Work In Progress / Saviour Version 3

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Posted: 25th Jun 2017 22:51
It looks like this is far developed! Any demo release soon?
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Posted: 26th Jun 2017 18:50
@Wolf - I'm hoping to offer up a demo asap, i'll dropbox you a link when im happy with the 1st level.
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Posted: 4th Jul 2017 15:03
Hey thanks!! I'd be very interested.
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Posted: 4th Jul 2017 16:59
First time I have seen this using the cartoon shaders
It looks a totally different game and makes your level design look even better ..
I much prefer it this way.
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Posted: 5th Jul 2017 17:21
@synchro and Wolf - Yes I like the cartoon shaders, makes it look a little more unique and makes different artists assets "merge" so that they look more uniform. Work slowed up a little due to the english summer. Still working a major puzzle in a level which involves multiple concrete platforms which need to rise and fall using a heap of switches. Will put up some new screens and video and more soon, hopefully. Looking forward to DX11 too with more lights and shadowing options I hope.

Thanks synchromesh
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Posted: 5th Jul 2017 19:38 Edited at: 5th Jul 2017 19:38
Quote: " different artists assets "merge""

That's It !! the whole thing looks natural ...
All the texturing looks the same age and style rather than a shiny steel pipe standing out for example ..
or an asset that looks newer than the others ..
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 5th Jul 2017 20:11
Just noticed this after you mentioned it in my WIP thread, wow that looks great mate, really good work there.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2017 14:28 Edited at: 6th Jul 2017 14:30
thanks belidos, new screens below of a new level idea. Pretty dark in this gloomy city. Search the monoliths of the 21st century in this one.
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Posted: 6th Jul 2017 16:41
More screens from the medical centre hidden in this new level. Once again the cartoon shaders looking great.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2017 19:32
Just a few new screens, working on some eerie "music" well just ambient backing on this level, lots of odd noises to give it that cold isolated feeling.

This level will be exploring and you will be told what "zones" to find. Maybe even a little treasure hunt too.
Aftershock Quad Core AMD FM2+ 3.5 GHz 8GB Motherboard and Processor, A7700k apu, Asus GT970 STRIX 4gb Nvidia gfx card.
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Posted: 12th Jul 2017 18:34
Quote: "lots of odd noises"

Well you say this but you're massively underplaying your hand here as your sound engineering is first class - I'm not playing poker with you

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Posted: 13th Jul 2017 09:11
@cybernescence - thanks for the compliments, I must admit i am very fussy over the details if i'm doing anything.
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Posted: 16th Jul 2017 16:07
The ultimate "grunge" gig, but where is the band????

Using M Stocktons' great music gear pack.
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Posted: 16th Jul 2017 17:58
Little video of the test level 2, WIP but it's coming on quite well, the feel is nailed on this one now, so just plugging away.

Lots of assets used here, oldpmans, valuable assets, grobyken, m stockton, graphix, cosmic prophet, disturbing13, pasquill, lots and lots, and they all look so good with the cartoon shaders, makes them look more uniform.

Slightly grainy video, looks better when running on GG. Headphones recommended.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2017 20:46
Tarkus that is absolutely awesome, you have nailed the atmosphere, the cartoon shader looks superb, it reminds me of Fallout 4 well done on your progress cannot wait to play this game
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Posted: 16th Jul 2017 21:06
I love this! Just my type of game - I cant wait to play
I really like the cartoon effect too
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Posted: 18th Jul 2017 12:17
thanks for the comments, just trying to build this into a confusing level with dead ends, the occasional enterable building and a few puzzles, locked doors etc.

I will leave the fog, music for this level alone just need to change the vocoder voice to something less harsh. Add in a few ambient effects throughout the level to bring the gloomy feeling out even more.

Hopefully will have 2 new bit of music in the store once they are approved, I will also release a free new track on my free stuff post in the forums.
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Posted: 19th Jul 2017 02:25
I like this too! The cartoon shader helps making the overgrown parts look rundown and beliefable.
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Posted: 19th Jul 2017 12:10 Edited at: 19th Jul 2017 12:13
@Wolf - thanks wolf, having fun in this level, just creating a biggish level, with as much optimising as possible. Will try and emulate some underground "fake" cellar type areas too.

