3rd Party Models/Media Chat / Moose [Mech Project]

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Posted: 8th Jul 2017 12:37 Edited at: 8th Jul 2017 12:47
A bit more on performance issues; in this video we have 10 mooses and you can see the FPS start to drop but only when they are on display, if I look off to one side the FPS goes back up to 60. Also the AI slider (which is really a 'script' slider) is only around 1/3 of the way across.

I do wonder what impact the animated gun has compared to a simpler static model.

Just for anyone interested this is what the main script looks like at the moment, I'm in the middle of tidying it up and generalising the leg movement part so it's a bit messy:

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Posted: 8th Jul 2017 13:10
Try it with the guns off see what difference it is change the fpe comment out the animation
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Posted: 8th Jul 2017 16:17

Bullet hit effects, for some reason it doesn't look as good as it did for the helicopters.
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Posted: 8th Jul 2017 19:47
Slightly better bullet hits and going up and down a hill.

Turning next!
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Posted: 8th Jul 2017 20:31
good progress its my Wife's Birthday this weekend so I'm not about as much, will have some sounds asap it is looking very good

I will also see if I can reduce the poly count further the feet and legs have the most
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Posted: 8th Jul 2017 22:29
Ok, so this one is a bit longer and at first sight doesn't show much but concentrate on the feet! (and compare with the previous video)

See, I 'm a bit anal sometimes, wasn't happy with how it sank into the terrain and occasionally jumped erratically so I had to keep at it until it looked better.

Now I'll definitely get to the turning bit.
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Posted: 9th Jul 2017 20:12
Got side tracked by buggies today but here is Moose negotiating bumpy terrain (and very basic walking in a circle):

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Posted: 9th Jul 2017 23:37
awesome work Amenmoses he looks better and better with every video you post,
been busy pampering my wife this weekend its her birthday today we have had a lovely meal and been on a pub crawl lol not done that for years we have had a great time
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Posted: 10th Jul 2017 15:46
Ok here are my first batch of sound effects, I have left them as WAV files once you choose the more suitable I will convert them to OGG
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Posted: 10th Jul 2017 16:24
here is the Gattling gun, left and right
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Posted: 10th Jul 2017 21:54
This is what I had in mind for the SFX, separate sounds for each joint.

Now time for a bit of a rant at GG!

A game engine should do several things automatically for sound, 1) any sound attached to an entity should be correctly attenuated for distance from the player, the volume you specify in the script should be simply a % value of how loud a sample is compared to other samples. 2) stereo positioning should likewise be automatic so the position wrt to the player should effect how much of the sample is played in each channel and 3) a subtle but really needed effect is to mimic the human ear in that when a sound is heard that is behind you it is frequency shifted by the flappy bit of the ear, it is how we can determine when a sound is behind us even though with only two ears true quadrophonic sound processing is not possible.

To the best of my understanding GG does none of these things so getting the sound right is a nightmare!

Having said that once I work out the math (I need some logarithms in there somewhere) I should be able to mimic 1) in Lua but 2) & 3) are beyond simple Lua scripting I'm afraid, it may be possible to have several samples pre-processed and switching between them in real time but it would still be a poor imitation of what should really be built into the engine. This is a first stab based on similar code I used for the helicopter scripts, currently only sounds for thigh and shin movements, I need to add the turret rotation and a 'footfall' sound but it is a start at least.

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Posted: 10th Jul 2017 22:43
And some weapon sounds for good measure:

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Posted: 10th Jul 2017 23:57
that is superb thank you I have more sounds I will upload tomorrow
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Posted: 11th Jul 2017 17:58
here is a sound for a bit of intro(fun), and also this is another cockpit I am doing for the moose, only problem is I cannot get into the thing lol I will have to rethink it

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Posted: 12th Jul 2017 14:57
My First Door LOL only problem is I cannot get in it must be something to do with collision mode, does anyone have any idea?

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Posted: 12th Jul 2017 16:29
If you have box collision on you won't be able to enter I think,or maybe you are just to big to fit into the model.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2017 16:59
Hi Dave, thank you

I have to have some kind of collision so that I can sit in the seat, if I turn collision off I fall through the model and cannot climb the steps, I am sure it is possible, I have tried making the seat a separate entity with collison on but when I put it in the moose (which has collision off) it falls through, also I cannot climb the moose with collision off my head hurts lol
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Posted: 12th Jul 2017 18:45
Catch-22 I'm afraid, in order to move stuff around the way I am doing you have to turn physics off completely and control player position directly via scripting. So what we need to do is have the entry/exit bits as a cut scene (just take over the camera iow).

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Posted: 12th Jul 2017 19:47
Correction to my earlier rant, if you convert the sound samples to mono 16 bit WAV PCM (bit weird that it doesn't work for ogg files) you end up with sort-of-stereo positioning. Hopefully Lee can let us use better quality sound samples in future though.

Also now have both guns making noise, which makes for some interesting effects:

Just about to embark on a change in design which should allow Moose to walk across bridges, need to add some 'edge' detection logic so he doesn't walk off the sides though so could be a while before I get it working well enough to make a new video.
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Posted: 12th Jul 2017 20:05
Ok no problem, I will rethink the Player controlled Moose, its looking really good do you need me to convert the sounds at all?
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Posted: 12th Jul 2017 21:17
Can you not just make a HUD of the interior of the Moose, then have it activated by a trigger zone that makes the original Moose model disappear. Adjust the script so the player moves at the height and speed of the Moose, or something like that?
That way you're not controlling the moose model, but it's just replicated to look like it via a HUD image
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Posted: 12th Jul 2017 22:14

Darn that was tough and it still needs work but at least it's a start.

