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Posted: 2nd Jun 2015 18:51
Quote: "Did you tried "killcount = killcount + 1" , inside the exit(e) part of the ai script? "

no i didnt actually, that would work, i was trying to count from the script which was causing the issue

Quote: "if script unchanged, should there be anything to take in box? All set to 1

it doesn't seem to work past here:
if g_Entity[e]['activated'] == open_unlocked and item_taken == 0 then
Prompt("Press E to take item(s)")

if g_KeyPressE == 1 and door_pressed == 0 then

Prompt("Test place" -- this doesnt happen"

the script works i tested it when i made the changes so make sure you are setting the correct numbers here
Quote: " --set to entity number of items inside crate
local ammoE = 5
local weaponE = 4
local healthE = 3"

you need to place items inside yourself but remove and scripts they have as the box script will handle adding those items once it's opened
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2015 19:01
As the prince of madness
I hereby bequeath to smallg the title "Great Guru Scripting Demon"
blessing of Madness


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Posted: 2nd Jun 2015 19:22
Still can't get it to work

I set items to 1 > put one of each in box > Deleted their scripts

testing: Key picked up > Door Unlocked> Door Open but
When I press E when prompted to take items - I hear item.wav but nothing else happens
sorry to be such a pain
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Posted: 4th Jun 2015 05:07
Amazing scripts SmallG.

Hope you don't mind if I ask for a script sometime.
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Posted: 25th Jun 2015 19:01 Edited at: 28th Sep 2015 12:21
script to display a note

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Posted: 25th Jun 2015 22:11
Thats really cool.
Thank you for that.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2015 14:40 Edited at: 26th Jun 2015 14:40
This is awesome but what if i write the note and scan it? Is there a way to just display an image file (ex; jpeg or bmp) that the player can pick up and read?
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Posted: 26th Jun 2015 18:18
that's what it does do (must be in png format though (instructions are at the top of the script)
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Posted: 26th Jun 2015 19:23
ohh lol i didn't see that at first. awsome!!
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Posted: 27th Jun 2015 09:20
Simply brilliant smallg
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Posted: 27th Jun 2015 17:17
Excellent! Already add it to my level.
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2015 06:46
Ok I got the script code but still cant get the image of the note up and the option to read the note. Would that be something I have to put in the script as well?
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2015 07:07
Hey smallg!
Sorry about the noobie question, but is the actual text on the note an image aswell?
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2015 08:50
Quote: "Sorry about the noobie question, but is the actual text on the note an image aswell?"

I can answer that. Yes.
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2015 09:19
Thanks again !nullptr. You have helped alot over the last couple of days
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2015 18:42
Charlie91427 wrote: "Ok I got the script code but still cant get the image of the note up and the option to read the note. Would that be something I have to put in the script as well?"

i'm not sure i understand your question but i'll give you the process.

1. create 2 image files and name them 000.png and 001.png (@Knicker Thief; these are the actual images that will be displayed on screen so put any text etc on them)
1.a place them in scriptbank\images\note
2. place an entity in GG which looks something like a note (there should be some paper entity in the scenery folder)
2.a make sure it's dynamic and give it the script containing the code from my previous post
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Posted: 8th Jul 2015 08:34
@smallg, thanks for this - awesome stuff.

Is it possible to specify which image to display, rather than cycle through all the images.
So like if you had multiple entities using the same 'note.lua' script, but each one only displayes 1 or 2 of the images in the image/note folder.

I tried putting the image name in the ifused property, but that doesn't work.

Thanks for any help.

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Posted: 8th Jul 2015 18:17
not really, you could possibly use the name field to return the numbers to display but i dont think the script needs to be so complicated for general use

the easiest solution would probably be to rename the script and change the folder which contains the images for each 1 (if it's not repeated images)
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Posted: 9th Jul 2015 07:02
@smallg, ok, that's what I will do.

Many thanks for the reply, and the script.

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Posted: 10th Jul 2015 16:54
smallg, I'm new to coding but you seem VERY good! I love your creations! I am making a game-like a parkour game where you must climb jump and slide on walls, swing on poles. however i don't think i can do any of those . Could you put together some basic code, i could change anything you dont want to make for it, to make a .lua that makes the player be able to climb, a lua for sliding, and a lua for pole swinging. but by pole swinging i mean, you get close,
and it makes you go forward and slightly up to make it look like you swung, doesn't have to literally make you swing. thanks!

sorry for large text .
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Posted: 12th Jul 2015 23:59
Why i got notification (LUA ERROR) No Function called reading_main when i started my game?
i use SmallG Note Script
thanks, im very new at GG
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Posted: 13th Jul 2015 00:13
The name of the script has to be exact as the init and main.
I think you saved the script with the name reading.
The Original script is note. if rename it to note then i think it will work
or change the script. function note_init(e) into function reading.init
and function note_main(e) into function reading.main

