GameGuru Store Sellers / [STICKY] New Store Option.

New sellers board

Please start using the new sellers board on the store community site, store staff will no longer be checking threads here.

Use new sellers forum

Scene Commander
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Posted: 4th Jun 2016 13:02
Hi all,

We've been discussing the store and have realised recently that many of our more advanced users would like the option of purchasing more complicated scripts from the store. Up until now all scripts must work out of the box so that users of any level of skill can instantly use them.

We now feel that as the product grows so does the needs of our users. So, with this in mind, we've added a new tickbox (which can be used for anything but will mainly apply to scripts). If you want to upload something to the store that requires additional work from the end user to get it working. (For example, several scripts that need to be attached to 2 or more models to get working, or scripts that must be triggered in a set order), simply tick the box marked:

This object requires advanced user knowledge

That will alert the admin staff that the user has been warned that they will need a deeper understanding of GameGuru to use the object.

However (and there has to be one). The artist must supply an FPM using default media demonstrating the script and full instructions. Any script or object that takes more than 10 minutes to be fully tested will simply be rejected, so it's in your interest to make sure that the store admin's time is used wisely.

If you've any questions, please feel free to ask.


i7-4770s 3.10ghz - Geforce GTX 650ti
Pirate Myke
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Location: El Dorado, California
Posted: 4th Jun 2016 15:40
Noted. Very cool.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 8gb RAM, Nvidia gtx660, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Screen resolution 1680 x 1050.

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