Still seem to keep missing everyone. How I don't know, I've been playing a fair bit (although afk a lot with my artisans, who wants to watch them sample?). I'm surprised you managed to get your old names from when the game was live, I had to make new names and random ones at that (mostly). Oddly I only have noticed people online, when they log off. Never spotted a log on message as yet. Maybe it's a setting issue with the friends list.
Why I find the game so addictive is beyond me, lol. I mean its mostly kill things, many, many things. Then you can kill MORE things in a different way, lol. I've collected over 100k of herbivore meat with Vaurou while killing and still nowhere near master of CH or TK. Well, I'm doing okay, but the grind is as bad as I remember
Think I'm at 3313 CH and 1221 TK atm, plus 3331 scout and obviously minimum brawler points to get TK.
I did pop to the house you sent a waypoint for, but didn't want to touch anything until you were online really. I'm still homeless as yet, although my artisans are starting to accrue stuff and inventory space is real low for my novice Chef/Master Artisan. So a house may be in order, or a backpack at least
Cool getting started on Jedi, I started a toon to do that, but have paused on that for now as it's so much work to level one character, never mind 5! I may just get my TK CH to go that route, will be far easier to do missions with him
My marksman/rifleman is still really puny, although he can one shot most stuff (easy stuff) he struggles when ever he can't. I used to hate marksman, still do really, but I remember rifleman being useful back in the day. Just the grind is killing me
Although Chef is a nasty grind as well, don't generally get killed doing that though
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.