Product Chat / Tell me the issues which hold you off from doing your work

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2019 16:24
Quote: "Do you know what the best part of this script is? You could do it yourself
I will not work further on it. I wrote this in 10 minutes a half a year ago."

You know if i could i would have . !

My intentions was not to just complain, it seems as if you taken it up wrongly, i thought that this thread is were one could said what the problems are that stop one from completing one's game,
sorry if i misunderstand it.

stuff like this that makes one just want to give up even if you want to try to do something.

And again i will say thank you for the script like i did before.
Sorry for wasting your time.

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2019 21:36
Quote: "I will not work further on it."

That's a damb shame … so close
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
science boy
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2019 21:50 Edited at: 23rd Jun 2019 21:54
I've looked through the game control fpe can I ask which is the command to place and display the x y coord on screen. So I can turn off or remove I have dabbled but no joy so far if some one knows a gentle nudge to its place would be fab

Thanks sb
an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of game creation!!!
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2019 22:05 Edited at: 23rd Jun 2019 22:24
science boy,
are you talking a bout the gameplayercontrol.lua file ? or the fpe file

if i understand u correctly then are you looking for the prompt on the screen while the player is in the water.
if so then it is at line 1647 : Prompt("X: " .. g_PlayerAngX .. " Y: " .. g_PlayerAngY .. " Z: " .. g_PlayerAngZ)

if not then sorry , my mistake.
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2019 22:29
Cheers PCS will dabble tomorrow
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Posted: 25th Jun 2019 12:19
The problem with the swim script is that it is using the freeze position command which as far as I know, is the only way to move the camera. This means no automatic collision. The more recent physics commands may offer a solution, but I haven't used them, so am only guessing.

You may even be able to simply turn collision off before you start moving the player and back on afterwards. That may make the objects force you back down automatically. Not sure if that would work with the player object or not though as I have not looked through the entire code, just quickly scanned the swim part.
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Posted: 25th Jun 2019 13:23
@synchromesh I will work on it in the future, but not now. It is just a start for a new scripter who want to do it in the time.

Like I said. 10 minutes wasted to prove swimming is not impossible, now Lee gave us complete control over the player.
Of course it have no collision with entities and the terrain collision is also very basic.

@PCS Sry. I had no intention to blame you for anything. I want to motivate you to learn lua. It is not that hard and you could push your games to a limit you would never expect even with basic lua skills.
I came to FPSC where the forum was full of motivated coders and I really miss these days with GG. We could do so much as a community like swimming, a good thirdperson, better firstperson movement, better AI and a lot more. It would not be too hard as a group of coders. But the community is busy with complaining or other personal things(myself included) and so GG stagnate from year to year, waiting for the next feature from Lee.
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Posted: 25th Jun 2019 17:51
@Corno_1 It's the way I would have done it Or very similar. I wasn't criticising the script itself, actually trying to defend it, saying why collision is not as easy as people would think when using the freeze command (which I thought was still the only way to do it). Plus an idea for people to try with setting collision off and on between movements, which may or may not work. I've not been using GG much lately, so not sure about new player position commands. That's another option if so

You have to forgive the non-coders for knowing coding = difficult, but then thinking when people can code, that coding=easy Your ten minute statement did make it sound like a walk in the park though you should be called Formula 1

I agree everyone who wants to make games should get a handle on some coding. It really helps!
I have a number of GG tuts on my youtube channel Shameless plug Also a little about BASIC programming (AGK v1). It's a bit out of date and some will not run in AGK v2 but it still helps with some of the basics.

Give a man some code and he can eat for a day. Teach a man to code and he can eat all the little fishies! Of course most people have GG because they want pizzas delivered every day
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Posted: 25th Jun 2019 19:51
Ok, i understand now. thanks again for all the hard work.
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Posted: 25th Jun 2019 20:52
I made a swimming script (outside game player control) also
about 6 months ago, but I had to retract my efforts because...
I couldn't link the camera (Player) angle to the entity angle that I used to
move the player. Besides that-- we would have had a wonderful
time moving around in the water!
I asked and asked around-- anyone know any technique to
relate camera (I should say Player) angle directly to entity angle??

Essentially it's out there with the pickuppable by AM, but it's just
a mouse whisker outside of my capacities...

I'm looking into it further as we speak-- a little hairy, or is it just so simple?!
Dvader also probably has the answer!
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Posted: 26th Jun 2019 07:29
@GubbyBlips: You should be able to use g_PlayerAngX,g_PlayerAngY,g_PlayerAngZ

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best regards Preben Eriksen,
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Posted: 28th Jun 2019 02:49
Thanks for the heads up Preben! How did I miss those most
essential calls?! Somehow, like I said I thought CameraAngle
was the player... bad on me.
Well, there has been some progress. Take care!
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Posted: 1st Jul 2019 15:03
If you wanted an object to rotate the same as your player on the y axis. Y axis here meaning up.
SetRotation(objectnum, 0, g_PlayerAngY, 0)
That should make the object rotate as your player does. Where objectnum is the ID of your object, x and z are 0, and y grabs your player y angle.
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Posted: 1st Jul 2019 16:04
Thanks Dvader! I'll give it a shot ASAP.

Now on to another...
Preben, Corno1, or whoever (if anyone) -- Lee!
Gravity control (scripted) in GG seems to be broken. I don't know if it actually triggers
any response when these functions are called? SetGamePlayerControlGravityActive(0)
I have a simple flying script (player) that is complete, except for the fact that
there is no easy way to transfer from flying mode to standard walking and jumping
physics mode. ((Meaning there really IS an easy way, but with the broken gravity,
there is irrational behavior from the level.)) User would have to set player properties
to gravity = LOW, or under 100 for it to work satisfactory, but of course then there
is basically no gravity in "normal" mode.

Also there is a bouncing off the ground effect that shouldn't be there.
Anybody think this could be figured out easily enough? Or-- is it just one of those
things (physics is pre-computed@ AI) or something.
But this should just call to the player, so..... ?

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