How did you get on with that small demo ?
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Posted: 19th Jul 2017 21:52 Edited at: 19th Jul 2017 21:53
a few more screens here, this level is evolving nicely now, good frame rate and some spooky atmosphere "walking simulator mode"
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2017 11:42 Edited at: 23rd Jul 2017 17:52

Here is a "short" demo, basically find a way to get out of the building into the wooden tunnel to the teleport, although the teleport is not yet working, the connecting level is WIP.

The keypad codes only work using the numeric keypad, but I've now made them speak

No title screens have been done yet, but work is progressing slowly but steadily, really looking forward to DX11 when it arrives, all those nice lighting effects hopefully.

There is one bug I have found in that you can read 1 of the notes through a wall.

I have 1 report of notes staying on screen, when they shouldn't be, just simply Press R to read note, and walk away from where you found the note to put it back down again.

BUG: Not getting textures on some entities on the lower floor, wet floor signs, baskets etc.
GameGuru not copying textures over I think. Still, hope this will be sorted very soon after DX11 update.
This seems to occur with mostly FPSC converted entities. Just found that some fpe's are pointing to a .tga filetype
graphics file, is this something Lee could add for texture support, or manual editing of the FPE's files.

Please let me know if you find these bugs, or any others. Thanks.

Dropbox link below. (This link will be active for a short while only. So grab it while you can.)

OLD LINK DELETED. New link here and further down.

New link above also.
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2017 12:19
Quite a good demo but I'm not really into cell shaded graphics, I always feel they are used to hide poor textures but that's just me, the only criticism i would have is too many notes to read. I'm not sure if it is a bug or not but when I opened one door I tried a code from a number in a note and the number on the floor in front of the door, I was told it was incorrect so was trying another combination and the door opened when I inputted the first digit, also some models don't seem to have textures, pump truck, trestle, boxes, tools, wet floor signs ?


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Posted: 23rd Jul 2017 12:20
Looks like I might need to redo some some part of this level and other levels as I've used a lot of older FPSC entities.
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2017 12:23
@JonRobbo - Yep just seen those "black" entities too, lack of textures copying over, this still is a major issue with GG and standalones at the moment I guess. Thanks for trying it though.
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2017 16:02
I will be uploading a NEW demo very soon, without those ugly black texture issues. Watch this Space.
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2017 17:45 Edited at: 1st Aug 2017 10:12
Here is the new SAVIOUR link, no black textures now.

Link now deleted.

Any other problems please let me know.
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2017 19:00 Edited at: 23rd Jul 2017 19:05
I found another bug, I saved the game outside the door with the numbers on the floor after I had opened it, when I reloaded the game the door was still open but I couldn't get through it so I put in the code again and the door reappeared and opened again, if i had saved on the other side of the door I would have been trapped.
* correction I am trapped, I can no longer get through the door at the top of the steps, it's still open but the player can't pass through the doorway.
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2017 19:11
I'm guessing then that when GG saves the game, the door state variable is not being saved in the savegame file, thanks for finding this one. Is this is the original download link or the old link.
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2017 19:44 Edited at: 23rd Jul 2017 20:39
The updated one with the black textures fixed.

* There are also 2 models still without textures.


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Posted: 23rd Jul 2017 21:20
ok thanks for pointing out those objects. I think the door problem is with the doorpad scripts from the store by JC_LEON, they were in the store BEFORE Lee implemented the save game lua commands and updates, I dont think the door pad scripts have been updated !!!! Anyone know ?
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Posted: 27th Jul 2017 15:20 Edited at: 27th Jul 2017 15:45
Working on a new unlocking door system. 4 Key probes inserted then slowly slide in, then the door will unlock and open. Entities in place, now to write the lua.

Re-written the note scripts to now use raycasting. Working much much better now. Added more detail in this level as well, to give it more atmosphere. If I can get this new door unlocking to work, I will use it to maybe implement a remote computer unlocker too.
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Posted: 1st Aug 2017 10:14
Sprite scaling and new locking system for doors is being coded now. Not using any door pad scripts, totally new idea.

Will also start on a "breathing" script.
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2017 11:45 Edited at: 3rd Aug 2017 12:27
A lot of re-writing has been going on here I have ditched the old keypads in favour of something different.