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Posted: 13th Jul 2015 01:30
Quote: "The name of the script has to be exact as the init and main.
I think you saved the script with the name reading.
The Original script is note. if rename it to note then i think it will work
or change the script. function note_init(e) into function reading.init
and function note_main(e) into function reading.main


Thanks you, it worked
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Posted: 13th Jul 2015 01:30
Quote: "The name of the script has to be exact as the init and main.
I think you saved the script with the name reading.
The Original script is note. if rename it to note then i think it will work
or change the script. function note_init(e) into function reading.init
and function note_main(e) into function reading.main


Thanks you, it worked
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Posted: 13th Jul 2015 13:37 Edited at: 13th Jul 2015 13:42
Quote: "Is it possible to specify which image to display, rather than cycle through all the images.
So like if you had multiple entities using the same 'note.lua' script, but each one only displayes 1 or 2 of the images in the image/note folder.

I tried putting the image name in the ifused property, but that doesn't work.

Thanks for any help.

i ended up using a version of this in my rabbit game and i used the name field to reference the image to display - only 1 image per entity as i was using it to display "hint" signposts.

so create a folder inside the images folder (in scriptbank) - in this case it's called "instructions" - and call your images 000.png, 001.png etc
place your entity and rename them to
0, 1, 2 etc depending on the last number of the image file name they reference

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Posted: 14th Jul 2015 11:06
Thanks so much, us no coders are very great full mate!!
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Posted: 15th Jul 2015 18:47 Edited at: 11th Dec 2015 23:54
scripts to make the zombies follow waypoints (or wander around if you dont give them any waypoints)

to use give any 'fast'/running zombie the ai_zombie_waypoint_run.lua
and any walking/slow zombie the 'walk' script

*if you get any animation issues please verify the steam cache first (and delete .dbo & .bin files if possible) as the zombies are really bad at downloading correctly*
if you do find any script related bugs or ideas for improvements let me know, i tried to check them all and they seem to all work except the party zombie for me.

edit2: @harry new version added for walking so please update

edit3: final edit i hope - new version for the running script to randomise the attack animation
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Posted: 15th Jul 2015 19:44
that is really cool.
thank you..

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Posted: 16th Jul 2015 19:23
Superb !

I tried to tell the zombies follow the waypoint but I'm not able ^^

Thank you smallg you save me !!
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Posted: 21st Jul 2015 23:32 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2015 23:18
script for text based health bar (might be useful for some1)
you can adjust the values of course but i'm not sure there's an easy equation to work out spacing based on text size so i did it manually)
edit; update to make the health % based - thanks for pointing that out inertia

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2015 19:39
smallg wrote: "note; works best with 100 HP and only works with max of 200 HP otherwise it's off the screen"

Thank you for this very helpful example script, smallg. I've stripped it down for my needs (removed "blip" code and used just one bar) and changed it so that it works off a percentage of health so that the bar is always the same width no matter how much health the player has.

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Posted: 27th Jul 2015 15:03 Edited at: 27th Jul 2015 15:23
i cant get the moving trap to work at all, i put a none static item in put in main the script and says no function called simple trap_main, and i can not get my head around it, any chance of a few pointers as i have tried to explore with lua and having lots of errors, thank you for reading, sb and thank you for any help
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Posted: 27th Jul 2015 15:35
i suggest reading the scripting guide for a starting point but basically you need to rename the functions if you rename the script
if you rename the script to simple_trap.lua
needs to be
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Posted: 27th Jul 2015 15:36 Edited at: 27th Jul 2015 16:20
Quote: "says no function called simple trap_main"

The Lua file has to be the same name as in the script called by init and main.
so if in front the init and main reads simple_trap.
then the script name need also named simple_trap.

Hope this helps.
edit(sorry you was faster then me smallg)
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Posted: 27th Jul 2015 19:40 Edited at: 27th Jul 2015 23:12
yes i sorted that out name and main naming

but then it is saying move value nil, i am not sure where to change the values etc, the script looked tricky, i watched the twitch, very good alas still leaves me baffled, i tried making my own version and crashed gg completely, at least i am trying, i got the rock fall to work but it makes the boulders i have turn to micro stones i changed scale in fpe no joy. i have tried your basic script without changing anything on the trap_simple_01 still no joy and changed the entity settings, strange. it is my first attempts at scripting and adapting scripts, but i must pursevere
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Posted: 8th Aug 2015 18:45 Edited at: 15th Aug 2015 11:57
scripts for a triggered air strike
(at player's location at time of triggering - you'll have to modify it if you want a different target)
0. change the settings in airstrike_bomber.lua as you wish (travel speeds etc)
1. place a trigger zone and give it airstrike_trigger.lua
1.a name it something (e.g. airstrike1)
2. place the plane / entity to do the bombing and give it airstrike_bomber.lua
2.a name it the same as the zone (so you can have more than 1 air strike easily using unique names)
3. place an explodable entity with the script airstrike_bomb.lua near to the bomber entity (needs to be near for the script to register them as belonging to this bomber - no need to rename, script will automatically handle this)
3.a extract and repeat placing bombs for as many as you wish the bomber to drop (given he has enough time to drop them all in 1 pass)

