Feature Creep / Draw invisible walls

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Posted: 13th Aug 2014 21:17

I believe it would be a nice feature to be able to draw "invisible walls" alongside the end of your levels.
Sure! I could just make actual 3D models for that, but a built in solution would be much more elegant and usable for those who can't model.

This could work the same way as connecting waypoints.

Anyone agree, disagree, or care?


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Posted: 14th Aug 2014 16:42 Edited at: 14th Aug 2014 16:43
At one stage TGC were talking about a feature that was going to be included to restrict player movement at the edge of the world or whatever.

Personally I think that something like a Zone feature with points or whatever that can be manipulated, added, shaped and so on could be used both to prevent players accessing areas of a level and also similarly to restrict enemies or other types of characters to areas you want to keep them in or exclude them from - so they can patrol, attack or walk about (including civilians) and do whatever business you have them doing where you wish them to be and stay in such instances thats needed. Such would be very flexible in Game Making scenarios to make much more impressive games with a lot of possibilities. I had suggested and requested this a few times previously but no headway on anything like this as yet.....

So yes a simple way to prevent access to the edge of the level for the player at least would be helpful preferably not needing to be rigidly square or rectangular around the exact boundary edge or perimeter as that's a bit naff as the player should not really be allowed to get to the exact edge of the world and see theres nothing there ever - and something that does not need take up too much resources as its not a visual game feature that's needed in that way.

Ideally of course the previous suggestion where boundary or zones could be set up to restrict/control both player and enemy/civilian Characters to specific multiple areas in a level would be far better for game making would be even better as an invisible boundary extent zone alone to just stop the player falling off the edge as it were does little to actually improve the games you make and make gameplay much more flexible and exciting as the other extended suggestion would.

Anyway I guess the Player boundary things would be the easiest thing for Lee to do if it could done without impacting performance. Any other more advanced or complex Zone suggestions are likely to not get very far at this stage at least for certain I should think due to so many basic things missing yet to hopefully be added.

Still we can keep asking so things can be considered lest they fall by the wayside.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2014 10:01 Edited at: 28th Feb 2018 21:20
A Collision Zone would be nice. In Fallout they are red in color in the editor. Though I think they can also specify the height as well.

Edit: I've decided to make my own. If anyone would like to use its now on the store:
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Posted: 27th Aug 2014 14:59
I think you should be able to do this anywhere in the level so we can block off areas that you don't want the player going tio. I currently use large invisible walls, but it's a pain to do and doesn't work as well as it should.

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Posted: 27th Aug 2014 22:07
While discussing the sewer pack with lee we hit on a interesting subject of a special hidesurface_D.dds. But this is more to do with polygon reduction than with specific blocking volumes, considering that it will not render at all and that multi texture is support is coming you can apply the hide surface texture to a specific face and reduce rendering strain, so it not out of the question to allow a block volume texture and apply the same principle to it.

It's def on the table, but if and when it will be implemented remains to be seen.
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Posted: 28th Aug 2014 18:06
Quote: "I think you should be able to do this anywhere in the level so we can block off areas that you don't want the player going tio"

Yes! Exactly.

Quote: "It's def on the table, but if and when it will be implemented remains to be seen. "

Ah! Glad to hear!


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