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Posted: 4th Sep 2014 21:50
only a question... I see in the video of the level that there is water into level and within models boundaries..how that is acheived since there isnt water zone yet??

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Posted: 4th Sep 2014 21:58
Quote: "only a question... I see in the video of the level that there is water into level and within models boundaries..how that is acheived since there isnt water zone yet??"

Just dig down until you hit water then use the leveling tool to flatten an area out with a shallow depth of water. Then place the sewer entities in the water.

System Specs: OS - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1, CPU - AMD Phenom II X4 945, 3.0Ghz, RAM - 8Gb DDR3, GFX Card - 2048MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 640, FPSC-R Version - Beta 1.0085
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Posted: 4th Sep 2014 22:12 Edited at: 4th Sep 2014 22:19
ok ak..thanks

I was thinking tahre is a way to use waterzones as well

FPSC really need a good water system...Have a single flatten plane for water is not a good idea to me..

too resource consuming and little freedo to customization since is not good always to dig to have water.. we need water on different planes, heights etc...

Unity or udk system like will be great...

And i think ve really need a more control about digging into water since there is not a good method to estabilish the deep of the water and is only trial and error method...very disappointing

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Posted: 4th Sep 2014 22:35
Quote: "too resource consuming and little freedo to customization since is not good always to dig to have water.. we need water on different planes, heights etc...

Unity or udk system like will be great..."

If we have a solid shader system, we can just apply one to a modeled plane and have all kinds of water in our games. We could already do this in FPSC Classic. (I admit, there where only few of us that had good results and I rarely saw it, however, I already had my own water in games as old as "Shavra : Dead Frequency".)

I do hope that FPSCR will (and most likely it will) support more of the great shaders that can run in DBPro. FPSCClassic was a little crippled there. If this happens, we can have all kinds of water effects...evolved proved that, Dark Goblin proved that too.

Its unlikely that you will get some drag and drop material function like you get in unity or udk. It will be more handmade but just as good looking...or almost

Quote: "very disappointing"

If you keep comparing it to unity or udk, you will keep getting disappointed. Its in an early stage and an indie-engine.


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Posted: 4th Sep 2014 23:26 Edited at: 4th Sep 2014 23:26
yes I know fpscr is in beta stage but I think that have an editor with a grid is a basic function we MUST have and every editor/engine should have

fpsc classic had ( a very basic to be frankly) grid system and it was simply to manage differents hegiht and levels.. but now i think a more complex system editor will be required in we want to fight with other engines and a grid based system like hammer or udk as I mentioned before.. they are very intuitive and indie-frienfly

I'm a Unreal engine 4 subscriber and the editor work like a charm , I have leadwerks too and its simly editor works fine too...leadwerks is a indie engine too and has very cool advanced features and friendly editor...

I make things very shortly and I take 1 day to realize what in fpsc I tak a week BUT...

I love fpsc (first love engine for me) and ever return to it and I want it to become a great tool... Lee deservers that.. we deserve tah ..FPS Creator deserves that..

long life to FPSCR

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Posted: 7th Sep 2014 19:57
I purchased the Sewer today ..... I know its been said ....But its just Incredible !!!
Every Reloaded owner should have this in their collection...
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Posted: 8th Sep 2014 04:43

Thanks bud it is much appreciated.

Any ways arrived safely home late last night, I ended of my day with a 5.5KG carp which was excellent !!!! While I was away the courier dropped off my 660GTX I won in the comp and some other goodies un
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Posted: 9th Sep 2014 14:16
Started off pretty slowly today, tried out a couple of things, relating to this pack, but nothing tickled my fancy really.

But here it is, a short term bunkers pack...Will include some tunnels, which is good for indoor and outdoor.

The current concept...it's pretty bang on what I was looking for texture wise, will play around some more, going to start working on the tunnels later tonight and early tomorrow, after which I keep on putting off uploading the new sewer extra's....it's not exactly my idea of fun

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Posted: 15th Sep 2014 12:35 Edited at: 15th Sep 2014 12:37
Life has not been nice to me.Just as it seems things are getting back to normal....Some one brings me a new shovel....:p

However things are a bit back to normal...meaning I can get some stuff done, still haven't gotten around to uploading the new store stuff, that list keeps on increasing, but it is so much hassle with the current upload system, that I put off for Friday if I can manage to finish up the bunker pack.

At least managed to start the second bunker type with a ramp and a indoor section. This will also lead to the underground section so got that covered.

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Posted: 15th Sep 2014 18:40
All about the trim details, the blue metal doors matches up nicely.

