Scripts / [STICKY] AmenMoses scripts land fill thread.

Pink Panther
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2019 20:04
Thanks Amen!I can't wait to work with these!
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Posted: 5th Nov 2019 21:54 Edited at: 9th Nov 2019 15:53
Sound control script (first version!)

Similar to light control script in operation:
Attach to zone or entities (make them always active), name determines functionality.
First part of name identifies the control entities(s)
Second part determines how the control functions (defaults to 'Loop')
Third part determines the player distance at which the sound control occurs
Fourth part is the minimum volume (i.e. volume of sound at the trigger point)
Fifth part is the maximum volume (i.e. the volume at origin of zone or entity)

So as an example 'Clock_Loop_1000_60_99' would start looping the sound sample (only slot 0 at present) at 1000 units from a control entity at '60' volume (on my machine anything lees is virtually silent anyhow) and will gradually increase the volume the closer you get until you are at the entity position in which case it will be playing at 99.

If you give 2 or more entities the same name then the distance is calculated (with some 'Funky math') to a line drawn between the two closet ones to the player. (so place a bunch of entities at intervals down say a river bed, name them all 'River_Loop' and attach a running water sound to them all, simples)

If you use 'Play' the same applies except the sound slot 0 will only play each time you enter the specified range.

If you use 'PlayZone' or 'LoopZone' then the sound control will only occur when the player is within range and in the zone(s).

Added 'Periodic' and 'PeriodicRandom'.
Also added multiple sound slots.
So for example 'Radiation1_PeriodicRandom_1000_99_99_5_20_2000' means play one of the five slots at maximum volume with a periodicy of a minimum of 20 ms and maximum of 2000ms and a randomness added.

Added 'Random' which simply plays one of the attached sounds at a specified random interval.
So for example 'Birds_Random_3000_70_99_5_2000_10000' means when player within 3000 units play one of the 5 soundslots with a minimum interval of 2000 (i.e. 2 seconds) and maximum of 10000 (i.e. 10 seconds) with a minimum volume of 70 and maximum of 99 (depending on distance).
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Posted: 6th Nov 2019 18:43
Quote: "Fourth part is the minimum volume (i.e. volume of sound at the trigger point)
Fourth part is the maximum volume (i.e. the volume at origin of zone or entity)"

make up your mind

Quote: "If you give 2 or more entities the same name then the distance is calculated (with some 'Funky math') to a line drawn between the two closet ones to the player. (so place a bunch of entities at intervals down say a river bed, name them all 'River_Loop' and attach a running water sound to them all, simples)"

interesting approach, certainly makes it easier for the end user

Quote: " '60' volume (on my machine anything less is virtually silent anyhow)"

yh GG is weird with volume, i don't know any other program that considers 1/2 volume to be silent
lua guide for GG
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Posted: 6th Nov 2019 21:07
Quote: "yh GG is weird with volume, i don't know any other program that considers 1/2 volume to be silent"

Sounds like a bug to me
I am finding I have to make volume quite a bit louder in Audacity, so I can actually hear it in GG - surely it should be the same...

@AmenMoses - script is awesome - thanks for this

aka Reliquia
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Posted: 18th Nov 2019 17:31
What a great script! Thank you!
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Posted: 18th Nov 2019 22:18
I've often wondered if the volume values are actually Db, i.e. if that is the case then 93 would be double the volume of 90, 66 double the volume of 63 etc.

Oh and in Db terms 50 would be indistinguishable from 'silence' for most people.

Maybe someone with better ears than mine could experiment and figure out if that is the case?
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2019 22:03
AM, I went to the first link regarding the "drivable" truck. Hower the link in the post of that thread sends us to this link: However, I get "permission denied" message anmd am not able to download the zip file talk about. Eh, what's up doc?
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2019 23:59
Ahh, I think that's because BOD deleted his thread where the models resided.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 18:17
OK, that makes sense. I remember when he was having that issue with that uncouth individual. Is it possible to still get the scripts from you, the master of drivable vehicles?
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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 20:03
Why don't you start here:

That will show you how it all works.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 21:53
OK thanks
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Posted: 9th Dec 2019 12:20
Is there anyone who can give me some pointers as to how to utilize this script? I assigned it to a canoe and it turned the canoe into the topsy turvy boat from the Willy wonka factory, where was I going there was no way of knowing, because I was going everywhere and all at once. Please give me info like if there's a specific item that I should assign the script to or if there's any other changes that need to be made to the items properties. My best guess is that I need an item with a similar shape to the boat in the video..
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Posted: 9th Dec 2019 20:05 Edited at: 9th Dec 2019 20:06
Check that isimmobile=no, physics=yes, set the weight to 20.

Adjust the weight value to get the canoe floating at the correct depth (i.e. if it sinks with 20 then reduce it till it floats).

