Scripts / Free script (again) - revisit of an oldie, entity_viewanimations.lua

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Posted: 27th Jan 2018 20:16 Edited at: 27th Jan 2018 20:18
Updated my old ai_viewanimations.lua re-write to use my utillib and somewhat improved it all round really.

Just attach it to one or more animated entities then you can walk around testing out their animations.

Instructions appear on screen but I'll recap here in more detail:

LMB to increment the frame, RMB to decrement
Press Shift to increment/decrement quickly
E to change 'from' frame to 'to' frame or back again
Shift+E to toggle looping animation

Script automatically detects which entity you are looking at (have to be within 200 units of an entity to control it but that is easy to change in the script if need be).

Edited: Forgot to mention that I renamed it so it doesn't clash with the one already provided with GG.
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Posted: 28th Jan 2018 11:18 Edited at: 28th Jan 2018 11:19
thank you very much AmenMoses , will servire
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Posted: 31st Jan 2018 02:37
I love that! I been working on a game. What I did was. I made a multi level mountain. With 4 stages. The first stage is 10 feet. The second stage is 20 or 30 ft.The third stage is you know a lot higher etc etc. I got a bunch of different size blocks. Added smallg's minecraft script. Put a prize(winner) at the top of the mountain. So the goal is to stack up the blocks like steps so you can get to the top. It can be tricky! Because you have limited blocks. And they need to be the right size to be able to jump on them. And of course it seems the higher I get. Things decide not to work right. It gets buggy. I bet your scripts would be better for what I'm trying to do? Since you can turn the objects and such. I'll give them a shot. And Thanks for sharing you amazing work.
Jim C
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Posted: 31st Jan 2018 07:37
I'm about to 'branch the repo' to deliver a few more Lua commands that mean my pickuppables script can be completed now, I think you'll like it!
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Posted: 31st Jan 2018 19:58
ooh this is perfect, I needed exactly this for a project I had stall out
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Posted: 31st Jan 2018 23:05
This ultilib you did m8 is becoming very versitle indeed nice work m8 gonna be very impressive when you have it all done (it is already)
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Posted: 31st Jan 2018 23:31
May add the zone functions to utillib as well, might as well have it all in one place.

I'm probably going to, now I'm a collaborator , replace the quatlib with direct calls to the C++ quaternion functions in the engine, should speed things up and make it fully compatible with the Physics engine.

Exciting times indeed, hopefully once I've figured out this GitHub stuff I'll have some really neat toys for you guys to play with.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2018 01:03 Edited at: 1st Feb 2018 04:46
Awesome! I wish I could quit my day job! Oh and Congrats on being a collaborator!
Jim C
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Posted: 1st Feb 2018 11:35
Indeed, good to hear you're a collaborator
lua guide for GG
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Posted: 1st Feb 2018 18:59
yes also glad you are one.
I can imagine you feel like a kid in front of a box of new toys and don't know with witch one to start playing with first. lol.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2018 19:17
I've always disliked the usage of the word collaborator, it makes me feel like you're a rebel working with the enemy giving away secrets :p I much prefer the word contributor

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Posted: 1st Feb 2018 19:31
I won't be quitting my 'day job' anytime soon (it's more like several jobs).

Anything I do for TGC will be in my 'spare' time. (Lee couldn't afford me anyhow )
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!

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