The new custom unlocker is now working on the upstairs door. It's cool even if I say so myself. Now I can use this for any door using 4 keys or have some keys in place and make the player find only 1,2 or 3 of them.

Video below, I will hide the keys in different places from in this video

* Massive reworking of the door unlocking parts of the level.
* Sprite scaling now working in all resolutions.
* All assets with black textures removed and replaced.
* New sound effects added.
* All note scripts and object collection scripts using the new raycasting update.
* Subtle green fog gives the level a gloomier feel.
* More assets added to improve player immersion, (frame rate was good so I will add until it dips between 50fps - 60fps)

* Couple of screens added after the video was done.
Aftershock Quad Core AMD FM2+ 3.5 GHz 8GB Motherboard and Processor, A7700k apu, Asus GT970 STRIX 4gb Nvidia gfx card.
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2017 14:44
looking good, looking very good, glad you sorted the door issues
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2017 16:28
Thanks Graphix, I never did get those numpad scripts to savegame, I'm not sure if what I've done yet does properly, I will test that asap.
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Posted: 7th Aug 2017 00:05
I'm not a real fan of the "cartoon" look but I really like your implementation. Borderlands2 uses that effect and I am not pleased with it. I was sure their original version did not have the cartoon shader because I remember liking it and enjoyed playing it. Enough talk. Again, I went through all three pages of posts and really like it. I missed the demo download and I was wondering if you actually were able to compile a stand-alone. I still can't . It's very frustrating. I'm only using models from the store as you are. My compiled stanalone is a complete bust. The only thing that is right is the terrain texture. The built terrain doesn't show up and there isn't a single entity showing including Wolf's terraforming models.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2017 10:16
most of my entities copied across. The standalone did create but I am having a lot of savegame issues, I cannot create a standalone on my laptop but on my main pc its ok.

Main problems are

Very long loading times, crash sometimes if I click start game, black textures, some files not copying across. Scripted entity Spawn() via lua not re-spawning after saved game is reloaded.

A lot of issues, you are not alone.
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Posted: 8th Aug 2017 20:23
Thanks for responding Tarkus. I will just be patient and pray to God that I will still be around to see the day we can create a stand-alone.

As I said, your game looks awesome. Also, I would like to take the opportunity for thanking you for all those great sound bites and music as well as some entity models. Also, the purchased models from the store. I'm using them and can 't wait to put some music and sounds into my game.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2017 08:08
thanks for the very kind comments, Im glad you are enjoying the music and sounds, if there is anything you need especially, let me know, I'll try and do something if you need it.
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Posted: 13th Aug 2017 08:42
A few new screens and the new door locking stuff is working ok now, but still a bit glitchy in standalone.
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Posted: 25th Aug 2017 14:59
Taking a break this August bank holiday, down to east sussex, trading boundries friday and chiddingly six bells saturday, to see an ELP tribute band.

Might see the DX11 update soon i hope.

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Posted: 5th Oct 2017 16:35 Edited at: 5th Oct 2017 17:03
Ok, just been playing with a new idea here, a few screens are below. Also check out my new note scripts in the store now!!

Video below.

Only $8.00 at the moment.
Aftershock Quad Core AMD FM2+ 3.5 GHz 8GB Motherboard and Processor, A7700k apu, Asus GT970 STRIX 4gb Nvidia gfx card.
King Korg Synth, Alesis SR18 Drum Machine, Akai MPX8 sample player, Roland Fantom XA Synth, Axus Digital AXK2 Digital Drum Kit, Novation Ultranova Synth, Waldorf Blofeld Synth, Bluedio Vicotry V Headphones, AKG K141 Studio Headphones, Lenovo Ideapad, with Windows 10 64bit, 8Gb Ram and AMD A10 7th Gen Graphics.