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Posted: 15th Sep 2014 19:05
How the hell you do it so fast is beyond me !!!
Awesome work as always !!
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Posted: 16th Sep 2014 06:05
Quote: "How the hell you do it so fast is beyond me !!!"
It's been a slow week, I don't think I have been working as fast as i usually do, as I keep on getting distracted by other things I have to do. :p
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Posted: 18th Sep 2014 08:26
Added some detail to the port holes, and the roof needed a new texture, I think the cobble stones does the trick nicely, the problem is that these WWII type bunkers often, had ground and grass planted on top of them to avoid the enemy spotting them from the air that easy during air raids, So used one of the terrains I already uploaded that uses the cobble stone texture for the path_D which should fit in nicely.

It has been a rather slow week But wanted things perfect !!

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Posted: 18th Sep 2014 15:47
Good work once again...as I expected to be honest

You have a strong sense of realism which I always enjoyed in your work.
I was wondering, knowing that someone somewhere on this thread probably asked you already but I must have missed it, what software do you work with to model and texture?


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Posted: 18th Sep 2014 17:12
Quote: "I was wondering, knowing that someone somewhere on this thread probably asked you already but I must have missed it, what software do you work with to model and texture?"
The now defunct softimage, and texturing via softimage which is immensely powerful and lithunwrap for other things which are quicker to do than with softimage.
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Posted: 19th Sep 2014 07:50
Some more added goodies, have a few different version now.

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Posted: 19th Sep 2014 12:16
Bah! Another heretic kneeling to the false Autodesk God

But seriously, I tried softimage myself a few months ago. Powerful tool! And your results speak for it.

By the way, if you google "abandoned ww2 structures" you find quite impressive stuff that would just fall in your category. Just look at this stuff for example.


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Posted: 20th Sep 2014 04:11
Quote: "Bah! Another heretic kneeling to the false Autodesk God"

LOL!! Great stuff as always my friend. Really like those bunkers.

Back from the Wasteland.
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Posted: 20th Sep 2014 08:56 Edited at: 20th Sep 2014 08:57
@Wolf Yeah pretty sad, it's gone now, as for the link, that is bit out the scope but cool designs.

Finally starting fleshing out the underground bunkers, that fits the theme of the top side bunkers, added an entry point right away. All of it is
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Posted: 20th Sep 2014 20:51
Looks cool but still missing that little some thing. texture wise some metal might spruce things up, bunkers are generally bland so I can't really texture it more brightly otherwise it will fail to fit the theme.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2014 10:10
Starting to take shape

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2014 19:36
Added side passages, some detail here and there...still missing some thing
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2014 10:53
There you go peeps nearly done :p

Pretty happy will look awesome with indoor lighting :p

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2014 11:32
It already looks good without indoor lighting.

Strong sense of realism, I can almost hear the indoor-hum, rats screeching in the background and the sounds of monsters lurking in the corners

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2014 11:54
Just a mission to get it done, upload folder is currently sitting at 500MB and still have to add more stuff In total I have to upload 70 new items...Hopefully I will win soon...going to finish off the bunker stuff today I hope. Then spend the next two days nothing but uploading
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2014 15:31
Looks awesome. I might just finish my new FPS Reloaded demo after all.

System Specs: OS - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1, CPU - AMD Phenom II X4 945, 3.0Ghz, RAM - 8Gb DDR3, GFX Card - 2048MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 640, FPSC-R Version - Beta 1.0085
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2014 20:00
That's Rubbish....

Im only saying that because I have run out of good things to say
Of course its stunning work...Probably the best stuff reloaded has ever seen
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2014 21:30
me to what can I say but it's awesome. i love it. love how tgc set it up where you can't down awesome models like this form the store without reload. meaning you would have to buy reload just to get cool models like this. which good models like this will promote reload making other developers want to buy reload. i'm glad the packs are gone which will make it hard for piracy on models packs. because people would have manually have to drag and drop each model which is a good thing because people are lazy anyway. but my is the better these models are the more people would like the pledge for reload. you should youtube your models so other can see the cool models being made for reload. this will a bigger fan base reach more sales for reload and the modellers.

