName,
imploder = image_List[ explosion_name[e] ].imploder,
imgFrames = image_List[ explosion_name[e] ].imgFrames
-- only use an emiiter if need to
if not emitter.used then
emitter.blowup = PE_CreateNamedEmitter( emitter.emitNam, emitter.boomImg, emitter.imgFrames, e)
emitter.used = true
ParticlesSetLife( emitter.blowup, 10, 2000, 2000, 0 , 0 )
if emitter.timer == nil then
ParticlesSetLife( emitter.blowup, 10, 2000, 2000, 1, 0 )
emitter.timer = g_Time + 100
-- 1.5 second delay to allow particle to fire
StartTimer( e )
-- play the sound assigned to sound0 in entity properties
PlaySound( e, 0 )
-- hide entity while we work out whats around it within range of blast
---------------------------------------------------------- modify by me
if explosion_name[e] == nonDebrisName then -- if GG standar barrels then
Hide( e )
if ani_end[e] == 0 then
ani_end[e] = 1
if U.PlayerLookingAt( EntID, dist, ignore ) then
for _, v in pairs( U.ClosestEntities( blastRadius, 100, Ent.x, Ent.z) ) do
if v == EntID then
processExplosion( v, Ent.x, Ent.y, Ent.z, emitter.imploder )
--for _, v in pairs( U.ClosestEntities( blastRadius, 100, Ent.x, Ent.z) ) do
-- if v ~= e then
-- processExplosion( v, Ent.x, Ent.y, Ent.z, emitter.imploder )
-- run emitter effect
g_Time > emitter.timer then
ParticlesSetLife( emitter.blowup, 10, 2000, 2000, 0 , 0 )
emitter.timer = math.huge
-- assign damage to player if in range of blast
if U.PlayerCloserThanPos( Ent.x, Ent.y, Ent.z, blastRadius ) then
--AmenMoses funky math stuff i wont pretend to know what it is
local dx, dz = g_PlayerPosX - Ent.x, g_PlayerPosZ - Ent.z
local angle = math.deg( math.atan2( dx, dz ) )
local dist = math.sqrt( dx^2 + dz^2 )
local distMod = 1 - ( dist / blastRadius )
local damage = maxDamage
-- if not an explosion limit damage to player
if emitter.imploder then
angle = WrapAngle( -angle )
damage = damage / 2
-- push the player away
ForcePlayer( angle, maxPlayerPush * distMod )
-- damage to player based on how close to explosion
SetPlayerHealth( g_PlayerHealth - math.modf( damage * distMod ) )
-- delete the emitter then destroy the entity
if GetTimer( e ) > 1500 and GetAnimationFrame(e) == GetEntityAnimationFinish ( e, 0 ) then -- forcing engine to wait to the last anim frame before exit.
ParticlesDeleteEmitter( emitter.blowup )
-- Destroy( e )
--------------------------------------------------------------- mod by me
if explosion_name[e] == nonDebrisName then -- if standard ones
Destroy( e )
if ani_end[e] == 0 then
ani_end[e] = 1
--if GetTimer( e ) > 4500 and GetAnimationFrame(e) == GetEntityAnimationFinish ( e, 0 ) then Destroy( e ) end
function graphix_explosion2_exit(e)
ani_end[e] = 1

Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz
OS: Windows 10 (64) - Ram: 4 gb - Hd: 283 gb - Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics
cpu mark: 10396.6
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memory mark 2584.8
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Passmark rating: 3662.4