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Posted: 27th Oct 2017 23:30 Edited at: 27th Oct 2017 23:30
You know what m8 I've been checking through evryone elses work tonight and im impressed with it all, i dont usually like the mystery walkthrough type things (i like to blow or chop things up) but i actually stayed and watched yours theres an element of something here i cant put my hands on and it kept me interested dunno whether its the UK scenery or that the clues come thick and fast either way i like it. Keep this up m8 its pretty damn good so far I'm looking forward to see where it goes
P.s scenes are spot on well done
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I only smile because i have absolutely no idea whats going on
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Posted: 1st Nov 2017 18:40
@honkeyboy - thanks for those comments, yeah I been trying to keep the British feel in some levels, and some are just going to be inside, like the 1st level, but at the moment i have a pause, as I am waiting for DX11 to be released to carry on a bit more. Just doing some music and SFX for the moment.
Aftershock Quad Core AMD FM2+ 3.5 GHz 8GB Motherboard and Processor, A7700k apu, Asus GT970 STRIX 4gb Nvidia gfx card.
King Korg Synth, Alesis SR18 Drum Machine, Akai MPX8 sample player, Roland Fantom XA Synth, Axus Digital AXK2 Digital Drum Kit, Novation Ultranova Synth, Waldorf Blofeld Synth, Bluedio Vicotry V Headphones, AKG K141 Studio Headphones, Lenovo Ideapad, with Windows 10 64bit, 8Gb Ram and AMD A10 7th Gen Graphics.
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Posted: 1st Nov 2017 18:46
wow... that looks really great !
You know you watched too many of Lee's Live Brodcasts when you're at work and have an earwig from his twitch intro music....

By the way, I am a Modder, Soundtrack Composer and now Game Developer. Well, sort of.

Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 8,0 GB Ram, Geforce GTX 1050ti
Find some my work onYoutube:
(Music Channel) The German Music Dude:
(Games and Mods Channel ) DK Productions:

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Posted: 1st Nov 2017 18:49
@duchenkuke - thanks, keep your eyes peeled, there will be much more here soon.
Aftershock Quad Core AMD FM2+ 3.5 GHz 8GB Motherboard and Processor, A7700k apu, Asus GT970 STRIX 4gb Nvidia gfx card.
King Korg Synth, Alesis SR18 Drum Machine, Akai MPX8 sample player, Roland Fantom XA Synth, Axus Digital AXK2 Digital Drum Kit, Novation Ultranova Synth, Waldorf Blofeld Synth, Bluedio Vicotry V Headphones, AKG K141 Studio Headphones, Lenovo Ideapad, with Windows 10 64bit, 8Gb Ram and AMD A10 7th Gen Graphics.
Pirate Myke
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2018 18:33
Thread unlocked at OP's request.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 8gb RAM, Nvidia gtx660, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Screen resolution 1680 x 1050.

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Posted: 8th Mar 2018 13:00
Working on this still but will not be much progress until DX11 is more stable. Working on a new map/level while testing GG's DX11 builds.
Aftershock Quad Core AMD FM2+ 3.5 GHz 8GB Motherboard and Processor, A7700k apu, Asus GT970 STRIX 4gb Nvidia gfx card.
King Korg Synth, Alesis SR18 Drum Machine, Akai MPX8 sample player, Roland Fantom XA Synth, Axus Digital AXK2 Digital Drum Kit, Novation Ultranova Synth, Waldorf Blofeld Synth, Bluedio Vicotry V Headphones, AKG K141 Studio Headphones, Lenovo Ideapad, with Windows 10 64bit, 8Gb Ram and AMD A10 7th Gen Graphics.
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Posted: 9th Mar 2018 17:17
Quote: ""

This is a cool shot! Is that a directed screenshot or is the enemy actually functional?
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Posted: 9th Mar 2018 18:26
He is just there to scare the player, triggered by a zone. Once you leave the zone he vanishes.
Aftershock Quad Core AMD FM2+ 3.5 GHz 8GB Motherboard and Processor, A7700k apu, Asus GT970 STRIX 4gb Nvidia gfx card.
King Korg Synth, Alesis SR18 Drum Machine, Akai MPX8 sample player, Roland Fantom XA Synth, Axus Digital AXK2 Digital Drum Kit, Novation Ultranova Synth, Waldorf Blofeld Synth, Roland D05 Synth Module, Bluedio Victory V Headphones, AKG K141 Studio Headphones, Lenovo Ideapad, with Windows 10 64bit, 8Gb Ram and AMD A10 7th Gen Graphics.

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