(4) repeat for all desired air strikes but use a new name (note you will need to stack zones (with different names) to get multiple bombers to drop in the same location - you can only have 1 bomber per zone.
(4.a) tweak the settings at step 0

note the bomber allows for a general flyby noise at slot 0 and an unloading noise at slot 1
*remember to set all models to always active = yes and the bombs to explodable*
*this script is a 1 time use, once the run is complete that is the end of that air strike regardless of if it misses or still has bombs etc*

*edit* updated to work correctly with multiple drops and edited the dropping so it now doesnt rely on the player still being in range to drop (so it will always drop even if you move away)
(only bomber script is changed)

you can grab the files from the attachment but for any1 who wants to check the code



happy bombing
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Posted: 8th Aug 2015 19:09
I have a feeling that you enjoy this, and I like that.
I also enjoy with your scripts and learn a lot from them.
Thanks for sharing mate.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2015 20:02
I'm having trouble opening the pages to the scripts mentioned in the first post, can anyone help? The pages just don't load
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Posted: 9th Aug 2015 11:21
Hi Nathan38,
just browse trough the 9 pages of smallg scripts some example scripts for ideas and then you will find all the scripts he made.and are listed on the fisrt page
The pages are there just the link is not correct anymore.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2015 23:42
the airstrike scripts work really well smallg. The bomber will also drop mixed payloads, which was interesting, it drops them in the same order you placed them in the editor, and they don't have to be explosive. Might be some other very interesting uses for this nice job. many thanks.
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Posted: 12th Aug 2015 15:58 Edited at: 12th Aug 2015 20:08
Ok big edit.

I have 4 planes named airstrike1, airstrike2, airstrike3, airstrike4
They are spread very far apart and each has 3 barrels near them. see screenshot.

i have 4 trigger zones with the same 4 names that are separated.

All scripts are in their proper places including plane and drop sounds.

I have followed your directions to the T.

What is happening:
I run down into that valley...and trigger the first airstrike (airstrike1) and it flies in and drops about 7 or 8 barrels.........and nomne of the rest trigger at all.

I have reloaded the map and tried.........I double checked all scripts names and "alwayson" properties and its all correct........then i just restated GG and loaded the difference.

any clues? Ive gotten decent at troubleshooting many self written scripts to learn but this one has cost me already 6 hours and im not finding a change in anything. The oinly changes to the script itself was the numbers at the top.

in your video you had 2 stacked zones to trigger both.........ive separated the on purpose because I dont want them flying through each other. separating them this way achieves the time delay required to make it look good but........
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Posted: 15th Aug 2015 11:51
thanks for reporting, fixed now
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Posted: 15th Aug 2015 15:00 Edited at: 15th Aug 2015 16:51
script for 'pick now, use later' med kits.
*note you should add line 43 to a global or hide 1 medkit somewhere out of reach of the player while always active so that the prompt displaying how many kits you have left is always shown otherwise when you use your last kit the message will disappear too*

allows for sound 0 to be the pick up noise (collected effect like normal) and sound 1 for the healing noise (applying bandage etc)

custom settings to allow for going above maximum hp with optional decay back to max hp (decay gets faster if you use more than 1 kit to temporarily boost your hp above max)

set the desired heal amount using the strength field, no need to adjust the fpe. (note this might cause issues with you not dying correctly or not removing the red screen, needs some more testing)

tells you the name and how much it will restore when picking it up (note there's no way to cycle your medkits yet so it just uses the last one you picked up first, obviously this script shouldn't be needed once we get a real inventory system)

i have given more instructions on how to use the different settings in the script.

edit; forgot to say, by default it's 'e' to pick up and then 'o' to use a stored med kit (changeable in the script)

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Posted: 15th Aug 2015 16:35
Very nice! I just tried it out and it's much more natural to pick up and hold on to the medkits for later use. Great script with loads of comments, thanks smallg!
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Posted: 18th Aug 2015 13:01

fish that follow waypoints and attack if you enter the water

note they need animation of 0 ~ 20 for a swimming effect (if yours are different then change line 34 -
Quote: "SetAnimationFrames(0,20)"

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Posted: 18th Aug 2015 15:22
Thank you Smallg This is really cool.

I've also made a fish, a trout, but nice to test on.


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Posted: 18th Aug 2015 16:59
Awesome smallg!, you Both have solved my problem.

Thanks a lot

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Posted: 19th Aug 2015 02:37
Thank you smallg.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2015 08:18
So much in this thread has made my sad attempt of a game come alive. A big Thank You.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2015 08:19
So much in this thread has made my sad attempt of a game come alive. A big Thank You.

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