more than what meets the eye.Welcome to SciFi Summer

gtx770 sc acx 2gb gpu boost 2.0

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Posted: 25th Sep 2014 11:41
Thanks for the feedback guys, had some things I needed to tweak a bit, in the process of uploading the goodies
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Posted: 25th Sep 2014 17:01
Good news every thing is uploaded, bad news there is going to be 4 or so hour delay, as I found a big store bug I would have offered the the heel of my shoe.......but Mr Next prefers his electrified fly swatter at least scene commander is there for moral support, in case it's a BIG bug, not that he will be any help with him screaming like a girl in the background
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Posted: 26th Sep 2014 16:20
Just noticed the Bunker pack available ....
Sorry mate will have to wait till the weekend before I can purchase but definitely will be
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Posted: 26th Sep 2014 16:30
thanks however it just got approved scene was a busy man :p
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Posted: 26th Sep 2014 18:59
Well I didn't want to spoil the fun, however the next pack is going to interesting for a few reasons which I will not go into and it remains a complete surprise, I have been working on this in secret and have done a considerable amount of research, and this is a long term project....should be ready in time for the release of 1.09 or later...

Just to give you a hint of what I am doing... thought not this but some thing along this line :p

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Posted: 26th Sep 2014 21:11
Meh it's killing me not sharing, I have gone through 20 versions probably to get it "right", it's not the easiest style to work with , and has resulted in many frustrated hours trying to figure it out. Will mostly likely change one or two bits and then start texturing the main dungeon area and get the colour scheme done then things will move forward more quickly...

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Posted: 26th Sep 2014 21:29
I'm very happy to see fantasy stuff coming from you. If I end up making more stuff with Reloaded then I would definitely buy.

System Specs: OS - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1, CPU - AMD Phenom II X4 945, 3.0Ghz, RAM - 8Gb DDR3, GFX Card - 2048MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 640, FPSC-R Version - Beta 1.0085
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Posted: 26th Sep 2014 21:40

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Posted: 26th Sep 2014 22:51
I hate brick texturing, it's annoying and seams show up easy, I am however happy with the colour scheme, onto the roof, which is going to be a mission and a half however since the seams will be covered, I can simply, do one section and apply my fav symmetry tool :p

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Posted: 27th Sep 2014 04:18
The columns and arches remind me of the Count's Castle.
Very nice

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Posted: 27th Sep 2014 08:52
Roof ended being much easier than anticipated Still some minor issues. Only one more support left to do

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Posted: 27th Sep 2014 11:45 Edited at: 27th Sep 2014 11:46
Okay so done with main area, trying out the corridors, Pretty happy. :p

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Posted: 27th Sep 2014 12:42
Pretty cool! I'll buy all your medieval media upon release, count on that.


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Posted: 27th Sep 2014 12:47
Nice - has a Dark Souls-ish look about it.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2014 20:36
Hard to try and get a nice view in double story dungeon, it's is quite the feat to assemble every thing and keeping in the mind that you should be able to snap every thing together with ease. It means I will have to combine much large sections together with variations, or users is going to end up annoyed trying to fit every thing together. Basically leave the rotation and access corridors up to the users, still early days, Plenty of work left.

Finally Mastered the art of arches it's pretty straight forward just time consuming, once I figured out an easier method of working with them thought would have liked them little more miss shaped and sticking out here and there, I have to keep in mind the polygon count, one sections with 4 pillars without walls weighs in at 3K polygons

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Posted: 27th Sep 2014 22:27
Hey Wizard, Your beginning to tweak my spider scenes, to the point I'm Oblivious
I like this a lot!!! If you have not already, check out The hammerfell expansion on the Nexus forum. You can get some great design ideas from that. I do.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2014 22:32 Edited at: 27th Sep 2014 22:33
I hate you !!!

Im so jealous of your talent ..
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Posted: 27th Sep 2014 23:08
@Cosmic Prophet lol will check it out

Thanks, I hate myself too, I don't always gets things right, but I am always pushing to get better, often stop for a few days and do some thing else, doing in arches was beyond simple, use to alwa
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Posted: 28th Sep 2014 08:41 Edited at: 28th Sep 2014 08:48
I thought the floors might be on the bland side even with the interlocking, interlocking does look considerably than the normal floor, with some gravel looks even better, and considering the floor will double as the ceiling for the bottom section of the dungeon, should look great.

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Posted: 28th Sep 2014 09:56
Final screen for a while. The base textures all done ! Now it's simply rearranging and duplicating, There is just one more item on the agenda, before moving on is wall art. Adding some more detail should help a fair bit..

Feedback and crits would be essential now on texturing before I move on, as this then would be the final texture set being used then

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Posted: 28th Sep 2014 19:16
End result of 3 days work so far, pretty happy, However the polygon count for the main hall is 25K, but well worth it !!!!


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Posted: 28th Sep 2014 20:35
Beautiful, once again.

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