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Posted: 1st Dec 2016 19:29

What do people think about any of the following additions/improvements/can it be done: (Hard to find things now.)

1) Entities Folders are listed Alphabetically now...How about Organized by folder numbers? (You can now only create a list up to 9 folders that will start at the top of "ENTITY LIBRARY". 10 will cycle to under 1 as does 11) So not use full now: Needs to list sequentially beyond 9 folders.


2-Air Ships
4-Water Ships
9-WEPONS..... 10.....infinite

2) A way to search for an entity in GG?
3) A way to delete an Entity directly from "Left Entity" panel rather than trying to find it on the map?

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Posted: 1st Dec 2016 21:07 Edited at: 1st Dec 2016 21:07
Quote: "A way to delete an Entity directly from "Left Entity" panel rather than trying to find it on the map?"

This would be handy and has been discussed many times but theres always something else we want first

Quote: "How about Organized by folder numbers"

Changing the folder structure now would be a disaster !! .. Most models would fail to load in current users maps ..
For most it would mean starting again from scratch ..
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 1st Dec 2016 21:41
It's a great idea that myself and many others have suggested variations of over the years, I wish they would do something about it.

BTW, for making suggestions about improving GameGuru there's a specific forum section, you can find it at:

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2016 14:37
Ok, thanks next time I will post in that forum. Tons of stuff to read/get around too. This one looked like the most used for GG product.

Of the 3....

I just want to know if the #'d folders is doable with the least effort. (1-10) Seems the most logical/practical to me for my own things. (I want to keep them separate from the main tree so I don't "Mess up" the GG setup structure. Are people archiving GG versions on drives other than C drive without messing things up in the structure?
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Posted: 4th Dec 2016 15:59
Hello can I please get guidance with this from more experienced users. The questions are again about Work/organization in general.

1) What are the steps for a fresh install or update of GG (Let's say to 1.33 Lee is working on when it comes out).

2) How worried should I be about LUA scripts/models/.fpe levels that are mine being overwritten?
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Posted: 4th Dec 2016 16:10
1. not sure what you mean here. You just uninstall and install, if there's an update you update in steam and it copies the new files over the old one. If reinstalling and you have stuff you have manually added you need to back up the files first.

2. Never edit default scripts, always make a copy under a different name, change the function names to the new script name and edit/save it there and use that script instead of the default, if you edit a default script it will be overwritten during an update.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2016 16:23 Edited at: 4th Dec 2016 16:23
Quote: "How worried should I be about LUA scripts/models/.fpe levels that are mine being overwritten?"

Everything Default will be overwritten .... Back up your Files folder... Its always recommended every now and again anyway
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Posted: 4th Dec 2016 21:32 Edited at: 4th Dec 2016 21:44
My purchase was via Steam so I can understand update/overwrite as an option.

However, uninstall and reinstall I don't get this as much as I have not gone through this process as of yet.

I would like to know these things because I would want to somehow account for corruption of files in the construct/test phase of a game if things go wrong with the software or the System or a GG build.

OR ...What happens If I update my system or my drive seriously crashes... what happens then? Can I go back to Steam and get a GG copy back?

Aren't people afraid of any of the above? ...As I see it now is the time for me to figure out workflow/file management.

LUA custom scripts mixed with LUA default scripts, for example, is a recipe for disaster. fpe maps mixed with GG maps is not good. Custom sounds/music also.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2016 21:48
Quote: "OR ...What happens If I update my system or my drive seriously crashes... what happens then? Can I go back to Steam and get a GG copy back?

I think we do allow you to roll back to the previous version via steam ( which is rare for any steam product )
But the point is you still wont know whether the update is ok unless you install it first ...
Either way a backup is recommended..

I have Leadwerks engine, S2 Engine, Clickteam Fusion, Shoot em up kit ... All are automatically updated and cannot be rolled back ?
In fact neither can any of my games ..Ark Survival. Take On Mars etc ... That's the way steam is ....
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 4th Dec 2016 22:10
And its just been released so either way you will know shortly ...
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 4th Dec 2016 23:45
Quote: "OR ...What happens If I update my system or my drive seriously crashes... what happens then? Can I go back to Steam and get a GG copy back?

Aren't people afraid of any of the above? ...As I see it now is the time for me to figure out workflow/file management.

LUA custom scripts mixed with LUA default scripts, for example, is a recipe for disaster. fpe maps mixed with GG maps is not good. Custom sounds/music also."

I have replaced hard drives on both my desktop and my laptop as well as have installed win 10 from scratch on both (twice each, lol). Steam has worked fine every time, as has every game/app I have purchased through Steam. That's the beauty of Steam. As many machines as you want. Your personal files are, of course, your personal files. If you fail to back them up some how, you will lose them. That has always been the case no matter what program you use. If you have custom Lua scripts (not a modified stock script), or .fpes it is not likely to go anywhere on an update, however, again, backups of your own stuff are your responsibility; they are not a "recipe for disaster". Also, I have never had any fear of losing anything. The only fear I have is that I know I backed it up, but where the hell did I put it? (I have 2 networked drives that I use for backups + both the desktop and the laptop I try to keep matched).
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Posted: 5th Dec 2016 00:07 Edited at: 5th Dec 2016 00:27
Quote: "Quote: "A way to delete an Entity directly from "Left Entity" panel rather than trying to find it on the map?"

Been asking for since day one

I'd personally like to see the left panel of entities to show each entity in the game world, rather than just their initial instance source. It is hard enough trying to click on entities in a very detailed map with overlaying objects. The widget doesn't really show you what is selected once you have clicked it. If double clicking the entity on the panel would zoom you into it where its on at the map and have it selected... it would make the development much easier. I have a very hard time making the details i want in my levels due to this issue with finding and selecting entities i have placed n the map.

Quote: "A way to search for an entity in GG?"

Yet another function I've been asking for since the start. A search bar at the top of the entity panel and even in the entity library would be very helpful. With finding entities on your map and finding entities in your library to place in your map. This is where software like Unity and Unreal excel. Tools for a good workflow make for better game design.

Quote: "I have Leadwerks engine, S2 Engine, Clickteam Fusion, Shoot em up kit ... All are automatically updated and cannot be rolled back ?
In fact neither can any of my games ..Ark Survival. Take On Mars etc ... That's the way steam is .... "

This is the same case with Creation Kit of which I use everyday. I have no problem with no roll back as well. As older versions tend to come with a lot of bugs and restrictions. Also opening newer projects in older versions of any software is setting yourself up for problems.

I do however understand where the concerns are coming from. A lot of the time I make improvements to LUA scripts and FPE files and even textures. Those changes are generally overwritten with each update. But I have since made it my common practice to keep any new changes I make to anything stock, duplicated, into a custom folder of my own.

I have folders called "teabone" in the entitybank, scriptbank, audiobank, videobank, terrainbank, skybank, vegbank, mapbank. With in those folders are my custom made assets and stock assets I have changed or updated. Such as entities, scripts, sounds and videos. It helps provide a good workflow and you never lose anything you have made or changed with each new update.

In general you can find the bank folders here:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Game Guru"

Quote: "OR ...What happens If I update my system or my drive seriously crashes... what happens then? Can I go back to Steam and
get a GG copy back?"

As synchromesh recommends; as a habit I always at the end of every month, make a backup of these bank folders onto a portable external hard-drive. While it is GBs of data, I do this in case I have an HD fail. This is just something I do with any project with any software I use. You'll never lose your stuff if its backed up. Since you can re-install GG at anytime and just put your custom folders back into the bank folders manually. So in short: Yes you can get a GG copy back at anytime via Steam.
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