Oh yes. Teenage video game snobs and their "standarts".
I've seen this kind of accusation pop up now and then, some even claiming that I have "stolen from other games".
However, luckily the vast majority of comments or reviews about my games that adressed this have also added that use and customization of my purchased assets where well made. I was expecting a harsher tone here. Granted, I never put anything on steam yet.
I think nuance is key. I've met a lot of devs who where open and honest about the size of their team and budget, limitations by engine, time or experience as well as even mention who they bought their artwork from. Their general audience reacted understanding and positive towards that attitude.
However, due to greenlight, increasingly accessible engines, addiction to social media fame and surprise hits such as minecraft the indie scene has spawned and hatched a lot of dishonest and incompetent critters. When you cloud your own inexperience with a professional sounding fake studio and are determined to shove your first attempts at unity with a bunch of store assets right on the market and even have the audacity to praise this as the next big, most unique and creative thing it will eventually blow up in your face. This has happened so often lately with so much false advertisment that I can understand a certain hostility and distrust withing the gaming community.
People from my litter who started in the late 90s or early 2000s where mostly just tinkering around for a long time and that was a good thing. Some great studios came out of kids that started with very simple mods but that kinda attitude don't fly in 2016 no more. ...at least so it seems.
We used to be overjoyed when the normalmapping worked or when a dynamic object moved but that is pathetic for many. It seems that many newbies have zero interest in starting small. I keep seeing it everywhere.
The biggest, meanest engine installed, first 3 sample items placed and people immediately dowel their Unique-survival-horror-VR-ready-revolutionary-racing-game onto indiedb, facebook, twitter, forums and of course: steam greenlight.
The point of my moaning is that greenlight is flooded with terrible crap all the time and players in general don't necessarily have the best knowledge of what goes into making a game: Hence this little witch hunt against people using stock media. This is of course unfortunate for us...but oh well!
The truth is that most of us hobby devs wouldn't do much of anything without stock/bought models because it would take eons.
Aside from my mumbling, I also have some new models.
Cyberpunk - retrofuturistic advertisment signs/billboards...err what do you call these actually?
"When I contradict myself, I am telling the truth"
"absurdity has become necessity"