I can use the same design for the buggies as well, I'll probably try that tomorrow.

I'm using my own sounds btw, they can easily be replaced by the end user.
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Posted: 14th Jul 2017 13:07
Great stuff

@Zero_HP - I am working on a hud will upload here once complete
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Posted: 15th Jul 2017 15:13
Negotiating rocks:

And the view from Moose-eye perspective

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Posted: 15th Jul 2017 20:08
Quote: "And the view from Moose-eye perspective"

brilliant will a player be able to drive the Moose eventually or will it just be camera positions? will the W A S D keys work like with the buggies

How do you work out the math for this, I see what you are doing but it amazes me how you get it to work does GG store the sizes/positions of all entities?

well done Amen
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Posted: 15th Jul 2017 21:48
LOL, "does GG ... ", nope, have to do it all the hard way.

My intention is for a driveable Moose, how the controls will work is something I haven't quite worked out yet, maybe mouse to rotate turret, W to walk forwards, A/D turn left and right, S backwards, E to stop and get out. From there it depends on what functionality we give him. Mouse buttons can do the weapons, i.e. left for guns, right for rockets.

But, at the moment I am struggling with the big re-design I mentioned, I'm trying to modularise the movement parts and describe them as lists of joint angles, then an animation sequence just becomes a matter of working out the joint angles in sequence, plugging them into a list and executing it. At the present time all the walking animation is hard coded just so I could make it all look right.

I've also had a set back with the buggies, I discovered that occasionally the code that controls the player position wrt to the buggy would cause the player to go under the terrain even though I have (or thought I had) protection against that, unfortunately looking at the player control script I discovered a nice comment from Lee saying that this part of the engine is still hard coded so I can't quite work out what is going wrong but if it does happen the buggy just disappears and the player dies.

Can you post the driveable version of the body btw, I can stick the player inside then to see what it looks like.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2017 20:42 Edited at: 16th Jul 2017 21:59
Two problems.

1) This is as low as he can crouch so it would be difficult to climb aboard.
2) Even though I issued a StopAnimation() command the guns are still animating, not sure why.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2017 20:50
oooh video not posted mate, I have a new body almost finished and a bit of a surprise too
I should have it done for tomorrow, as far as player riding the moose I have something in mind please bear with me all will be clear when I post the next video
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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 13:34
@Amenmoses - here is the cockpit you asked for

I am a bit disappointed I have been trying to create a deployable moose, the animations work but unfortunately the poly count is too high for GG it just shows as an untextured image I am not giving up I will re model from scratch and try to reduce the polys.

The moose drives onto scene then stops you then Press E on the keyboard the platform under the Moose lifts the moose and the legs swing down, the moose then rises on its legs and walks away, Tarkus as created some brilliant sound effects for it, I will do my best to get it into GG, please bear with me

some captures of the Deployable moose attached.
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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 14:54
Quote: "The moose drives onto scene then stops you then Press E on the keyboard the platform under the Moose lifts the moose and the legs swing down, the moose then rises on its legs and walks away, Tarkus as created some brilliant sound effects for it, I will do my best to get it into GG, please bear with me "

That's a cool idea.

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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 15:28
Quote: "That's a cool idea."

thanks Dave, will be even cooler if I can pull it off lol
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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 16:10
Quote: "2) Even though I issued a StopAnimation() command the guns are still animating, not sure why."

I think I have them on a loop I will re do the animation and turn the loop off
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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 16:46 Edited at: 17th Jul 2017 16:46
Quote: "I think I have them on a loop I will re do the animation and turn the loop off"

GG doesn't quite work like that, whether you set it to loop or not in your modelling software it doesn't change anything in GG.

There are two main ways an animation loops in GG:

1. if you tell it to loop in the script.
2. If you have it set as anim0 and have playanimineditor = 1 in the FPE

It's probably not number 1 because Amen is making the scripts and stop loop would stop it, so it's probably number 2, if you change the playanimineditor = 1 line to playanimineditor = 0 that will stop it looping, and then Amen can control the animations manually in the scripts.

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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 17:03
Thanks Belidos, yes I do have playanimineditor=1 in FPE

@Amenmoses can you change that setting in the FPE and see if it cures the issue thank you
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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 17:32
A little progress I have the Deployable in GG now with textures, unfortunately no legs at the moment still optimising them, getting constant 100fps on my lowly system so that's good
The bogey will have more detail once I can sort the polycount is about 12k atm
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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 19:40

That fixed the animation.

Gonna play with the new cockpit now.
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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 19:59
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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 20:09
Thats one scary looking moose you have created there, very very nice.
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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 20:27

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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 20:35
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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 20:47 Edited at: 17th Jul 2017 20:56
Final one for tonight, need my beauty sleep.

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Posted: 17th Jul 2017 20:55
LOL ok thank you its coming together nicely
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Posted: 18th Jul 2017 16:05
a liitle bit of progress on the deployment I know about the glitch at the end of the animation fixing that now

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Posted: 18th Jul 2017 18:13
this is looking great. Keep it up.
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Posted: 18th Jul 2017 20:23
Weapons from within cockpit, added tracer fire and volume decreases when canopy closes:

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Posted: 18th Jul 2017 20:33
very cool is that mouse fire or have you scripted it ?
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Posted: 18th Jul 2017 21:09
Still random at present, I'll add player controls when I have everything else working properly.
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Posted: 18th Jul 2017 23:13
Going from first player to being in Moose:

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Posted: 19th Jul 2017 23:12
sorry I missed this last video , that looks awesome
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Posted: 20th Jul 2017 12:50
going to work on better textures for inside the cockpit, they look poo at the moment
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