Is the canoe a custom model?
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Posted: 9th Dec 2019 22:15
Yes the canoe came with the antiques in the attic pack but I assigned the script to a car instead and now it seems to work pretty good save for the fact that now I see the front end of a car in front of me in the water and so it doesn't look quite right. I'm going to try your suggestions with the canoe such as lowering the weight till it floats but I've tried this before already with mixed results. Perhaps I shouldn't assign the script to it until after I get it floating this time. I believe that the car however worked at the default 100 weight but I can't really use the car on the water because of how it appears out of place. Thank you for getting back with me so quickly!
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Posted: 13th Dec 2019 04:52

I've attempted to include a video showing my most recent use of the boat script, and it thus far has proven quite useful as a temporary drivable vehicle script by adding a thin layer of water to a city level and then turning down the water transparency. Tomorrow I'll work more on the canoe issue and then I'll include videos of that as well. And no, I guess that the canoe isn't a custom model actually given that it came with an official dlc. Thank you for the amazing scripts as well as for the assistance, AmenMoses
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Posted: 14th Dec 2019 04:01

I've made and included the boat script video in case anyone wants to look into the issue, and even if not then it's still pretty good for a laugh! If it doesn't work though then I'll try to post it a different way. Thanks again.
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Posted: 14th Dec 2019 20:06

New font to play with, should suit any horror style games I think.
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Posted: 14th Dec 2019 20:16
Aye. That's a big affirmative!
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Posted: 6th Feb 2020 06:30
about your boat i can just say nice
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Posted: 4th Apr 2021 20:50 Edited at: 4th Apr 2021 21:18
Maze generator.

Put the Lua scripts in scriptbank/maze.
Load the fpm and have fun. (Press Q to see the maze from above)

If you don't have Lafette's traps you will need to either go get them or put a replacement switch entity in place of the missing ones, you need 20 of them named maze_switch.

Same thing goes for any missing entities, I should imagine the ones I've used are pretty common though.
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Posted: 6th Apr 2021 18:41
Wow, that's Radical- I am just a-mazed! How did you know I needed that.
Is there supposed to be a door system? The script mentions doors, but my tests didn't make any. Random interior doors would be cool, but also I wonder if there's a chance to incorporate an entry and exit door? Also- man if only copy and paste in Classic! I've done some mouse clicking like that also.
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Posted: 6th Apr 2021 21:27
When you activate all the switches the exit opens, always in the NE corner of the maze (hence why a compass is useful).

Currently when the player exits the maze a new one is generated but that need not be the case.
Also the same logic that opens the NE corner could be replicated to open the SW corner as an entrance, i.e. draw the maze and make an opening in the SW corner before the player approaches the maze.

Almost 1700 walls, and I had to do it twice as the first time I inadvertently made them always active!

Good job I have a decent mouse!
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Posted: 27th May 2021 08:55 Edited at: 27th May 2021 08:55
Spitfire script.

May be useful to someone who just wants to see how I did it.
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Posted: 27th May 2021 20:34
Nice. Fine example of how to professionally organize a script!
But since i don't have a 'spirfire' I tried on a static hydroplane.
I first disabled sounds (just for testing flight), but now I can't test further because it
doesn't acknowledge my presence! Even assigned the name 'spitfire' to it.
Q; Required? Of course my blunt object has no frills of a prop/ ailerons, etc...
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Posted: 27th May 2021 22:03 Edited at: 27th May 2021 22:04
You need a bunch of parts to get it to work, the main plane part needs to be called 'spitfuse', i.e. the fuselage.
Then it expects to find the following extra parts:
spitprop -- propeller
spitelev -- elevator
leftwing -- left wing
rightwing -- right wing
aileronleft -- left aileron
aileronright -- right aileron
spitrudder -- rudder
spitleftw -- left undercarraige
spitrightw -- right undercarriage
spitjs -- joystick (or control stick if you prefer)

And the following instrument parts
knots01 -- airspeed indicator
turn01t -- turn indicator top part
turn01b -- turn indicator bottom part
rpm01 -- engine rpm indicator
nose01 -- umm, can't remember what this is, nose up/down indicator maybe
climb01 -- climb indicator
altlg01 -- altitude indicator
altsm01 -- dunno
dirind01 -- rirection indicator
arthoez01 -- artificial horizon indicator

Don't blame me blame R J Mitchell.
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2021 12:30
do you gonna post the flying ally script here?
Chanu 2266
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2021 16:47
I put the drive truck script in the gameguru but that truck can't drive in high places. only in flat places if it goes in high places its four wheels go under the terrain How to fix it

Please Help me fix the bug
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2021 19:43
Without knowing how you have set it up I can't even start to conjure up a possible fix!

IIRC the wheels should be always active and physics off, that's probably the first thing to check.
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